Chapter 8

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I walk up to this cute cafe on campus. I see Fogell nervously waiting for me at a table. His leg is twitching profusely and he's looking around.

Fogell- " look amazing."

Fogell's jaw completely dropped and his eyes sparkled when he looked at me. I can feel another one of his grins coming.

Jenna- "Thanks, you look amazing yourself."

He smells like too much aftershave.

Fogell- "I've never been here before, you picked a great spot haha."

Jenna- "It's almost like we're freshmen here and we've never been to these places before."

I mess with him.

Jenna- "So what are you craving? This menu looks bomb."

Fogell- "You."

He said it under his breath, but I heard it loud and clear.

As I scanned the menu, I could feel his eyes on my chest.

Jenna- "Wanna get burgers?"

I interrupt his wandering eyes.

Fogell- "Hell yeah, I didn't think chicks were into that."

Jenna- "Cmon everyone likes burgers...even vegans can't resist."

We ordered and enjoyed our meals, but burgers weren't the only thing I was hungry for. We chatted and joked the night away. He told me about his Dolly Parton bobblehead collection and I told him about my sixth grade Ted Bundy shrine. That one almost scared him off.

By the end of the night, my stomach was tight from laughing so hard. We just vibed so effortlessly, and he's so easy to talk to. I don't feel judge by him; I feel like I can be my true self.

This was our first date but certainly not our last.

Fogell- "I gotta take you somewhere."

Jenna- "Lead the way."

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