Chapter One

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~My name is Jenny Emily Rose, and last summer my daddy the baseball player send me to the store to buy some supplies for back to school the list said that I needed some pencils erasers a notebook and a pencil box and I came back with a cat.
This is what happened: I walked into the pencil box section of the Supplies Store to pick out two pencil boxes and I bumped right into the store manger. He was standing there all red~faced, screaming and waving his arms around. "Who let a cat in here?" he kept on shouting. "Who let a dirty cat in here?" at first, I didn't see the cat. There were just a lot of pencils on the floor, pencils erasers and pencil sharpeners. And there was what seemed like a whole army of The Supply Store employees running around waving their arms just the same way the store manager was waving his. And then the cat came running around the cor-
ner. she was a little cat. And ugly.  She looked like she was having a real good time. Her paw look like it was broken and she was meowing and meowing. She skid- ed to a stop and smiled right at me. I had never before in my life seen a cat smile, but is what she did. She pulled back her lips and showed me all her teeth. She ran so hard that she knocked some crayons off a display, and they went flying everywhere, mixing the pencil boxes with the rulers in with the erasers and color pencils and puzzles. The manger screamed, "somebody grab that
The cat went running over to the manager, with her bro-ken paw and smiling. She stood up on her paws. You could tell that all she wanted to do was get
face to face with the manager and think him for the good time she was having in the pencil box section but somehow she end up scratching the managers face. And the manager must been having a bad
day, because lying there on the floor, right in front
of everybody, he started to cry. The cat walked over to him, real concerned, and Meowed right in front of him. "Please," said the store manager. "Somebody call the pound."
Wait a minute!" I hollered that is my cat.
Don't call the pound."
All the supply store employees turned around and looked at me, I knew I had done something big. And maybe stupid, too. But I couldn't help it. I couldn't let that cat go to the pound. "Here girl," I said. The cat stopped scratching the manager's face and
put her tail up in the air and looked at me, like she was trying to remember where she knew me from.
"Here girl," I said again. And then I figured that the cat was probably just like everyone else in the world, that she want to get called by a name, only name that came into my head. I said here, Charlie."
And the cat came running over to me just like she had been doing her whole life. The manager sat up and gave me a hard stare, like maybe I was making fun of him.
"it's her name," I said. ," Honest. The manager said, " Don't  bring a cat into the supply store?"
"Yes sir," I told him. "She got in by mistake. I'm sorry. It won't happen again.
"Come on, Charlie," I said to the cat.
I started walking and she followed me along behind me as I went out of the pencil box section and down the maker section and past all the cashiers and
out the door.
Once we were safe outside, I checked her over real carefully and she didn't look that good. She was little but skinny; you could see her ribs. And there were bald patches all over her, places  where she didn't have  any fur at all. Mostly, she looked like a little pieces of old brown carpet that had been left out in the rain. "You're a mess,"  "I bet you don't belong to anybody."  She smiled at me. She did that thing were she pulled back her lips and showed her teeth. She smiled so big that it made her sneeze. It was like she was saying something funny,  " I know I'm a mess. Isn't it funny?" It's hard not to immediately fall in love with a cat who has good sense of humor.
"Come on," I told her. "Let's see what the baseball player has to say about you."
And the two of us, me and Charlie, started walking home.

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