Chapter Five

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~ Charlie couldn't stand to be left alone, we
found that our real quick. If me and the baseball player went off and left him by himself in the trailer, he pulled all the cushions off the couch and all the
toilet paper off the roll. So we started letting her
sleep outside with a bed and let her sleep in it when
we left. That did work. Charlie until Samuel,
Mrs. Detweller's dog started howling and didn't
let Charlie sleep. It was exactly the kind of noise that
people in an all adult trailer park do not like to heat.
"He just doesn't want to left alone," I told the
baseball player. "That's all. Let's take her with us."
I could understand the way Charlie felt. Getting
left behind probably made her heart feel empty.
After a while, the baseball player gave in. And every
where we went, we took Charlie. Even to
Citi Field.
Baseball Stadium of New York City isn't a regular-
looking stadium. Buiused be a shopping mall
place, and when you walk in the front door, the first
thing you see is the food court. It's beautiful little red
tiles all over the walls that make it more shiner and
big that says New York City Mall."
The Baseball player tried panting over those tiles, but the letters won't stay covered up, and so the baseball player has just given up and let them be.
The other thing about the mall that is different from
other malls is there aren't any paws. People bring
in their own money so they can buy what ever they
want, so sometime it looks like more like a baseball
game or sitting at home watching the baseball game
instead of being at the game. it's kind of a strange
place to be at and I thought Charlie would fit right in. But the first we brought Charlie to the baseball game. The baseball player told me to leave her at the locker room.
"Why did we bring her all the way here just to leave
her at the locker room?" I asked the baseball player.
"Because the cat don't belong in a baseball stadium,"
the baseball player said." "That's why." She leave Charlie in the locker room and said how there was
lots of toys for her to play with and it ought to
work out real good.
Well, it didn't. the baseball players started and there was some yelling and some hitting and some kicking,
and then the baseball player started patching. And he  wasn't but two or three patches into the game
when there was terrible coming straight to the batter.
baseball player  tried to ignore the other team from calling him names.
"Today," he said
meeeeeoooowww," said Charlie back.
"Please," said the baseball player. Meeeeowwwww
wailed Charlie.
Everyone turned up out of there sit and looked right at me said go shut your cat up please. Emily," said
the baseball player.
"Meeeeeeow," said Charlie.
"Yes sir?" I said.
"Go shut your cat!" he yelled.
"Yes sir!" I yelled back.
I went inside the locker room and gave Charlie some
food and brought her outside, and sat her down beside me and smiled up at the baseball player and the baseball player couldn't help it; he smiled back.
Charlie had that effect on him.
And so the baseball player started yelling at me.
And Charlie to set there and watch the game she wiggling her ears this way and that, trying to catch all the baseballs. And everything would have been
all right, the Mets were winning the game until the other team catches up to them. All the people were booing at the other team. They were mad that the
other team was going to win the game when my daddy was crying that he wad going to lose me and Charlie walked away and want inside the locker room we saw lots of cool stuff to see in here, to touch and when the game was over baseball game was over
I saw the team crying because the lost the game and I told them cheer up guys I said you will get them next time and everyone said good advice I told them thank you and my dad was so proud of me for giving them advice and we went out to eat after the game at some restaurant the I can't pronounce, the food was so good and the drinks was so good too. Me and the baseball player said we will come back next time," you will start school soon also you will be in first grade that's right I said to the baseball player. He said to me you will go to a performing arts school where all young kids that become professional actor or movie stars" I was so happy my dad picked the right school for me to go to here in New York! I can't wait to see how big my new school is.

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