Angels & Outlaws (Ch 3. Knowledge)

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Jetfire dragged the Angels through the bustling streets of the castle littered with scores of surprisingly avant-garde marketplaces, stores, boutiques, and restaurants. Stella nearly made the tracks, when she saw a sophisticated bling and trinket shop, but she resisted the urge to. She felt it was otherworldly how people would consistently take a few moments to bow to the members of royalty in the group, comment about them looking fetching, and make space for them to pass. Then, Stella suddenly stopped walking; she detected whispers in the air- people were gossiping about her, Crystal, Warrior, and Wolf.

"They're not Royals."

Way to be obvious, Warrior snarked.

"Maybe Jetfire is dating one of them."

Never in a million years, Crystal flared.

"Yah, right. Jetfire goes for only the best. Not those mops."


[This made the author laugh and salvaged this sorry excuse of a story.]


Ow, Crystal and Warrior chorused.

"What about the guy?"

"Looks like he's got a crush on Storm!"

"That's sad."

No duh, Warrior and Stella said.

Shush, Crystal shot at them.

"Everyone knows about her being head over heals for him."

What..., Stella drawled.

"Joseline! I told you that book was fiction!"

"Puh, please! There must be a root of truth in it!"

Wait, what? Storm is in a BOOK?! About ROMANCE!!! Stella squealed.

[If the gods are famous enough to have romance fanfiction written about them, then they should be swamped by mortal fangirls and fanboys right now.]


Cutting off connection, Crystal spoke.

Of course, there's a dude in front of us, Warrior remarked.

They said truth: a handsome, raven-haired asian male had approached them- and was standing right in front of Stella. She immediately blanched out, forgetting how to speak. "Good morning, Stormy, Jas, Al, and Jet", he spoke loosely, with an unexpected heavy Russian accent.

[Asian male with a heavy Russian accent. Just take a moment to consider the logistics of how that occurred and then scold the author for not giving this amazing mans at least a line of backstory.]


The four said at the same time, "Hi, Joshua".

[Their verbal coordination is creepy, and the reader cannot convince the author otherwise.]


"You're looking great today. Well, more like knock-out gorgeous, but don't tell the guys over there," he gestured at a group of quarreling men sharing a restaurant table, "They were arguing over asking you out. Not like that's going to work out. Your independence and wit will scramble their brains," Joshua declared confidently to Storm, causing her to crack a smile.

It was clear that they all knew each other quite well. Stella turned her gaze to Wolf and gulped....He was glaring viciously at Joshua, who hadn't taken notice or decided to ignore him.

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