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"The 5 universes"

Interesting.. I opened the book and started reading.

Once a long, long time ago God, The Creator of life itself decided it was hard ruling all alone. Over everything. All hell had broke loose between the different species and beings. He decided it would be best to separate them all. And so therefore he created the so-called 5 universes. All of the universes got assigned a ruler to watch over everyone. Genomia got assigned Edgar, Sendia got Yama, Horena – Zen, Rigdum – Dante and Milky Way got *****

What the hell? Why is our ruler crossed out? I started looking at the different chapters until I found one about our universe.

Milky way

He created the Milky way for humans. Humans were one of the smallest and less intelligent species. Therefor he created their home planet "Earth." Humans won't need to interact with others and won't be physically able to visit them. This is so that they won't have to interact with the seruls again and won't cause each other any more harm.

Who are the seruls? I am so lost right now but this is so intriguing. I was reading more about the Milky way until I heard something. I think Edgars is back.

I was making my way down the big stairs when he entered the Library. "Are you in here?" He asked looking around. I was still on the second floor but I yelled in response "UP HERE!" He got up way faster than I ever could. "I have some updates about what is happening." That made me intrigued. "What updates?" I asked. He then sighed and started speaking: "Basically someone bad opened the portal in your world. I don't know what he's after but I can confirm it's him." Who is this him I wondered? "Also I think I might know where your friend is but it won't be easy to get to him." That made me feel relieved but sad at the same time. "It doesn't matter how hard it is I must find him." He nodded and said: "Are you ready for this? It will be a long journey."

We arrived at some high mountain until Edgar put me down. "This is where you have to go on your own." Excuse me? What? "Alone? ALONE? What do you mean alone? I don't even know what I'm supposed to do or where to go and you expect me to go alone?" I ranted. He chuckled but soon became serious. "You have to listen to me very carefully." I obviously did. " From here you're gonna get lost and you're gonna be scared, but you cant and I repeat cant give up. The main goal for you is to get to a planet named 'SLUMP'" What is he saying. "And how do you expect me to get there?" "I assume you found the book about the 5 universes already yes?" I nodded. "Good. That means you have a good head start. You're gonna have to travel through them to get there. But you've already gotten through Genomia." 

I am so lost. "What about my friend? Why is he not here? Is he in another universe?" He looked at me and said: "Correct. You are a very smart human. He somehow managed to get through here. I assume he's in Horena. Don't worry the ruler there is nice. I have to warn you about Yama and Dante. They won't be very nice. Once you get to Hornea your friend should be there. Look for someone named Zen. She will explain more." And with that, he left. What the hell. What am I even supposed to do now? I get that I need to get to Jisung, but how do I get there? I looked around the top of the mountain. I saw nothing until I noticed this one unique rock. It was a pretty shade of blue. I bend down to pick it up but as soon as I touched it I blacked out.

I could now open my eyes but my surroundings were completely different. Everything was completely black. I was just surrounded by darkness. I think I'm floating in space right now. How am I breathing? I have no clue. I guess this is what Edgar meant by getting lost. I wish I could have read more about the other universes. What does Horena even look like? How do I get there? I guess all I can do is just swim around in the darkness until I get somewhere.

I've been going around for what feels like hours and I still see no light or anything. I want to go home so badly. I'm scared. No, actually I'm terrified. I miss my family and Gowon.. I wonder what she's up to. Did I go missing? Is it chaos on Earth? I guess I'll never know..

I was losing all hope until something appeared far away in the darkness. It was a white dot. I got so excited so I started going as fast as I can towards it. It got bigger, and bigger until I basically got swallowed by the light. I shut my eyes and after a while, I opened them. Where am I now? I'm on the ground. I'm surrounded by what is this? Purple sand? The sky is pink? It looks so pretty but where am I? I got up and looked around. There is literally nothing here. I feel so lonely and scared. Do I have to walk around alone again? I'm exhausted and hungry. After I started walking my vision got blurry and I think I fainted.

Jisung's POV

Zen explained to me that Nari should be here very soon and that I don't need to worry. That made me so relieved. I got too excited and said I wanted to look for her now. So she took me to where I first entered. There wasn't anyone here. I guess we came too early. We left shortly after but I didn't want to wait anymore so I told Zen that I'll just wait for her there. She took me back to the purple sand but I saw something else there. Is that a rock or something? It looks like.. a person? It's NARI?!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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