Chapter 4

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"Pasta or Burger?"


We're here at the cafeteria where everything is so chaotic, messy and crowded… And I hate it. If only we are allowed to go outside the campus cause I prefer eating there than staying in this place. Plus the food here is so expensive. Dana is on the counter ordering our food while I'm looking after our seats. I was just chilling with my phone when a person sat in front of me, banged his hand on the table that startled me.

"What is your problem?!" I asked glaring at him.

"Why so mad?" He asked in return OBVIOUSLY TEASING ME cause the devil is smirking on my face right now

"What do you want?!" I asked gruffly.

"Nothing. Just a space to eat my snacks" he said coolly while making himself comfortable on his seat.

"There are vacant tables around! Go sit somewhere else!" I told him irritatedly. I feel my blood boiling and this guy is causing it! So annoying!

"I want to sit here. Can't I?" 

"Yes you can't! So could you please go??" I snapped at him but he just chuckled and that made me even more annoyed so I can't help but roll my eyes at him. I decided to ignore his existence. Pretending that no one is in front of me.

I was taken by surprise when he sighed and stood up, took his things and place it all back in his backpack and looked at me. I suddenly felt guilty for being rude at him.

"I should go now since YOU CLEARLY DON'T WANT ME HERE. *sigh*" 

Oh no! Did I go too far? Am I too rude? I didn't really mean to offend him that much! What should I do?! Should I apologize?! I—

"Nice seeing you again Miss, who owns a black belt of taekwondo but can't protect herself from a small dog" 

Please somebody stop me before I can kill someone!!! My guilt eventually dissipated! I glared at him for the nth time and tried kicking his foot but he managed to step away so I missed it. He laughed at me and looked at me with his annoying grin before leaving. I feel so irritated at myself for feeling guilty of what I told him when he actually deserved it! Gash! I'm on my wit's end!

A couple more minutes had passed, Dana went back to our table carrying our food. She seems so confused, prolly confused of why do I look like an erupting volcano in a human form. She asked me if something's wrong while handing me my food. I told her about him and even what happened last night due to my frustration.


Great! I can't believe it! Dana is laughing her ass out right now. -_-

"Are you really my friend?? Cause I don't think you are! You demon!!"

"I'm sorry I just find it so funny, especially that part when he told you that you're a taekwondo player who can't protect herself Pfft- from a small dog HAHAHA"

"YAH! I HATE YOU! You know what? We're not friends anymore! I'm cutting ties with you! Go away! Oh! Why don't you just befriend that guy huh?! Since both of you are so mean"

I rolled my eyes and pouted. I also ignored her cause she kept teasing me even when we arrived in our classroom. And my soul is about to retire. I know it.


"So he is handsome?" I asked again while walking beside her

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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