Chapter 1

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One brush stroke, one color, one piece of canvas, one artist. That is all it takes to create a new reality. A new world, one purely made of imagination.

I set the brush down admiring my work. A sunset over a field of vermilion roses. V had just requested it, it was for a friend he had said. "Sonic!?" I listened as he shuffeled into the studio. "Yeah Ames? What is it?" He was covered in paint, chalk, and dust. "Can you get Vladimir on the phone for me? Also while your at it you might want to change your shirt, it's a mess." He grinned, "If you want me to take my clothes off you only have to ask Ames." He started to strip his shirt off, revealing well toned abs and a perfect chest. I threw my paint brush at him, "You know what I meant you perv." He ducked and grinned at me, I looked back at the painting trying to ignore him.

Unfazed by my outburst he went to get V on the phone, I never understood why he acted like such a playboy. "Here Ames." He handed the phone to me, I held it up to my ear and waited for V to pick up.

"Hello? Vladimir Tod's residence how may I be of service?"

I twirled finger around in my hair, still studying the painting. "Hey it's me Amy. The painting you requested is finished."

"Oh Amy! Thank you. I was wondering how it would turn out."

A knock sounded at the studio door, I got up and headed towards it. "Yes well you aren't very specific in your order descriptions V."

I heard him as he chuckled over the phone. I opened the door, not surprised to see him standing there with his phone to his ear.

"I trust you Amelia. You are known for your artistic abilities." He stepped inside and held me in a friendly embrace. He was icy cold as always.

"Hmmm. You smell sparky today Amelia, you have too much adrenaline in your blood stream." I sighed and stepped back.

"Well it seems being a witch and all I always have too much adrenaline." It was true, witch's blood had more adrenaline than the average mobian or any other creature for that matter. (Vampires, Wereanimals, Elves, etc..) In fact that was what made us so powerful, our adrenaline gave us the energy we needed to cast spells and potions. It also made us highly tasteful for vampires, they were known for their preferences towards our kind.

V's gaze swept over my appearance, causing me to shiver. a vampires gaze always felt like snow and cold gusts of wind. "So where is this new masterpiece?" I smiled and lead him through the studio to my corner where I kept most of my finished works.

"Hey Vlad! Long time no see!" Somic came bouding out of the washroom, a new shirt on, and a silly grin on his face.

"Ahhh. Hello Werehog. How has life treated you?" V's nose flared, he was always polite towards Sonic, of course he was they were friends but his stench always seemed to bother V. He his his revulsion very well.

"Pretty well mate. I've got this gorgeous sorceress by my side and a pack to lead. Life has treated me very well." He grabbed me by the waist and held me close. "I'm a witch not a sorceror and we aren't a couple.' I pushed him off, blood rushed into my cheeks.

I saw V tense. His icy gaze studied my blushing face with an intensity. "I'm sorry V." I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves for the sake of my friend. It was like a starving man trying to restrain himself from eating a wonderfully cooked meal. Somtimes I wondered how V did it, after telling me what it was like I always felt a wealth of sympathy towards him, his life was a tortureous one.

"Tis' alright Amelia. I can contain myself." He smiled. Revealing his pearly white fangs. I studied my vampiric friend. His black fur, his iridescent purple eyes, his fluffy cat ears.

Sonic coughed, I shook my head. "Sorry got lost in my thoughts for a moment. The paintings right over there." I pointed towards the the pedestal with the canvas on it.

V and Sonic approached it, Sonic trying to start a conversation and V desperately trying to ignore him by studying the artwork.

I moved from the room into the washroom. The need to release my energy was starting to press on my every move. I splashed cold water on my face from the basin, I dried my face and gazed into the mirror.

A femal hedgehog stared back at me. Her pastel pink curls held tightly ina pony tail, only the bangs were left out to frame her face. Two shining emerrald colored eyes, long lashes, and rosy pink lips.

That's what people saw on the outside, a normal looking woman. Nothing special or striking about her.

"Heh except for the fact the you're a witch." I wiped of the remaining droplets of water. Another surge of energy coursed through me. I squeezed my eyes shut waiting for it to pass. Once it did I left the washroom and headed back into the studio.

"Hey Ames Vlad left. He said he could smell you and it was too difficult to focus, sense he hasn't fed in a while."

I noddd . Though I knew perfectly well that V could control himself, he most likely left for one of his mysterious missions. "Sonic I'm going to go home early today, is that fine with you?' "Yeah Ames. Go have fun." He winked at me. I smiled weakly at him and walked towards the door grabbing my purse and sweater on the way out. Once I stepped out the door I felt the tingle of electricity. Another witch was watching me. I ignored it, it was probably Sally the Squirrel, ready to pester me to come to one of her "Gatherings." I started walking down the street away from the electric gaze. "Amy! Amy wait!" I sighed into my sweater, I turned around to see none other than Sally running towards me a false smile plastered on her face. Her auburn hair was not in it's usual flouncing pony tail, instead it was draped over her shoulders and some hanging in her face, she had on some kind of black cape , it billowed behind her as she ran.

"Hello Sally. What is it you want?" I tried to sound polite but I was starting to get fidgety. 'I was hoping you would want to come with me and a few other witches to a local pub."

Really? Why does she always persist to persue a friendship with me?

"No. I'm sorry I'm too busy." I lied and turned to walk away. I felt her hand grab my shoulder and hold me back.

'You can't ignore us forever Amy, you are a witch and witches can't be alone especialliy with mobians and wereanimals as there only company. You keep isolating yourself and some of us will becom suspiscious." She paused briefly, "The same that happened to your parents will happen to you..."

Anger built up inside of me with every word she said, I yanked my arm out of her grasp. "Don't touch me." I tilted my head slightly towards her. "And don't ever mention my parents again."

I walked away, my footsteps echoed down empty street full of apartments. It took all of my willpower not to blast her to ashes right there on the spot. I walked passed a group of people, they stared at me. I was different, not normal, unlike them. Not...Mobian and they were right...I am a monster.

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