Chapter 2

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I had forgotten my keys.... It was a thirty minute walk to and from the parking lot to the studio, it helped to tire me out keeping my powers at bay. I stared at the inside of my car, my red checkered coat resting on the drivers seat.

I shivered, it was too cold, I should have brought my coat with me. Ice snow fell on my face and shoulders, but there was no snow falling from the sky. Someone was watching me, something was watching me.

Vampire. I stayed calm, I couldn't risk another adrenaline spike it would only entice him or her. I acted as if I was clueless to their presence. The arctic eyes studied my every move. I looked up casually, searching for the owner of the freezing gaze.

Bloodred eyes met mine. My heart skipped a beat and my blood stilled in my veins. A small smile graced his lips. He was tall, muscular, terrifying. He made Vladimir look scrawny and childlike.

I bolted, my instincts taking over. Run! Run! RUN! I dropped my purse but I didn't go back for it, all it had were some sketches and scribbled reminders.

I skid to a stop and dove into an alley way. My pulse pounding in my chest, my breathing was labored. I needed to calm down, he would easily find me if I stayed like this.

"Hello." I jumped up, he was standing right beside me holding my purse. I cleared my throat, "Hi." Hi? Really Hi? You meet a murder machine and all you can muster from your vast amount of pride is, Hi?

"You dropped your purse." He held it out to me, I hestitated then reached for it, careful not to touch his hand. Because that's all it took a gentle touch, a heated look, a few whispered words, and bon appetíte...You're the main course.
"My name is Shadow Salvatore." He smiled at me politely. His fangs gleamed . I tensed, he noticed my discomfort and stopped smiling.
"My name is Amelia-Amelia Rose." I tried to smile at him in return but the muscles in my face wouldn't move. I just stared at him, totally transfixed.
He is a hedgehog, like Sonic, except he was darker, a midnight ebony color. The red streaks that I had mistaked for blood were actually quills that coursed along with his black ones. His stanse was broad but lean. He towered over me. I knew I was tall for a female (5'8) , but this hedgehog was a giant. At least 6'8 I'd say.

Wait-he's talking. At least his lips were moving so he must be saying something.
"...Admirer of your work. I enjoy your portrait of Lady Boleyn. You capture her likeness in a way that I have yet to see."
He was complimenting me.
"So you fancy art?" I asked intrigued, suddenly interested instead of scared, not many vampires cared for art believe it or not. Most of them found genetics or science more to their liking. Anything that went "Boom!" Or involved blood they were there.

He nodded probably relieved that I wasn't standing like a statue anymore.
"Yes I have known many famous artists personally." He took a step closer. I took one back. Becoming once again wary of his presence.
"What is it that you want Mr.Salvatore?" My voice came out rough, strong. I stood straighter looking at him right in his unnervingly red eyes.
"Ahh. I was hoping we could stay polite Miss Rose. But I will be strictly proffesional sense that is what you seem to want." I nodded confirming his suspiscions. His eyes dulled, the kind stranger melting away. He crossed his arms, the muscles in his biceps bulged. He was trying to intimidate me. I can play that game to. I let my pent up energy bubble to the surface, I could feel my body begin to give off a light shimmer, my eyes and hands began to spark sending currents of energy. It was so relieving and revulting.

His eyes widened in surprise, but he smothered it with a look of nonchalance. I smirked I could tell my new appearance was getting under his skin. "As I asked before... What is it you want? Vampire." I hissed the last word out like it was venom.

"The journal. Well the Rose Journal to be precise, do not deny having it. I know the customs of witches you must have inherited it on your sixteenth birthday....And you are obviously older than sixteen." He raked his gaze over my feminine curves.

"That is not yours to have." I turned abruptly, hurrying to get out og the alleyway. I didn't want to be alone with him for one more second.

Thankfully he didn't follow me. I felt.....Disappointed? "Get real Amy." I scolded myself. I sighed as I headed towards my apartment.


I finally reached the apartment, my fingers were frozen even though just moments ago they were technically on fire. I walked up to the front desk. Smiling at the doorman, Tails.

"Hey Tails." I greeted him, he looked up. His gaze felt like the pressure of an embrace somtimes even a kiss. (Though I would never tell him that.) He smiled, "Hey Ames. How was work with the Beast?" I chuckled at his joke, "He was behaving...Well as much as a werehog can behave."

He chuckled giving me that understanding look, "And how's my favorite daemon?" He shrugged but grinned. He rarely ever grinned, it let his dimples show. I missed those dimples.

I looked at him suspisciously grinning as well. "Ok I'll bite what's up?"
"I finally mustered the courage to ask Cream out." At first I didn't understand what he said but once it filtered through my thoughts.
I squealed with excitement, "Oh that's great Tails! I'm so proud of you! But more importantly what did she say?"

His face fell and he looked down at the marble desk top. "Tails, what happened?" Worry filled my heart for him.
"Well-um- She heh She said YES!!!" He jumped up temporarily surprising me. Then I started jumping for joy as well.

"Oh that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you!" His silly grin was beautiful and contagious, it handsomely complimented his usually sullen. Ever since Cosmo.....I mentally slapped myself, I wasn't going to depressing memories dampen this moment.

A big yawn escaped and my eyes teared up. Tails nodded, "Yep you should get some sleep we can talk more tomorrow." I nodded agreeing with his youthful wisdom.

"Yeah today has been quite tiring in a thrilling kinda way."

"Well being a magical creature and all life is definitely anything but boring."

After my short chat with Tails. I headed up the stairs to 14B, home sweet home. I turned the key in the nod listening for the click. I pushed on the door and sighed. My safe haven, my book nook, and my personal art studio.

I slipped out of my sweater and set my purse on the coffee table. I trudged to my bedroom not even bothering to change into pajamas. Once I hit the bed I instantly fell into the sweet escape of sleep.

A Rose VendettaWhere stories live. Discover now