Chapter 3

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I followed her to her apartment, though it wasn't necessary I could easily track her by her unique scent. She had a cautious pride in her walk, and a certain confidence in her demeanor. It was very becoming, it reminded me of a time when all women walked like that, women of status and value.

"...Oh Tails that's Great!!" I could over hear her congratulate the daemon, they must be close friends. They finished their conversation and she tread the stairs to a higher level of the apartment complex. I crawled up the brick wall, my back facing the bakery beside it. She stopped and I did as well, I could hear the turning of a key. She walked in, she set her belongings down. Afterwards she headed towards what I assume is her bedroom to sleep.

I opened the window leading into her home, this must be the kitchen. I carefully glided into the room. The tiled floor cold on my bare feet, I couldn't risk wearing shoes they made too much noise, even for a vampire.

I scanned my surroundings, the kitchen was connected to the living room. It made a cozy living space. I walked silently down the hall and into the bedroom.

There she lay. Still fully clothed shoes and all, her hair draped carelessly across a white satin pillow, her mouth slightly opened and her eyes closed leaving her long lashes to rest on her pale muzzle. Light seemed to flow from her like a river, giving her a soft angelic aura. She looked serene, peaceful almost.

I was captivated, I had always heard of witch light but in all my years of life never had I once had the chance to even glimpse it. Many said it was a rare and powerful gift, but no one ever told me quite how beautiful it could be.

No one told me how beautiful she could be. She looked timeless, tantalizing. She seemed unreal like a fantasy.

Remember why you came here. You aren't supposed to be distracted by pretty witches.

I frowned and looked away, I searched for the Rose journal. It had to be here she was the only direct descendent left. I looked closely at everything, moving a few objects, reaching out with my senses, my friend had told me that if the journal was so old and handled by so many magical hands the magic they held would leave a slight but noticeable taint.

But each time I tried all I sensed was her, this majestic creature lying before me. She hadn't showed me the full extent to her powers before- No that was only a brief moment, like looking through a key hole. I knew she was capable of much more.

I found myself standing to the side of her bed, right in front of her. Her brows were knit, as if she was dreaming of something that upset her, a low whimper escaped her lips and her whole body twitched. Could she feel me watching her?

I gazed down her feminine length, she shivered in response.

"How curious." My whispered words barely audible, "How very curious indeed."

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