Chapter 5

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Well, I never thought that something as awkward as this would happen. I sat across from Shadow, hungrily devouring my vanilla muffin. He watched me intrigued, as if he had never seen someone eat a muffin. When I swallowed he gagged. I apologized, I don't know why but I did.

"There's no need to apologize Miss Rose. In fact it is I who should be doing so." I nodded like I understood then took a sip of my chamomile tea. He watched as I did this too, I felt a drop of the tea travel down my neck. His eyes followed that drops movement over my chin, and down over where the skin covered the pulsing vein in my neck. He inhaled deeply, his pupils dilated. Then catching my gaze he looked away...Ashamed.

"Well it looks like I should be the one to apologize again...I'm sorry, if I made you uncomfortable forgive me please." But I didn't feel uncomfortable, in fact I was fascinated, I wanted to find out why he was reacted so intensely to me. 

"What do I smell like?"

He snapped his head back towards me, surprised that I would ask such a question. "That is a daring thing to ask a vampire Amelia."  I almost expected him to get upset by the way he had said it. Instead he smiled.

"You smell like fresh water and honeysuckle." I blushed, not because of what he said. No, because of the way he was leaning in towards me, he gently sniffed the air and hummed deep in his throat. "And when I smell it, I feel like a man dying of thirst. Yet i'm close enough to touch you, so close but so far."

I gulped, never knew that a vampire could be a romantic. Then again I was raised to believe they were blood sucking monsters and deserved to be burned on a pyre...Not the best thing to tell your kid before bed. 

"I- I should probably go to work now." He looked in my eyes for a long moment, then nodded. "Yes we wouldn't want you to be late now would we?" I didn't answer, well I honestly couldn't, if I did I would probably say something ridiculous.

"I will give you a ride-"

"NO... I mean no, it's alright I can walk." I got up quickly before he could respond and rushed out the door. What on earth was wrong with me? And why the hell was my pulse so fast?

Shadow's P.O.V

I watched as she rushed out of the cafe door. I had scared her, or worse. I don't know why I was still here. She didn't have the book, she was of no use to me...Yet I still wanted to be around her. I payed the bill and got up, heading towards the car.

I could still see her walking down the street, her quills swayed in the late morning wind. She wrapped her arms around herself, then she stopped in her tracks and so did I. Why did she stop? I noticed that she was staring at something in front of her, I looked. 


I sped out towards her. The only thing running through my mind was, get to her. Dark red eyes bore into mine as I ran. 

"Run! Amy run!" I shouted, just as I slammed into the wolf in front of her. He flew into a brick wall and his body went slack, but I knew better than to think that he was injured. I grabbed her and ran, lifting her into my arms. 

"Sh- Shadow? Who was that?!" She looked terrified, her eyes were a light green and her muzzle was extremely pale. 

"What did he do?" I could tell he did something, her heart rate was to slow, her conscious was foggy. She wasn't right.

"H- he invaded my mind, he... He showed me how my parents really died, and told me I would perish exactly as they did...They didn't die in a house fire Shadow..." She sobbed, her pulse was finally becoming steady. I ran faster, I wasn't going to let him get her too.

"I'm so sorry Amy...I didn't mean to bring you into all of this..." She only sobbed in response. I knew it was the wrong moment, but I read her mind. I watched the scene he forced her to see...


I wasn't going to lose her and not in that way...Never in that way...

Sonic's P.O.V

 I was starting to get worried. She was thirty minutes late, usually I would be fine with that. But I could tell that something wasn't right. I could feel it, smell it, see it. My quills were on edge, my claws were beginning to show.

A knock sounded at the studio door, I dashed to it and practically ripped it open. There stood a dark hedgehog, his eyes were hollow. He held my Ames in his arms, she was shivering and her eyes were also empty. I didn't even bother to ask who it was that held her, I just grabbed her and held her to my chest, relieved and angry.

Why was she shivering? Why was she so scared? And who the hell was this guy? 

"Sonic!" She wrapped her arms around my neck, as if I was her lifeline. She clung there, I held her even closer. 

"Who the hell are you?" I growled at the hedgehog in the doorway. He looked up at me, his eyes seemed to focus and he frowned. Then he walked in and shut the door, I was surprised it could still be closed after what I did to it. Then I caught of whiff of him.

"Ames get behind me." I shoved her backwards, the dark hedgehog growled.

"Don't push her." 

I crouched low and growled. He did the same.

"Sonic wait he's my frien-"

"He isn't what you think he is Amy. He is a bloodsucking piece of filth." He had probably hypnotized her, convincing her they were friends. She walked in between us, hands on her hips and a frown on her face. I glanced at him then back to her.

"Get out of the way Amy." We both spoke at the same time. She huffed and flicked both of her wrist. We were both suddenly slammed into the couch beside each other. I gagged at his scent and the proximity. He gagged as well.

"Please, I don't feel like watching a typical battle between a werehog and vampire. I just want to know why someone is threatening to kill me and I don't even know who they are." 

Wait. What?

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