Chapter 4

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I awoke with a start, my vision was fuzzy around the edges. At some point in the night I felt like I was going to freeze, a cold gust of air blew through the room, I looked up and noticed the bedroom window was open.

Funny I don't remember opening it. I reached across the night stand to close it. It protested the shuddered, I winced the window pane had a long crack on it. I'm gonna have to get Tail's to fix that.

I sat up, stretching, yawning, the usual rubbing of the eyes and finally getting out of bed. I looked at the time 6:00 a.m. the red numbers flashed.

It was two hours and thirty minutes earlier than the time I needed to be up and ready for work. I smiled, today I could go for a bike ride or a walk, that would help prevent an adrenaline spike like the one yesterday.

But first I was going to take a nice long shower. Then enjoy a big breakfast at the next door bakery.

I headed into the bathroom soap in hand.

The cold water washed over me this always helped me to fully wake up. It slowly started to warm, steam and the scents of raspberry shampoo, conditioner, and body wash filled the room.

The shower was positively refreshing. I couldn't help but smile as I laced my running shoes. I stood and then left the apartment dashing towards the park.

The wind rushed against my face, the sound of rushing water filled my ears, the smell of pine and cedar enlightened my senses. I always seemed to run or walk with my eyes closed, I never hit anything or tripped. It was a personal, unique talent that was all mine.

"Hello." A voice caught me by surprise, I jolted all at once right in front of me was an old hedgehog. He had fare golden quills, bright green eyes not like mine more of a lime green.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you." He smiled, I smiled back slightly, something didn't feel right about him.

"I am John Knoxx." He held out his hand. I shook it, and then it hit me, quite literally. He's a wizard and he was now using the connection in our hands to try and worm his magic into my mind.

It was painful, very painful. I shut him out with mental barriers, but he pressed on them. I was definitely going to have a migraine later on.

"What a pleasant surprise....Miss Rose I was just coming to meet you." I didn't bother turning around to see who it was. I was too focused on keeping this old creep out of my head. I watched as the old wizards eyes widened in shock and fear. "Now Mr.Knoxx you wouldn't be hurting Miss Rose now would you?" Shadow...It was Shadow who came to my rescue, no one was so formal by addressing me as "Miss Rose." Only he did that.

Knoxx's hold on my mind and hand released, I gasped and almost fell to the ground. But Shadow caught me, his strong arms wrapping protectively around my waist, hoisting me up against him.

I leaned into him, grateful for a chance to rest.

"Hello Shadow it has been a long time...Twenty three years to be exact."

Shadow tensed and nodded, my head placed carefully against his chest. He smelled of violets and something masculine not cologne- no it was a natural smell.

"I would advise your to keep your distance Knoxx. You're not going to harm this one." His voice resonate through the air in a demanding tone. The tension between the two was tangible.

I watched as Knoxx nodded reluctantly. Then walked away. What did Shadow mean by ,"This one?"

"Are you alright?" I looked up, his face had filled with concern. "I'm alright...I should get to work." I pushed on his chest indicating that I wanted to be let go, but he didn't budge.

"You should go home and rest. After what happened you can't possibly focus on anything without a headache."

His gorgeous face bore into mine. Other people would probably be glad to have his attention spent on them. I wasn't, in fact it made me feel weak, incapable.

I extracted myself from his arms with more force than a regular person would need and walked away.

"Rose! Rose wait if you're going to go to work at least let me give you a ride. Maybe get you some breakfast."

Breakfast. I forgot to go by the bakery. My stomach rumbled at the thought of food. Great now my body was betraying me.

I could practically feel him grin behind me, he'd won and he knew it.

I sighed exasperated, cranky, and hungry. Not a great combination might I add. "Fine. But you're buying."

He drove a 1969 Chevrolet camaro . It. Was. Breath taking. The color was a dark, starry sky blue. It was in perfect condition, with black leather seats and all.

He chuckled at my awestruck expression, "I take it you like my car?" I looked at him, he was smiling and for once it seemed like a real one.

"Yes it's very impressive." I felt like a child about to get in Santa's slay.

I hurried to the drivers side and got in, looking at him expectantly while holding my hand out for the keys. He just chuckled again and tossed them to me, I squealed I couldn't help it, I've always wanted to drive one.

I revved up the engine, it purred in response, and barely containing my excitement I floored it.

"Woah Amy we still have to abide by the mobian laws."

He said it seriously but he was grinning along with me. I took his words into account and slowed down. "So where to eat?" he asked

I thought for a moment, "Star bucks or some coffee house that sell tea." Chamomile tea or peppermint with a white chocolate muffin was what what I was craving.

I hit the gas pedal and we shot forward headed to the best place I knew, a little family business that my closest friend Cream ran.

A Rose VendettaWhere stories live. Discover now