GONE - Colby

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It was as if the air had stopped moving. Colby had become some sort of imaginative spirit, it felt like I was almost going insane. I hadn't moved, his memory was slowly leaving. Sam was a wreck. We both hadn't eaten. Twitter was worried about us both, still asking for answers that we couldn't provide to them. I felt, useless.

"Come on, Y/n, you have to get up eventually." I almost let out a laugh.

"Get out. You don't know what it's like." A sigh left the opposite side of the bed. The shuffling was accompanied by heavy breaths.

"Of course I don't. But, all I know is that you're hurting yourself, you haven't eaten in days." 

"Rudy, get the fuck out." And like the basic person I am, tears slipped from the corners of my eyes. The slow trickles of salty water soon made an uncomfortable feeling as it somehow ended in my ears.

"I know it hurts, but please. I'm worried." This time, a laugh did escape from my body.

"A lot of people are worried. Join the club, Rudy." The feeling of my body being forced over had taken me by surprise, but I allowed it. 

"You know when it happened... I thought you'd never recover. I thought it was the end of both you and him," He sighed once again, "But, I know that you can do better than what you're doing right now."

"No, I can't. He's gone and it's my fault." My body wrenched at the thought, letting out a sob as my eyes slammed harshly.

"Please don't cry," Rudy's body was giving off a warmth I hadn't felt in months. "It's going to be ok, shh, you're okay."

"I miss him so much, why'd it have to be him." Deep sighs of sorrow and guilty eyes had become a normal thing for me to witness. Everyone always became... worried.

"I know you do, honey. I know you do." And just as it had started, I was wrapped in the soft protective sheets of his bed, crying.

Wishing for him not to be gone. Wishing it was me.

only a short one, love you guys. <3

Colby Brock imagines. Pt2Where stories live. Discover now