The Kiss

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"Then kiss right now!" Gray said, an evil smirk plastered on his face.


Natsu was struck dumbfounded at this remark, as his eyes widened in shock and he froze. "W-wait a minute! Now?" Natsu asked. "Of course, what do you think I just said?" Gray said. Gray knew that Natsu was most likely bluffing, and he was pleased to embarrass Natsu.

Mirajane's eyes twinkled in delight. "Yes! You must kiss right now!" Mirajane said, her pointing finger up. If you had to explain how flustered Lucy was, you'd say she had steam coming out of both ears and her face red. By now, the whole guild was enjoying the awkwardness and embarrassment of the dragon slayer and celestial mage. They were cheering and chanting, but even louder. Whistles and laughs were echoing throughout the guild.

Lucy was still staring at Natsu with a horrified expression. Natsu then turned to Lucy, forgetting that Makarov was still standing beside them. Natsu was sweating like crazy, did he even know how to kiss someone? Sure, he'd read about kisses in Lucy's stories he secretly read, but he never did it himself.

Natsu looked back at Lucy nervously, and scratched the back of his neck. He was unable to say anything, his throat had gone dry. Natsu was surprised to see that Lucy mirrored his appearance, red-faced and sweaty. "Now now! No need to be nervous! You two are both shaking for Mavis's sake!" Makarov said.

Lucy and Natsu both looked down and realized how much they were trembling. "O-oh." Was all Lucy managed to say. Natsu's heart was beating a thousand miles a minute, and his stomach flipped like a washing machine that had no end. The guild's noise was still thundering in their ears. 'Damn it, I can't say anything. Say something Natsu, comfort her!' Natsu thought. He opened his mouth to speak, but still nothing came out.

Since he couldn't speak, he did what he could and gently grabbed her hand. Lucy's breath hitched at the sudden action and quickly looked at her hand, and then to the wooden floor. She could feel how sweaty his hand was. Lucy had to admit, she thought it was cute how Natsu was so nervous.

Mirajane squealed at the development now happening on the stage. "Tch." Gray said, folding his arms.

Then, Natsu put his free hand and cradled the one side of Lucy's face. Lucy looked at Natsu's face, her eyes meeting his. Her eyebrows went up, as she was expecting the next move. 'Is this seriously how my first kiss is gonna be? In front of the whole guild? This is nothing like the stories I've wrote!' Lucy thought. She waited. Each second her heart beat faster and faster. The whole guild might as well have heard her heart beats.

Then, Natsu closed his eyes and leaned in. Lucy's eyes widened, and then she proceeded to close her's too. They both leaned in, and for what seemed like forever, their lips finally touched. It seemed like all the cheers and whoops disappeared. It seemed like Makarov wasn't there watching them, and that they weren't on the stage of the guild. 'Holy crap. How is Natsu doing this?' Lucy thought while in the kiss.

'I bet I'm doing it wrong.' Natsu thought. They were both stiff, but eventually they melted into it, then pulled back. Natsu and Lucy blushed a million shades more red, which was surprising considering how much they were already blushing before.

"Well shit." Gray said, smirking. "Yes!" Mira squealed. She was practically dying. "Okay! I think that should be it for this activity! Let's give the two a break now." Makarov said, waving his hand and walking off the stage. The guild started talking about the kiss and all the answers the couple gave. They seemed as happy as ever.

You'd think Natsu and Lucy should've felt the same way, but no. In fact, they didn't even know they what they were feeling. They were feeling a lot of emotions at once. They both walked off the stage, and returned to their seats at the bar. Gray and Juvia came to greet them. Natsu surprisingly, didn't say anything to Gray. "So, Squinty Eyes, that wasn't so bad now was it? Can't believe you actually did it..." Gray said. Natsu didn't say anything, and just looked to the side.

"Pft, what? All flustered now?" Gray scoffed. "Juvia thinks Lucy liked it!" Juvia blurted out. Lucy immediately turned to Juvia. "What? No way!" Lucy said. 'So she really hates being my girlfriend...' Natsu thought. Natsu was snapped out of his thoughts by Elfman who yelled,"Kissing is a MAN!" Gray facepalmed himself. Then they all started to argue about whether kissing is a man or not.

For the rest of the night, Natsu and Lucy barely talked to eachother. Mira was dismayed at this behaviour, so she began to take matters into her own hands. She walked towards Lucy who was still sitting beside Natsu. Lucy's blush was not as vivid as before, but it was still there. Natsu was the same, but it looked like he was thinking about something. He seemed a bit sad too.

Lucy by now already had a bunch of empty glasses sitting on her part of the counter. To pass the time she ordered a bunch of drinks instead of talking to the dragon slayer beside her.

"Hey guys!" Mira said, trying to lighten up the mood. "Oh hey Mira." Lucy said, sounding tired. Natsu didn't say anything. "What's wrong Natsu?" Mira asked him. Lucy turned towards Natsu, with a curious expression. "Oh, nothing." Natsu said. Lucy and Mira both exchanged glances. It was weird for Natsu to be acting like this. "Are you sure?" Mira asked him, this time poking his shoulder. "Yup, just thinking." He replied.

Mira decided not to push it any further and walked away. She glanced back at the two, and then hurried along to talk to Levy and the others.

"Oh, Mira!" Levy said, greeting her with a cheerful smile. "Hi Levy!" Mira greeted her back. "How's it going with Gajeel?" She smirked. Levy's face flushed pink and she waved her hands in front of her frantically. "W-Wha? No! Why don't we focus on Natsu and Lucy? Gajeel's.. Good." Levy replied, now staring at the wooden table. Her hands were now together. "Hi Mira!" Wendy said. Mira looked at Wendy. "Hi Wendy." Mira said with a warm smile. Erza was there too. She was of course eating a strawberry cheesecake. Juvia was seated beside Erza, staring at Gray.

"Anybody notice the weird behaviour between Natsu and Lucy?" Mira brought up. "What?" They all said in unison, then all looked at Natsu and Lucy. Natsu was now fiddling with his thumbs, while Lucy looked around sipping another drink.

"Now that you say it, yes I do." Erza said inbetween munches of strawberry cheesecake. "You're right Mira!" Wendy gasped. "Juvia thinks they feel awkward." Juvia pointed out. Levy nodded in agreement. They all sighed and continued to watch the pair.

Nothing else happened after that, Natsu and Lucy both endured a long one hour of silence. Finally, it was time to go home. Natsu and Lucy received hugs, high fives, thumb ups, winks, and pats on the back as everyone left.

"You guys better not break up tonight, solve this issue right now unless you want something happening to you two. I will not let this perfect oppurtunity pass." Mira said, giving them a dark glare before they left. Mira was very serious when it came to the people she dreamed to see together. Natsu and Lucy were bewildered after that.

Lucy and Natsu quietly walked to Lucy's house, Lucy's boots clicking on the cobblestone road. Natsu's arms were on his head as he looked around. The moon shone brightly on the river they walked beside. The night sky was clear, show casing the stars beautifully. The air was chilly, and the atmosphere was peaceful.

"Wanna just break up now?" Natsu said, breaking the silence.

A/N - HUUUUUU SHAKDOSBALABZIS I FELT SO AWKWARD WRITING THIS WHY ME HOWEVER I DID IT FOR UOU GUYS YES YES I DID HOW UNFORTUNATE I AM this wasn't a very good part... But I hope you guys liked it anyway. Tried my best to get more development.

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