Break Up

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A/N - It will also be very awkward for me to write this. But that's ok... yes. Alrighty well thank you for 100 reads yaaa! & votes too, das awesome. :0

"Wanna just break up now?" Natsu
said, breaking the silence.


"What?" Lucy said, staring at Natsu. Lucy stopped walking and paused to stare at Natsu. Natsu stopped as well, then looked back to gaze at Lucy's face. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth hung slightly open. Her eyebrows were turned up, and her expression looked like someone had taken something away from her.

Natsu's hands were still placed on his head as he asked her,"What?" Lucy thought about the events that happened during the past few hours. Everything sure was hectic, but she couldn't help but feel something nice from it. But then, she remembered the pained look in Natsu's eyes and her heart fell for just a moment. The silence between them extended longer than it should have.

"What?" Natsu said again, this time raising his voice just a little. Lucy snapped out of her thoughts, her feelings, and stepped back. "Y-you're right," she stuttered. She started to laugh, as she smiled a sad, desperate smile. "You're right! That was my plan, wasn't it? We... Break up!" She started laughing louder, stumbling a bit. "Lucy, are you okay?" Natsu said, stepping towards her. He held out his hands warily to steady her, but she pushed them away. "Bye Natsu!" She said with a fake cheerfulness in her voice. She started walking away, and her laugh faltered.

Natsu stared after her, concerned. He furrowed his eyebrows and scratched his head. He was confused. What was it he saw in her eyes as she looked at him and smiled?

Lucy stared at the cobblestone as she walked to her house. Her steps were slow, even though she longed for the warmth of her bed. Maybe even the warmth of a pink haired dragon slayer. She chuckled. "I mean salmon." She said quietly to herself.

Finally, she reached her apartment. Lucy clicked the lock open and stepped inside, heading to her room. Only when she rubbed her eyes before getting into bed did she realize tears were running down her face. "Huh?" She said. How could she not have felt those tears? Surely she would have. 'That's strange.' she thought. She walked to the bathroom and decided to take a shower to relax and recollect herself.

She stood under the running water, letting the water run over her eyes and stream down her face. She closed her eyes and reflected on the short moment with Natsu when they were walking home. His voice echoed in her head. "What?" 'What was I doing?' She thought. 'Why didn't I realize? The time I spent with Natsu today, feeling those weird feelings... why did I ignore them? How could I be so dense and not realize it? I love you, Natsu. But I think I'm too late,' She winced as she looked back on Natsu and his hurt expression. 'Could he have.. Loved me?'

She curled up in her bed clutching her white pillows. Tears rolled off her face and dampened the pillow. Her teeth were clenched and her eyes were shut tight. She regretted every word she said to hurt him. She faced the wall opposite of the window, and continued to silently cry in the dark. Lucy left the window open, she felt so hopeless wanting Natsu to come in.

Suddenly, a soft thump came from the window. Lucy stirred in her bed a bit, but pushed away the thought of Natsu coming there. She assumed it was just her mind playing with her.

Natsu jumped up and sat on the ledge of Lucy's open window. He was surprised to find that she didn't wake up. He was expecting a slap or scolding from Lucy, considering she always did that to him when he came over. After Lucy walked away from him, he was left speechless. Many thoughts ran through his mind at the time, and he couldn't help but question her behaviour. First, she was grumpy then flustered, then grumpy, then quiet and.. weird. She was always weird, but in that moment she was weirder than usual. 'What a weirdo.' Natsu thought, smirking a little. He quietly hopped off the ledge of the window, and slowly walked towards Lucy being careful not to wake her up. Eventually he was standing at the side of her bed.

Her blankets were crinkled and all lumped up in one corner of the bed, leaving only a little bit on her. That was covering her hips and halfway down her legs. Her arms were bent and cradling her face, one hand touching her soft blonde hair. She looked tired, more tired than when she came back from jobs, even if she was happy about rent money afterwards. Natsu stared at her complexion. Her skin looked soft and pale and smooth. He thought she was beautiful as the moonlight shone on her face. For the first time, he truly noticed how beautiful she was. However sometning was off.

He looked closer, and saw why she was looking so tired. He could tell that she had been crying. Isn't it weird, for one of the most dense people you could ever meet, to be able to tell that someone was crying? But it happened, and possibly even because he was staring at the one he loved so much. Natsu's heart stung, and he leaned closer to her with a worried face.

"Lucy..." He breathed. Suddenly her breath hitched and her eyes shot open. Immediately she pushed herself away from Natsu's face. Her legs were tucked in to her chest and her arms hugged them. "Natsu..." She said quietly, staring up at him with her big brown eyes. Natsu stared at her. She looked so fragile.

"Lucy." He said again, but more steadily. Then, her eyes grew hot and the flames rolled down her cheeks burning them as they fell. Natsu came closer to her but she only got off the bed and stood as if she was trying to protect herself. And there it was. Natsu stared at her with the same hurt expression he had shown her hours earlier. Her heart ached.

"Listen, if... if you don't wanna be my girlfriend I get it. But, why did you act like that earlier? People say I'm really dense but, I know when you're stressed, and I feel it too. It's one of the weirdest feelings I've ever felt. Not like when I get mad about my friends being hurt, more than that. And it feels really funny." Natsu said. He stared at her eyes the whole time with a serious expression. It reminded Lucy of when he'd face enemies during the times when something bad would happen, whenever he faced someone who hurt his friends. There was something more to this though, and she could tell. Maybe because he was the one she loved so much.

Lucy searched for the words. She scrambled through all the things she wanted to say but they all raced around her mind and she couldn't keep up. It was as if a blizzard took place in her mind and scattered all her thoughts around. Lucy opened her mouth, but only a squeak came out. She was overwhelmed. Lucy knew she couldn't say anything, and because she knew that, she quickly crawled across the bed and pulled Natsu in for a hug.

She quietly sobbed into his chest and closed her eyes tightly. Her hands gripped his vest. Natsu's left hand cradled her head, stroking her hair. The other, kept her close to him, wrapped around her torso.

When she was done she looked up at him. He looked down at her. Even then, Lucy could still not speak. Her eyes looked so pleading. Natsu wanted to kiss her, he really did. And he found that weird. But knowing Lucy, he stayed safe and waited for her actions.

Lucy's grip on his vest was loosened, and soon her hands were holding on to his scarf. She pulled him down. "Wait!" Natsu blurted out but was soon shut up by his lips colliding with Lucy's. Natsu's eyes widened and his heart raced. Finally Natsu understood.

'Wait, this feeling was love this whole time!' He thought. 'Mira was right! I love Lucy!'

The end

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