Chapter 39: Repercussions

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"You know, I'm starting to like the cast," Gates said as she leaned against the wall of Dr. Noraa's office. "It fits you."

I looked at the navy blue synthetic cast encasing my arm. The sling was made of the same material as our specter suits, just in case I was called to duty. I'd been off for a week and hadn't needed to don my uniform once. My charcoal grey turtleneck and slacks had been a hassle to get on one-handed. The uniform would have been worse.

"Glad your black eye healed up," I said.

Gates flashed her fangs and turned to the glass door to study her reflection. I picked up the copy of The Howler's most recent issue sitting on the doctor's desk. A picture of Tyson Brewster graced the cover. The headline read: Justice Cometh in the Morning. The article gave a brief biography of Ty's life and his wrongful death. The official story claimed two overzealous and overworked officers, Zimmerman and Wilson, were the cause of Brewster's accidental death and covered it up. The Gorgon City Thrones made a formal apology and the Vampire Council vowed to open an internal investigation.

No mention of House Agatha, the Raving Moon, or his mad wolves. Ty's parents were rewarded four million dollars for their silence. Ariane had to convince the Brewsters to take the money. The alternative was being treated as loose end's. Enough people had died because of Magaven's powerplay. Earl helped them relocate to somewhere quiet outside of Gorgon City, away from the unhappy memories and outside of House Agatha's reach.

I put the magazine down as Dr. Noraa entered the room. He smiled as he sat behind his desk. He took a few minutes conferring with information on his computer and entering information from his notepad.

"Good evening, officers."

"Good evening, doctor." I was encouraged by the warmth in his tone.

"We've been waiting for almost thirty minutes, Noraa. Just tell us. The suspense is getting old." As usual, Roddy didn't mince any words.

Dr. Noraa nodded.

"With the bullet you provided we were able to get a much better understanding of Carlito's condition. We were even able to communicate with a representative of Tanner & Bones. Despite the legal red tape, we've made substantial progress and we think we'll soon be able to remove him from stasis. By then we hope to have found a magic practitioner who can help with the curse."

The temperature in the small room increased.

"So you called us here to tell us you might soon be able to take Carl off ice?"

"Yes, Lieutenant Gates," Dr. Noraa replied, tugging at his collar. Sweat dripped down his forehead. "The two of you call at least once a day to inquire. I thought it best I explained things in person to alleviate your concerns."

"And ease the stress on your phone lines," I joked.

"Yes, that too."

Roddy made to stand and I grabbed her hand. She turned to me and the fire building in her eyes quelled. I smiled apologetically at her and the doctor.

"Poor timing," I chuckled.

"Look. I know how close the three of you are. Believe me when I say I understand. When we remove him from stasis, thaw him out as people like to say, you'll be the first people I contact." Dr. Noraa gave us a reassuring look. "Lord Hawkins has also insisted I contact his office when Lieutenant Cano's status changes."

"Lord Hawkins..." Gates looked down at my hand, dark brown on pale white.

The council had made it official that morning. The mayhem in Gorgon had all happened under Lord Clovis's watch so he was the one made to fall on his sword to please the public. Clovis was stripped of his title and blacklisted. No Great House would ever accept him and he could never claim a seat on the council. Disgraced. Seraphs came to collect him the night before. I intended to contact our mutual friend and put in a good word, but I doubted there was much I could do. The powers that be were making an example of him.

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