Chapter 4: A Sisterly Connection

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"Why are you trying to help me get Senketsu back anyways?" Asked Ryuko suspiciously. "Isn't that what you want? I thought this kamui meant something to you." Responded Satsuki.

"Uh, well of course he does. I just don't know why that would matter to you."

"I guess it really doesn't matter, but it's yours, I thought I could gain your trust by helping you." Ryuko sighed and looked down at her feet, she was sitting on the campus with Satsuki, then she realized that Satsuki was really trying to be her friend. After fighting like they did. It was only an immediate reaction not to trust her. But Ryuko has also noticed all the other time Satsuki was worth of trust. "Can I show you where I used to live?" Blurted Ryuko. "Sure, if that's what you want." Said Satsuki.

"Okay follow me. My bike is over here. She hopped on." Said Ryuko and she told Satsuki to just hold on to her back as best as she could. Satsuki gave a worried look as if it wasn't the best idea. "Hurry up! We don't have all day!" Snapped Ryuko, Satsuki easily set herself on the bike and off they went. Down through the streets they went. Faster than ever. Eyes were peering at them. "Those are them."

"Those are the sisters of Honnouji academy?" Whispered the strangers who couldn't help but watch. Soon they finally set foot on the Matoi family home. "Well, this is it. It isn't that much of a sight but there is more to it than it looks." Said Ryuko. "Interesting, very interesting." Said Satsuki in awe. Satsuki walked onto the platform where the inside of the house would've been. She was sifting through the ruble. She found an old picture of Ryuko and her father. "Do you want this?" Said Satsuki while trying go hand it to her. Ryuko stood still staring at the picture. "Uh yeah." She quickly snatched the picture and turned the other way. Ryuko's eyes began to water. "What's this?" Asked Satsuki curiously. Ryuko sniffled and turned around to answer Satsuki's question. It was a metal platform with a crack down the middle of it. "Wow, this must be the way I got inside the basement! We have to find the way inside!" Ryuko quickly began rummaging through the debris. "Ah come on it's gotta be around here somewhere." Ryuko mumbled frustratedly. Satsuki was standing calmly l, looking for a lever of button to enter the corridor, she didn't want to get her hands dirty. She spotted the lever. "Ryuko I think this might be it. She pulled down the lever and the sound of grinding dirt and a loud screech was indication that that was the lever to the metal hatch. The hatch dropped inward on itself and slammed on its inner walls. "This is it. We can see what else is in that basement. This is where I found Senketsu!" Ryuko jumped into the hole without hesitation. Satsuki followed after Ryuko as soon as she gave a signal that it was alright for her to jump with ought landing on Ryuko . Satsuki landed flawlessly with her black hair falling on her back without a single hair being tangled with another. "This is a huge heap of laundry is where Senketsu was?" Asked Sastuki.

"Yeah, he was right under those sheets you're on now." Responded Ryuko. "Well this is interesting another secret may remain under all these dirty clothes and sheets."

"That's what I'm hoping to happen." Smirked Ryuko .

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