Chapter 5: Turning Point

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The two sisters began searching through the old house that had so many wonders. Nothing was being found not a single hint. Hours upon hours of continued searching for really nothing in particular. Satsuki unsheathed her Bakuzan. She started to slice through the smelly rags frantically. Ryuko looked at Satsuki confused with her sudden rage. "What are you doing?! Watch where you're swinging that thing, you're gonna end up slicing something we want!"

Satsuki sheathed her blade and fell on her knees and whimpered. Ryuko was even more surprised by Satsuki's actions now. "Wh-why are you crying"

"We've been here for hours searching and we've come up with nothing. This is useless Ryuko! There isn't anything down here." yelled Satsuki

"S-Stop, there has got to be more than just one thing down here!" said Ryuko, who was slightly hurt by her sisters lack of motivation to help.

"Shhhhhthhhhhh" Next thing Ryuko knew a shiny blade was in her face. "What is wrong with you!" Yelled Ryuko

"I refuse to help you any longer! Let's go home this search it's useless!"

"STOP WE CAN FIND ANSWERS IN SAVING SENKETSU!" Suddenly Ryuko felt a sharp pain in her right shoulder, she looked only to see blood flying towards the rags. "Why did you cut me." The blade was directed back at Ryuko. "You're being to harsh! Why would you cut me over that!"

"WE ARE LEAVING MATOI" Ryuko fell to her knees. "Something isn't right with Satsuki" thought Ryuko, "she isn't being herself" Ryuko was holding her cut shoulder, she could feel the warm blood covering her hand, she grabbed a rag and tied the cut. "Fine, we'll leave, but this isn't the end of what just happened." Ryuko gleamed eyes at Satsuki. "YOUR EYES! THEY ARNT BLUE!" Satsuki quickly covered her scarlet red eyes and jumped out of the basement. "What! Those arnt even human abilities! Nobody can jump like that.!" Ryuko climbed out of the hole as quickly as possible only to find her motorcycle gone. "I have to get back to the school and warn them about Satsuki" thought Ryuko. Ryuko began sprinting towards the academy. Night has fallen upon Honnouji Academy. And Ryuko has a few miles of running to do. "What's going to happen?! What is going on with Satsuki?! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2015 ⏰

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