they smiled as the world burned

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Rintarou and Osamu shared one last kiss at the end of the world.

Just before the sky descended upon them in all its blazing glory.

It was exactly what one would've imagined the apocalypse in a sci-fi movie, meteorites streaming rainbow flame as they crashed into the Earth, clouds grey as ash blanketed the land, broken for a moment where the space rocks penetrated the layer. They would know, Osamu loved movies, science fiction most of all. The two would huddle together on the sofa to watch a different one every night they were free, wrapped in each other's arms under mountains of blankets, snacking on whatever Osamu had made that day in his restaurant.

They were together again, in the park. Their apartment complex had collapsed hours ago. Rintarou barely had any time to mourn the loss of his nintendou switch before he was dragged off to relative safety by his boyfriend. A moment of silence for his abandoned animal crossing island please. They sat together, on a miraculously unharmed park bench, as the world burned around them. The sound of screams, sobs, crackling flame, collapsing buildings already a muted background soundtrack. 

Rintarou had his head tilted upwards, watching the flashes of orange light. Combined with the sparks, they almost looked like the fireworks on New Year's. Funny.


'Yes, Rin?'

'You scared?'

'Course I am. I'll betcha are too.'

'You don't seem it.'

'Ya don't either. Ya look like ya do every day, perfect, with an extra layer of dust.'

'Why, thank you. You look great too.'

A screeching man with his shirt on fire ran past them, glowing arms waving frantically.

'We should be running too, shouldn't we?'

'Yes, a normal person would.'

'We're not very normal then.'

'I'd say we're perfectly normal, just lazy.'

'What's the point of running when the heavens decreed our destruction?'


Osamu reached for the other's slim hand, grimy with sweat and dirt, but still familiar.

'I wonder how Tsumu and the others are doing.'

'Knowing your brother, he'd probably be digging out a shelter with his bare hands for Sakusa and himself.'

'Kita-san probably has already been setting up an entire underground bunker filled with rice his entire life, just to be prepared. He'll just be sitting calmly there with Granny, sipping a cup of tea.'

'He does seem to be completely unfazed everything.'

Both giggled, jarring against the chaos.

The sky lit up, pink, orange, red, yellow, swirling into an almost beautiful pattern.

'I love you, Osamu.'

'I love ya, Rintarou.'

Their lips connected, and the world burned.


heyo! it's me, sorry bout the slow updates, i don't really work well with deadlines and stuff. this is a short one i did in 50 minites, just for something to post. thought you might like to know i have like 5 other oneshots lined up for this collection. i recently started another one, which I know is a bad idea, but am i gonna stop? no.

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