yes it was

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Kageyama sighed, running a hand across his tired face, and closing his eyes. Tear tracks stained his flushed face, but his eyes were dry, drained from the past few days of nothing but sobbing in the comfort of his bed.

Every so often, he would feel a phantom touch, but when he turned, hope lighting in his chest, there was only emptiness.

In his hand was a tiny omamori, slightly crushed from being gripped too hard. Its black fabric cover and the golden embroidery of '勝守' and a crow were worn, with loose threads poking out, evidence of the years it had seen. (A/N: I'm not making this omamori up, I have one that I bought from a shrine somewhere)

They were on their way to the shrine, even Kageyama had an excited smile on his face. It was going to be their last shrine visit together, their last new year together, their last year together.

Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Yachi were going to university, Kageyama and Hinata planning on continuing their volleyball career.

'GWAAHHHH! Look at all the people, look at the lanterns, look at the omamoris, look at the bell!'

'Boke Hinata boke, it's not your first time at a shrine.' Kageyama twisted his hand into the bouncy boy's hair, making him yelp in pain. The two chaotic males started a yelling match and attracted plenty of unwanted attention.

'King-sama, don't torture your loyal subjects like that.' Tsukishima teased.

'Hinata, you walk next to Yachi, Kageyma, next to Tsukki.' Yamaguchi, already slipping into the role of new captain, ordered. But under the stern exterior, he had a mischievous smile on.

Kageyama glared at the salty boy, who glared back, their rivalry never relented throughout the past two years as teammates.

Yamaguchi wasn't fooled, he could spot the secret glances the setter shot at his teammate during practice, and he could see Tsukki's concerned expressions beneath the smirk whenever Kageyama got hurt, whether it was from squabbling with Hinata or crashing into a pole when racing.

'Come on, the line to the shrine's getting longer and longer!' Hinata all but dragged the rest of the soon-to-be-third years in that direction.

'It's just 10 minutes till midnight,' Yachi reported, checking her phone. She peered at the line in front of them, 'Should be enough time...'

'I'll go first with Hitoka-chan,' Yamaguchi blushed madly.

'I'll go next!' Hinata's voice was quivering with even further excitement.

'Then me.' Two voices chorused, resulting in an intense staring match.

'Why don't you two go together then?'

'Wha- No!'

'No, no, no, thank you very much, the great King can't have a mere commoner accompanying him.'

But soon, they were both standing in front of the bells together, grumbling. They rang their own respective ones two times, bowed deeply and clapped twice, thanking the gods.

When they turned back, the others were gone. 'Stupid Hinata boke.'

Grumbling louder, the pair went off in search of their friends, when everyone around them started counting down.

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