kenma loves his games

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Kenma x Nintendo Switch (this is not a serious one, okay?)


The pudding-head was on his way back home with Kuroo from practice, when a flash of neon orange and blue in a shop window caught his eye.

It was a Nintendo Switch, the newest gaming console, and he desperately wanted it. And he would have gotten it if he weren't so broke. Why didn't his mom give him pocket money?

Probably because he would blow it all on games, but still. It didn't feel nice to have Kuroo treat him to apple pie everyday without ever paying him back. And it felt worse not to have a Nintendo Switch.

'Get a job, Kenma, if you want the console so bad,' his mom said, waving him off as she pulled a turkey out of the oven, its heavenly scent reaching his nostrils.

And so Kenma obliged, the cafe was hiring, so he applied, and got a job as a cashier.

To nobody's surprise, he didn't like it. Bring a cashier meant interacting with people, and math, and interacting with more people. He wasn't allowed to touch his game during shifts either.

To everybody's surprise, he stuck to it.

'He must really want that console,' Yaku whispered, as they sat, wide-eyed, at a booth, staring at Kenma pass change over to various customers.

'My Kenma's growing up,' Kuroo had tears in his eyes.

Lev was eating a stack of waffles, 'Aei carud narfa zhu dat.'


'Argh ay koor du neh fah zho dat.' He accidentally spat out a half-chewed bit of waffle onto Yaku's arm, and the senpai freaked, flinging his arm around and searching desperately for hand sanitizer.

Meanwhile, Kenma's thoughts weren't on the people in front of him, but rather, thousands of miles away, daydreaming about the new Switch he was going to get.

After long grueling months of work, he finally had enough for the thing he wanted most in the entire world.

He spent more time on the thing, ignoring even Kuroo, mastering game after game he bought with more hours at the cafe.

Then, on one fateful day, he got caught by his teacher. He had hid the game in the space beneath his desk, the one normally used for books, and was engrossed in it, when he accidentally hit the unmute button, upbeat music blasting through the shocked classroom.

Kenma was sent to the principal's office, his console confiscated by the fuming teacher. He could have sworn there was steam coming out of his ears.

His mother, very very mad mother, had to come to school to pick up the Switch and talk to the teachers.

Not only was he grounded for the rest of the year, and sentenced to detention, the Switch, his beautiful Switch, the one he worked so hard for, was locked in his mom's desk drawer, along with all his other games, never to see the light of day again.

Kuroo, on the other hand, was ecstatic.

'Kenma! You'll never ignore me again! We can go play volleyball, and I'll treat you to two slices of pie later!'

Feeling slightly better, Kenma went off with the rooster-head. But that didn't stop him from spending hours at end, just sitting next to the desk, staring longingly at his hidden Precious.


Ta-da! I'll be serious starting next chapter.

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