Untitled Part 2

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Ghost Hunt:Volume 5 Chapter 1ContentsChapter 1 - That Mansion[]1[]

On the second day, I rushed to the office after the term opening ceremony. It was already filled with people.

"What is going on?"

Taka shrugged in response to me, who had entered the office and couldn't help peering around.

"I don't know."

"Has Naru returned?"

"It looks like it. When I got here he was discussing something in his office, but I haven't seen him yet."

"Then, why did he gather everyone here?"

"Please don't ask me."

On the sofa used for guests sat 4 people who were not guests. And they were, Bou-san, Ayako, Masako and John. Although they are not members of "Shibuya Psychic Research", they are psychics who act in adjunct with us.

I gently lowered my head.


It was Bou-san who raised his hand in his usual leisurely manner. Takigawa Housou. A monk originally of Takano Mountain.

"What is going on?"

"Don't ask me. I was called here by Naru-chan."


"Ah. I cancelled all my prior engagements before coming."

"What's up, again?"

"On the phone last night he said there's a big job. He hung up after saying there's a job; I came at the designated time, but he himself is waiting in his office instead."

"In that case I completely don't understand what is going on."

"It is exactly like that."

I poked John, who was sitting right in front of me, in the shoulder. John Brown - an exorcist whose attractions are his doll face and Kansai accent.

"What about you, John? Have you heard nothing about it?"

John's soft blond hair shook side to side.

"It's the same on my side; he didn't tell me anything either."

"But he actually gathered everyone here - what type of situation could it be?"

The one who cut in was Ayako. One had better not be tricked by her fancy make-up and mistake her for a bar hostess. Matsuzaki Ayako. Self proclaimed Miko.

As I was thinking along with Bou-san, John and Ayako, Masako started laughing softly. Hara Masako - a 16 year old top grade spirit medium.

"What is it?"

Ayako used her sharp voice to ask in response. Masako used the cherry-blossom colored sleeve of her kimono to hide her mouth.

"... then, that is saying there was no adult contacting everyone."

"Contact? What about?"

"Contact from the client in this situation. And when so many psychic users are clearly gathered."

"And this so-called 'client' is?"

"For me it was a person called Ohashi (大桥) who contacted me."

Saying that, a mocking smile appeared on that doll-like face.

That was saying, this Ohashi-san had nothing to call us for – I think that was what Masako was trying to say.

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