Untitled Part 5

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Ghost Hunt:Volume 5 Chapter 4ContentsChapter 4 - Toward the Clapping Hands[]

(tl/n: The title is a reference to a game of hide-and-seek. Like the chapters: Blindfold, Hide-and-Seek, Toward the Clapping Hands. In this game, the seeker is blindfolded and must follow the sound of clapping hands to find the players.)



Ayako's made a sharp sound and clapped my face.


It was Ayako's voice. I opened my eyes at once. Ayako's face jumped into my field of vision, which had been flooded by tears.

At that time, I was screaming. I was screaming from the depths of my body. Although my throat was hoarse and I couldn't properly make a sound, I actually wanted to scream – until I had expelled all the horror within my body.

"Mai! Pull yourself together! Mai!"

My body was twitching, convulsing. I only desperately hugged Ayako tightly. Ayako's warm hands desperately soothed my back.

"Pull youself together. It's only a dream, it's all right."

Urging me, come, I lifted my head. Someone held a glass in front of me.

"Do you want a drink?"

It was Masako's extremely concerned face. I finally calmed down and accepted the cup. My hands were still trembling immensely; almost enough to spill all the contents of the cup.

"... yeah. Thank you."

My voice was also shaking. Tears dropped pitter patter down.

"What in the world happened?"

"I had a frightening dream."

Really, it was terrifying...

"The dream you had was..."

Just as Ayako was asking, someone pounded heavily on the door.

"Did someone scream here just now?"

It was Bou-san and co who had rushed over from their room.

"... I'm sorry. I had a nightmare."

"... You said you had a nightmare... you..."

Green in the face, Bou-san knelt by the bed. Yasuhara and John also heaved a sigh of relief.

Bou-san buried his head in the blankets.

"... Don't scare us anymore."

"I'm sorry."

Yasuhara forced a stiff smile.

"And we thought something had happened to someone... thank god."

John also smiled vacantly.

"That's great."

Bou-san suddenly lifted his head.

"You said you had a nightmare; could it be those dreams?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"How was it?"

I didn't want to remember. Even just thinking of recalling it brought a fresh scent of blood.

"You're a woman with a sixth sense right?"

"—I was killed in the dream."

Everyone stared at my face.

Ghost Hunt Vol 5Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon