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"Drink up." I downed the glass Layla handed me and gave it back so she could pour one for Madi.

"You need to be deadass drunk if you want to get laid tonight, so we're not stopping your glasses!" Layla shouted so that I could hear her beneath the loud music.

"Keep 'em coming!" Who cares if I don't remember anything tomorrow? What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. 

"You're not gonna get anyone if you just keep drinking over here." We all looked at Henri, Madison's boyfriend, who just arrived snaking his arm around our friend's waist.

Henri was such a sweetheart even when he was a notorious jock at our school. Madison is so lucky to have a popular guy who is not a douche for a boyfriend.

How did I even get stuck with Malcom?

Was I too obsessed with feeling normal that I had to actually entertain that dickhead?

"Dance with me." Madi pulled him away from us, so both Layla and I were left to finish this one bottle of vodka.

"Sure, lovebirds. Don't mind us here!" She shouted at their disappearing figures with a hiss.

I laughed at her irritated face, "Let's dance." I pulled her with me to the dancefloor and that's when the alcohol finally started to kick in.

I felt dizzy, but I wasn't feeling nauseous so I knew I was sensible enough to knock someone out in case they try to rape me. I choose who I fuck tonight.

I spotted Henri and Madi grinding on each other, "Let's do that," and Layla was more than happy to do so with me.

The lights were dim, some in neon colors that surrounded the not too shabby dancefloor that was crowded with couples and people in their near blackout state. The music was loud and the shouting was even louder when Layla and I started dominating the dancefloor.

I had my ass on her front and her hand on my hips as we swayed to the music together feeling the place heat up.

She grinded on me and we both laughed at our antics. If only she had a dick.

Damn, it's hot.

"I think I may have a catch." Layla whispered into my ear, eyeing her prey.

"Good for you." I rolled my eyes, "Go, before someone else whisks him away."

"Alright. Just keep dancing." She winked and kissed my cheek before striding towards the man in a grey polo with sleeves folded up to his elbows.

Looked like a rich man looking for some fun after work. Just the kind of man I want to fuck me.


I headed back to the table we occupied earlier and saw Madi.

"Hey!" Madi greeted me with a shot glass at hand, "Drink up. Layla's not coming back any time soon." She chuckled while nodding towards the direction of where the guy Layla's prey was standing and saw that they were on their way to the hotels. 

So much for getting wasted.

I grabbed the shot glass and tossed the liquid down my throat. It was nothing I couldn't handle, the burning and nearly satisfying tingle of the liquid making its way down my throat was addicting, making me look forward for another drink.

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