Bad Idea

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The next morning set the tone for the whole day, and it was horrible. I had a plan. Stay hidden. Out of sight out of mind. Simple right?



I was woken up far too early that morning. Apparently it was our job to prepare food for the guests. Which frankly, to me, makes absolutely no sense. We are the ones who lost someone so why are we doing all the work. 

I helped mom set out all the different traits. Meat, fruit, veggie, cheese you name it we had it. I don't know why though it's not like people need to eat at these things anyway. Come, pay you respects, leave and get your own food. Simple really.

I looked at the clock and it was already 9:30 and people were supposed to start showing up at 10, and I looked like I just came straight out of a freaking Pillsbury commercial. I ran up to my room and put my hair in a loose messy bun, washed all the baking reminiscence off me and put on the dress. The dreaded dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and it finally hit me that this was really happening. People were coming to my dead grandma's house to celebrate her life. 

I wasn't ready.

I went down stairs and was met by my brothers who were both in suits. None of us said anything we just stood next to each other in silence until mom and dad came in. Dad sighed and said 'Alright, we ready to do this' though we all knew he was mourning just as much, if not more than the rest of us, his tone of voice rubbed me and my brothers the wrong way. He was a bit too happy for the situation at hand even, if he was totally faking it.

Before I had a chance to say anything Jon blurted out 'Ready to stand around and listen to a bunch of people we don't know talk about how great our grandma was and how much she will be missed. I've been ready my whole life.' sarcasm dripping from his lips. I looked up at him and felt disappointed, but in reality we were all thinking exactly what he had just said no matter how rude it came off.

Just as we finished having our lovely family chat the doorbell rang signifying our first guests had arrived.


It was time to put my plan in motion. Stay hidden. Mom walked up to the door and greeted the people, and just as we had expected, we had absolutely no idea who the family was. They walked in and shook dad's hand and simply said 'I'm sorry for your loss.' Then the moment of my nightmares came, they started asking about us. 'Wow the last time I saw you three the youngest was in diapers.' Not feeling like I wanted to interact with this person at all I hid behind my dad and I felt his reassuring hand on my back.

'Yes they've grown a bit sense then huh' dad said as he looked at us with pride. 'Boys you remember Sarah Cushing right' he asked looking at my brothers.

'Yea from that summer we stayed here when we were younger. of course' Jordan replied with a smile growing on his face.

Then mom stepped in and said 'Lana so nice to see you again'

Lana. I know that name. Lana, Lana Lance! Oh my god that's dad's ex-girlfriend. Well this just got awkward.

Mom and Lana exchanged hugs and dad and Lana's husband, whose name is Kyle, shook hands like buddies seeing each other for the first time in a long time. I watched as the boys walked away with Sarah in tow and left me alone with mom, dad , the cushings and another little girl. We both awkwardly stared at each other before Lana spoke.

'Oh you remember our youngest Sophie'

'Of course. Hey Nat you wanna go hang out with her for a while mom and I talk with the cushings?' Dad spoke desperate to get me to leave my spot by his side. However, it wasn't going to pan out the way he thought. I simply looked up at him, said nothing, and went straight back to staring blankly at the ground. I guess that's all he needed to know before he said 'Well maybe some other time.'

'Yes of course, another time' Kyle replied

After the cushings walked away to go grab food from one of our many platters mom looked down at me and asked 'Are you ok'

My plan was working. I was getting pity. They were falling straight into my trap. 'Yeah i'm ok. I just kinda wanna be by myself right now.' I said somberly in an attempt to get them to let me escape the whole fiasco of a day.

'I get that, but the only way to move on is to let other people help so why don't you go sit with your brothers for a bit.' Mom said in a tone that said I really had no other choice. Damn Lois lane and her positive out look on life.

I looked up at her with pleading eyes for all of five seconds before dad pushed me away from him and said 'You heard your mother.'

Oh I heard her alright I just did't want to listen. So with a loud groan I turned on my heel and headed outside to find my brothers.

Much to my dismay I walked outside and couldn't see them anywhere until I got a glimpse of them walking into the barn with Sarah.

Wait, they are walking into the barn! We aren't allowed in the barn.

I quickly ran to catch up with them and when I did I asked them' What are you doing' not in a nice little girl voice either. I said it in my best accusing Lois Lane voice.

Upon hearing my voice they turned around and looked at me surprised, however Sarah didn't seem bothered and simply responded 'Wifis not working we are resetting the router.' Oh. Well that doesn't seem too harmful. I followed in step behind them until we found the router and Jordan went all macho man and volunteered to climb up the ladder to reset it. To which I said 'This is a bad idea'

He came back at me with 'You got a better one' He got all of halfway up the ladder though before he remembered he was afraid of heights. So me being me decided to shove him out of the way and climb up to do it myself.

'I thought this was a bad idea' Jon said while being all cocky

'Oh it totally is, but you two are never gonna be able to figure it out' I replied. When I got to the top of the ladder I started reaching for the route which was a little out of my reach. There were big poles underneath me that I thought I could use as support so I put one of my feet on them and heard from below me 'Be careful Nat dad will kill us if something happens' Jonathan is always the mom. 'Yeah I almost got it' I said

I did say I almost had it right? 

My feet suddenly slipped at the sound of cracking and before I knew it I was on my back in the hay out of breath on the ground of the barn. I saw the poles falling down and about to land on top of me so I closed my eyes.

And as if no time had passed at all I opened my eyes and felt a heavy weight on top of me. Then I heard Sarah yell 'Help! The boys, Natalie, they're hurt'

The boys, why are the boys hurt. Until I realized they were the weight on top of me. Both of my idiot brothers jumped on top of me. That was as far as my mind got into processing the situation until one of the poles went flying off of us to reveal light, and our dad.

'I told you it was a bad idea' I groaned out

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