Chapter One

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London has always fascinated me, the history, the people and the music scene. Everything about it is so perfect , now that I’m 19 and I’ve been saving up for years I’ve decided to go live with my friend who owns a little house, and maybe buy my own place.  I’m itching with excitement and anticipation, staring at my suitcase, I find myself over thinking, all these thoughts are swarming in my head, leaving my old life behind and re-starting, meeting new people, a new job, maybe have a relationship. 

My plane departs in 4 hours; I said my goodbyes to my parents and sister who is 3 years younger than me.  I’m nervous, very nervous, but a good nervous. As I get into the taxi I take one last glance at the street and drive away, something catches my attention, the radio announcing that pink Floyd will be touring in London , May 12th, 1968 ;Games for may concert, cool  I think to myself, maybe I’ll check them out. I shrug and look out the window, looking at the shops, the streets, everything that I’ve been around since a little kid. I know that deep inside that I’m ready for a change, thinking about London gives me butterflies, and I smile to myself as I playing with my fingers. 

After going through security checks and customs I make your way onto the plane, the smell of air conditioning fills my nose, the flight attendant shows me my seat and I walk along the aisle, smiling at people and looking around, new faces everywhere. 14C, that’s my seat, I set my bag under the seat and close my eyes, then I remember…  in 3 hours I’ll be in Denmark where I have to transfer planes to Finland and finally to London. Ugh, I think to myself, this is going to be brutal. I put on my seatbelt and close my eyes again and try to think about London. 

I’m awoken by the captain reminding the passengers that the aircraft will be landing in 25 minutes. 

After a good 11 hours on a plane I make my way off it and into the airport, my legs feel like mush and I’m jet lagged, the time difference is getting to me, I drag myself to the baggage claim and step outside the airport, it’s raining and the sky is a grey mess. My friend, Meg, drives up beside me and gets out 

 “Julia! “She screams right in front of me.

“Hey Megs “I say faking a smile, I’m too tired to care about anything.

“How was the – “I cut her off before she finishes her sentence, 

“Shh “meg we’ll talk about later.

She nods and puts my bags in the trunk, I smile and hug her

“Thanks “

She grins and opens the door for me and we drive off in complete silence, everything is kind of a blur, the plane ride was brutal and I just want to sleep.

Meg parks in front of a single story house, its painted red and has very interesting designs, the garden was well done, but I always knew that Meg loved gardening. She grabs my bags and heads inside, I smile weakly. 

“Meg… I’m really sorry but before anything I need to rest “I say to her walking around the house.

She smiles, “Julia… it’s ok, I need to go shopping for groceries so you sleep and we’ll talk about everything later”

“You’re golden meg, really “ 

She laughs and shows me my bedroom, the room is filled with records, I look around and nod, this is nice, I think to myself. 

“I’ll see you later Julia“

I smile at Meg and she closes the door, I take off my clothes, everything smells like airport “blah “I say out loud throwing my pants on the floor, I get into the bed and pull the covers over my head, I smile to myself and take a deep breath in trying to forget the 12 hours I’ve just spent in an airplane.

I’m awoken by music blasting throughout the house, I rub my eyes and sit on the side of my bed thinking about everything, I’m in London now, that thought made me smile. I get out of bed and put on the rob Meg that left out for me before she left.

“Good morning sleepy head!!” Meg yells as she hears me

“Well… technically good afternoon, heh ” she continues

I make my way to the kitchen, it stopped raining and the sunlight coming through the windows is hurting my eyes, I walk over to Meg.

“Need any help?” 

She smiles, “nah, just sit down, I made you something”

I nodded and did she told, Meg asks me about my flight and I answer every question, I feel much better, still tired but trying to avoid the huge time difference. 

Meg brings me a plate with food and I thank her and start eating, out of nowhere I remember that Pink Floyd was touring here May 12th,  that’s in 2 weeks I think to myself 

“Pink Floyd ” I say to Meg, out of nowhere.

She glances at me and walks over to the fridge.


“Pink Floyd, they’re coming here in 2 weeks” 

“Oh I know!! They’re a great band; they’re working on their album, the pipers gates of dawn, im so excited. Oh  have a picture of them here let me show you “

I shrug, might as well since I’m probably going to see them. Meg hands me the picture and i observe it.

“Wow, they are cute”

Meg laughs “I know!” she points to the guy in the far right corner “That’s Syd, I love him”

I smile and pat her on the back “I’m sure you do”

Meg grins and looks at the clock, “crap I got to go, I took half the day off for you but I have to leave”

I stand up and nod, Meg shows me around the house and runs off. I make my way into the bedroom and begin unpacking, so far so good, expect for I left my tooth brush back home.

“Shit “I mumble to myself. I change into nicer clothing and clean myself up a bit, I decide to walk around town a bit and buy myself that tooth brush.  Meg left me a little map of the shops nearby, the nearest store is a couple of blocks away so I head for it.

The weather was great, sunny and warm, the neighborhood was practically empty, and I was surprised, back home everyone is outside no matter what. I hum myself a tune, and walk up to the store. It was much bigger than I expected but practically empty, I walk in and greet the cashier and walk around the aisles. 

“Sorry oh god I’m so sorry” 

” no worries it’s ok ” a guy bumped into me, I stare at him for a moment noticing his features, he has a long but very attractive face, his hair is brown and medium length, he has these bangs that fall over his left eye. He smiles at me, I can’t help but smile back, and gosh he’s so attractive.

I stare at him for another moment; I swear I’ve seen him somewhere.  He pulls out his hand and I shake it with a smile, he smiles back.

“Hi… I’m Roger… Roger waters;” he moves his hair out of his face and continues smiling.

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