Chapter Two

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I stared at him for another moment, admiring his facial structure and his eyes; he was wearing a silky blue dress shirt and black pants.

“I’m Alice, Alice Clapton”

He smiled, “like Eric Clapton “.

I chuckled “yea, I get that a lot”

He nods and hands me my bag which I dropped “where are you from Alice, your accent is different” I love it how he noticed; I wanted to keep on talking to him .

I prayed to god he would keep the conversation going. “I’m from Canada, my friend lives here and I thought I would stay with her for a bit, just for a change”

I continued ” what about you roger ” I loved saying his name out loud

“Where are you from?”

 He smiled, it was a crooked smile but I thought it was adorable, “I’m from Surrey.”

“So what are you doing here in London?” I tried to keep the conversation going. He hesitated for a moment, he had an unsure expression on his face, but he smiled and proudly said “I’m here with my band, we are touring and we have a show May  12th.” I thought my brain exploded, he was the same guy on the album cover that I was staring at when I was with Meg, I tried to retain my enthusiasm but I couldn’t. “You’re from Pink Floyd!” I said, much louder than intended.

He laughed and nodded ” Yea, I uh, I play bass guitar and sing.” Wow, this was all too much I wanted to bring him home and show Meg, she would freak out, but I acted calm.

“Well, I should go; you probably have a million things to do here ” he insisted.

My heart dropped, a part of me wanted to ask him out right then and there and another part of me insisted of leaving him, it’s not like anything was meant to be.

“Yea, I mean, sure, see you around“ I put on a fake smile and walked right past him, I felt his eyes on my back but I continued walking.

“Alice?” yes I thought to myself, I abruptly turned around and smiled.

“Yes Roger?” gee I sure liked saying his name. He moved his hair back and looked at me.

“If you’re not doing anything May 12th I would love for you to come to the show”

” YES ” I blurted, ” I mean, uh, sure, if I’m not— ” I was rambling, I calmed myself down and nodded ” I would love to ” I tried to seem as calm as possible but looking at him was making me excited and nervous. He gleamed and smiled his crooked adorable smile, “Great” I nodded and stared at him in complete awe, I loved listening to him speak; he had a calming but sexy voice.

“Oh and more thing ” roger continued. I raised my eyebrows and nodded,

” I’m staying at the London Hilton on Park Lane” he said.

“Wow, that’s a nice hotel”

“Yea it’s ok”

He pulled out a piece of paper and asked me for a pen, thank god I had one with me, I handed it to him and he wrote down something on the paper and gave it to me.

I looked at the paper and smiled.

“Come and visit me, I want you to meet the rest of my band” I grinned and once again trying not to look ridiculously happy I responded “yes, that would be nice, what time?” He looked at the clock on the wall and cocked his head, ” hmm how about 7, stay for supper ” Rick can cook something. I smiled and acted as if I knew who that was. “Okay well I’ll see you at 7!”

“See you at seven “, he looked at me and hesitated then turned away but stood still. He looked back at me and smiled, “Bye Alice.”

I opened my mouth but nothing came out, after he left I stood in the middle of the shopping aisle holding my bag near my chest trying to absorb everything that just happened, my hands were shaking and my knees as well. I walked into the store to pick up a tooth brush and got a date with a musician. I walked around the store thinking about him.

Oh god

I know nothing about the band, I ran out the store and back home. I was panicking, I felt like I was having an anxiety attack, never before have I been asked on a date in person despite my age.

I busted through the door and threw my bag across the room.

“MEG!” I screamed

“OH YA YOURE AT WORK “I continued yelling.

I have 3 hours before I have to be at Rogers. I paced around the small house looking for things about Pink Floyd. I walked over to Meg’s record collection and look through the records. I remembered that she had that picture of them, luckily for me the names were written on the back.

“Syd Barrett, Rick Wright and Nick mason” I said those names over and over again in my head. I sat down at the table and fiddled with my fingers, thank god I brought nice dresses with me, I wanted to look amazing for roger. That’s all I cared about at the moment.

At 5 I went to have a shower, I stood in the tub with my face in the water, I couldn’t get Roger out of my head, he was so sexy.

As I got out of the shower I heard the front door open, Meg was home, and I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself.

“Hi Alice how are you “ said Meg setting her bag down on the counter and hanging up her jacket.

I stared at her for a moment

“Roger waters invited me to supper at his house tonight “

She chuckled “Yeah and I’m engaged to john Lennon“ she said sarcastically

I sat her down and explained everything, leaving out no detail. After I finished she had a tint of jealousy in her eyes. “But it’s not like anything is going to happen “I reassured her, faking it. She nodded, “obviously “ I faked a smile and walked into my room and sat down in the front of the mirror, I curled my hair and frankly did my makeup very well. I picked a skin right red dress from the closet; it shaped my body nicely and made my chest look great, I was happy with myself despite that I looked like a high class prostitute.

At 6:15 I picked a nice pair of shoes and walked out of the house. Meg was mad at me but honestly I could care less, I got in a taxi and headed for the London Hilton on Park Lane, I was so nervous, my palms were sweaty and my stomach was turning.

The ride to the hotel was about 20 minutes, I got out of the taxi and took a deep breath in, okay here I go I said to myself.

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