Chapter Three

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I held on to the piece of paper that Roger gave me with this room number on it and walked into the lobby. The woman at the front desk gave me a warm smile and directed me to his room, when I got there I stood in front of the door for about 5 minutes contemplating and thinking about every worst possible scenario . I gathered up all my courage and knocked on the door, seconds later it opened, I stared at the guy in front of me trying to remember who he was.

“Rick …? “My voice was shaky; the guy nodded and offered to shake hands

“Hi Alice, we’ve heard all about you” he smiled shyly and offered to take my jacket. I thanked him and looked around the apartment. I expected it to be bigger and fancier but I guess for four guys it was plenty of space. I smiled at Rick.

“Syd, Roger and Nick are all in the living room, I’ll be in my room if you need anything “Rick was so shy but adorable, he called for the boys and left.

I stood awkwardly by the door playing with my hair when Roger walked out. He flashed a smile at me, he wore a white dress shirt tucked into his black pants a black western tie. I’ve never seen that kind of outfit before but it looked astounding on him, I thought it was adorable how he put effort into his appearance. He put his hands behind his back and gently swayed back and forth. “You look very pretty tonight Alice “his voice was gentle.

“Thanks, you look great too”

Two guys walked out of the living room, one of them had rather puffy hair and the other one was shorter than the rest. I recognized the puffy haired one, Meg pointed at him the other day on the album, I tried to remember his name, but nothing came to me.

Roger stood beside me and proudly announced

“This is Alice; I invited her to dinner tonight”

The shorter one replied “No kidding you’ve been talking about it all day,” they both laughed and I grinned. Roger stared at him, and introduced me to the boys. I genuinely thought that Syd was beautiful; he had this wild and crazy look in his eyes even when he was at his calmest and Nick was charming and hilarious.

Roger guided me to the table and we both sat down. Syd and Nick stared at him trying to annoy him, he tried to ignore them but I kept on cracking up.

“LEAVE ” roger yelled. Syd and Nick both left, “We’re going to the bar” Syd yelled

“Take Rick with you “Roger replied. Nick went into Rick’s room and dragged him out.

Roger ignored them and looked at me, then at my chest then up to my face again. I pretended like I didn’t notice. Roger cooked up a plate of spaghetti, salad and put a bottle of wine on the table. I was impressed, I thought stuff like this only happened in movies but I guess not.

I offered to help roger with serving but he insisted on him doing by itself. I could tell he was having trouble opening the wine bottle; I rolled my eyes and walked up to him.

“Do you need some help?”




“Here let me help, seriously”

“I can do it really, just sit down ill take care of everything”

I agreed and sat back down, I never knew how muscular his arms were, I could see them through the light in the kitchen, and I sat and stared. Eventually he opened up the bottle and poured it in two glasses.

He sat down and moved the hair out of his face. “I hope you like the food, I’m not very good at cooking but I really hope you like it.” I smiled and told him it was great, he seemed pleased.

I could tell every now and again he would look at me for a couple of seconds and run his eyes up and down my body, I liked it, and I liked the attention.

We had a great conversation, I got to know much more about him and his family how is dad passed away and how he met the boys. I told him a bit about myself, leaving out the boring events.

I could feel myself liking him more and more every minute, some moments I just stared at him, admiring his beauty. He truly was charming, and liked to brag about his life accomplishments, usually I can’t stand when people do that but I could just sit and listen to him talk, for hours upon hours.

After we finished supper he offered ice cream, I didn’t resist. Before getting to the fridge he walked over to his record player and put in a record, Elvis, he put in Elvis.

I smiled to myself. “Do you like Elvis?” Roger asked me while walking to the fridge.

“Yes, I do, do you? “ I replied,

“Yeah, I mean—he’s like my guilty pleasure,” I chuckled.

Roger served him and I a bowl of chocolate ice-cream, after I finished I leaned back in my chair and sighed. “Wow, Roger this was a great meal, thank you

“He grinned and walked up to me and put out is hand, “Do you want to dance?” I stared at him in astonishment; he reassured me that he wasn’t joking.

I nodded and took his hand, we walked over to the living room and he put his hand on my lower back sending chills up my spine, I looked up at him and he nodded at me. My hand made its way to his and we interlocked fingers, his hand was so soft. I put my hand on his shoulder and we danced, it was a fast song so we were both laughing and jumping around, surprisingly he was great at dancing, I would’ve never guessed it.

Crying in the chapel began playing and we both slowed down. He pulled me close to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned my head on his chest, I closed my eyes, everything was perfect, I could feel his gentle breaths and the beating of his heart, he put his cheek against my hair. I didn’t want to pull away, I felt attached to him and I could stay like this forever, another fast song begun playing but neither of us did anything, we just stood in the middle of the living room swaying left to right. His hands were on my hips and I loved it, I loved everything.

After a few more songs I looked up at him and noticed his eyes were closed too, he looked adorable. In a few seconds he opened his eyes and smiled at me.

“I’m really enjoying this night “ he said.

“Me too, I don’t want it to end “ I signed laying my head down on his chest again.

“It doesn’t have to“ his tone of voice changed and I looked back up at him.

He pulled his hands apart and cupped one around my cheek; I was shaking so hard I thought he would notice. He smiled and leaned his forehead against mine, our lips were millimetres apart, I was trying to resist. He looked at my lips and back at me, then planted a very gentle, soft kiss on them, my heart stopped beating for a moment.

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