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Someone had given Chidi a flier, on his way back from the pharmacy. The flier was for a three-day church programme at Kingdom Sons Ministry, Owerri. The church was at a trekkable distance from their house. According to the flier, a well-known minister of God, Pastor Justice Olusola of Life Renewing Word Church, Lagos, was the guest minister preaching on the theme 'Seedtime'. He brought the flier home and showed his parents and found out that both of them also had a flier each. The programme was to start on Friday evening and end on Sunday morning, with Saturday having morning, afternoon and evening sessions.

For the next weeks before the day the programme would commence, everybody in their family talked about the programme. Posters and banners for the programme were seen at every turn and every strategic place. People in the market, in the compound and everywhere they turned spoke about the upcoming programme, including those who were obviously not Christians. Many people spoke about various miracles and testimonies that lots of people had gotten via Pastor Justice's ministry. The family decided that they were going to attend the programme. They believed that Nkechi would be healed and their family situation improved. Since Nkechi was very ill, Promise and Precious took turns in taking care of her during those days.

The first evening of the programme, the church was filled to the brim with people before the programme started. The family, apart from Promise and Nkechi, arrived an hour before time and yet could only find seats a few rows from the back. The choir led the congregation through a praise and worship session. During that time, people were healed and got testimonies as they would share later on. Some people were on the ground crying and many were baptized in the Holy Spirit. The atmosphere was charged up as with electricity. Pastor Francis Uchechukwu, head pastor of the host church, led a prayer session afterwards. It felt as if no sermon was needed anymore as the Presence of God was strongly felt in the church. After the prayer, Pastor Francis introduced Pastor Justice.

"Pastor Justice is my father. I served in his church for seven years, four years as a pastor, before God instructed me to start up a church. During the time that I served under him and even up until now, he has been a blessing to me. His words are always filled with power. Recently, I confessed to him that I was still struggling in ministry. After more than two years of starting this church, the church members are not up to 30 and the offerings are not enough to pay for the building's rent let alone cater for the welfare needs of our church members. I have been living in poverty and yet my father is one of the richest pastors and his ministry gives relief materials to other countries. When I told him the situation of my ministry, he asked me the last time I preached about seedtime, noting that I should not expect any harvest if there is no seedtime. He decided as a good father to visit us and bless and teach us God's Word as regards the season that we are in. This whole programme was financed by his ministry. Please, I want everyone to open up their hearts to God as His Words come forth shortly through the mouth of His servant. Be ready for a father's blessing and also a father's rebuke. Let us be on our feet as we welcome Pastor Justice Olusola. God bless you, sir," Pastor Francis said.

Immediately, everyone began to shout and scream. When Pastor Justice received the microphone, he quietened everyone for about two minutes. Everyone's hearts raced in expectation.

"I want everyone to exalt the name of Jesus, magnify his name. Bless God for all that He has begun to do. He alone can do what no one can do and He has shown Himself faithful. Bless the Lord, oh my soul and forget not all His benefits..." Pastor Justice began.

Within the next hour, Pastor Justice spoke about seedtime and harvest, using various passages from both the Old and New Testaments. He explained the importance of seeds and sacrifices, giving testimonies from his own life and ministry. Every word he spoke came with power, yet they were said quietly. He called out for those ready to give their lives wholly to God as a living sacrifice.

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