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However, on Sunday, as Pastor Francis preached, quoting 2 Timothy 2:19; ‘whoever names the Lord’s name should depart from sin’, he invited Pastor James to the altar.
“Pastor James, why would you, a pastor that preaches Christ, decide to engage in sexual sin?” Pastor Francis asked.
Pastor James, thinking that he was referring to Chidi or had just used the question as an illustration, began to answer.
“Pastor Francis, it’s funny and pathetic to know that there are pastors that are promiscuous…” Pastor James began.
“I did not ask about other pastors, I asked about you,” Pastor Francis said.
“Excuse me?” Pastor James asked.
“I received information that you have been sleeping with some of our workers here,” Pastor Francis said.
“And you believed them? Pastor Francis, it is me oh, your associate pastor.”
“I did not call you out here to lie to me in the face, pastor. Rebuke an erring elder openly that others may fear. I’m giving you this opportunity to confess your sins and ask for forgiveness.”
“This is outrageous, Pastor Francis. If you don’t want me in your ministry, just say so. Why go through such an elaborate plan?” Pastor James said.
“You’ll regret this,” Pastor Francis said, signalling Chidi.
As the Pastors were exchanging words, it was only those that knew about Pastor James sexual escapades that understood what was happening. Others felt that Pastor Francis was giving a mere illustration with Pastor James. Meanwhile, per Pastor Francis’ instruction, Chidi had given the media team, a video that they were not to watch beforehand but to project in church when he gave the signal. Chidi signalled Iheanyi to play the video and the entire church saw as Pastor James tried to force himself on Treasure. This shocked everyone including Pastor James who never knew that he was videoed.
“You know what? I’m leaving your church. Good luck building your church without me, ingrate!” Pastor James said and stormed out of the church.
Pastor Francis was quiet and visibly pained. He had trusted Pastor James.
“I am not doing this to condemn you but to allow you to make it right with God. Without holiness, you cannot see God! Every one lady that slept with Pastor James, please, come to the front,” Pastor Francis instructed.
Everyone was surprised to see some of the ‘virtuous and spiritual’ sisters, step out in tears, reluctantly at first.
“Everyone that engages in any sexual sin, please, join them,” Pastor Francis instructed again.
Many more people joined. Pastor Francis called out other sins, thefts in offices and bribery, false witnessing and character assassination, greed, hatred, idolatry (some people carried talisman to church) and others. Almost the entire church was out in front of the altar weeping and asking for forgiveness.
“Two Sundays ago, the drama team members asked, “Is your name in the book of life?” and even they, themselves, cannot answer that question in the affirmative. The Lord is not slow in his promise. He is just patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but that all will come to repentance. Lord Jesus, so, if you had raptured your people, the majority from my church would not have gone with you? Those in front, please, open your mouths and confess your sins before God,” Pastor Francis said.
He thought of Pastor Justice’s rebuke and prayed earnestly, “I left what God asked me to do and tried to do what I cannot do and my disobedience is detrimental to the fulfilment of the vision. Lord, I’m sorry. I’m very sorry for sacrificing the spiritual lives of my members on the altar of disobedience. Please, give me another chance. This time, I’ll heed Your instructions, no matter what. Please, forgive me Lord.”
Pastor Francis led the people in front in a sinners’ prayer and asked them to go to their seats. Immediately, the atmosphere changed. People got healed. Some got baptised in the Holy Spirit. Chidi felt anointing in the place unlike any he had felt before. After the service, Iheanyi met Chidi and showed him the picture of his girlfriend engaged to another man.
“That’s good. She was not yours in the first place,” Chidi said.
“She told me that after we broke up, she met this other person. They got talking, then slept with each other from time to time and he proposed to marry her in less than three weeks of knowing her. None of them are dead, obviously,” Iheanyi said.
“What are you saying? You just saw what happened in church!” Chidi said.
Then, Chidi thought, “My statement is what Iheanyi expected but not what he needs to get over his girlfriend. He is like a mentee, needing advice and not condemnation. Besides, I also battled with lying as a child, even though I knew that lying was bad.”
“I know that you see me as a pastor and feel that genuine pastors are perfect. But you are wrong. Everyone strives towards perfection. I entered the ministry as a teenager. My school knew who I was and many gave their lives to Christ through me. There was this friend of mine, who I mistakenly broke something precious to her and I could not bring myself to tell the truth, so I lied to her. When my father heard about it, he flogged me and asked me to confess to my friend. I did and in the events that followed, I was flogged again and disgraced in front of the whole school, just like Pastor James today. Yet, the punishment was not as painful as hearing people, including my very close friends, call me all kinds of names for telling a little lie. My point is, you might think that it’s one night of pleasure but have you thought of the after-effects?”
“Okay but what would have happened if you didn’t confess to her?”
“She’d have died. She was facing a lot and opened up to me when I confessed. As a spiritual leader, you’ll never know whose life is tied to your righteousness until you sin,” Chidi said. “Iheanyi, God can give you the grace to overcome this temptation as he has promised always to show us a means of escape. You just have to surrender to him. Let me pray with you.”
The next Sunday, Pastor Francis preached about remaining faithful even amidst trials, challenges, temptations and everything. He talked of the early Christians that, though persecuted, did not lose faith. He talked about Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, Job, Daniel and his friends and all that stood fast in the resolve to serve God, including those tortured and killed for Christ in some countries. He spoke of his testimonies and testimonies of several others and asked the choir to lead the congregation in ‘I pledge allegiance to the Lamb’.
“You call yourself a Christian and you can’t take a stance for God in your school, your place of work, your community etc. If people who know you very well still ask you if you are a Christian, you need to check your salvation status,” Pastor Francis said.
The congregation sang the song over and over again and meant it. They made a resolve and a promise to God to stand for him, even in the midst of trials and temptations. After the service, Chidi met with Treasure at the choir stand. Chidi saw Treasure as a good friend and loved to speak with her. Some of the single ladies in the choir began to act like they were desperate for Chidi’s attention. Pastor James was right about that. Chidi knew he had to set boundaries to avoid issues. Later on, he called Adebayo to inform him about the recent events and how God was moving mightily.
“That’s very good,” Adebayo said. “By the way, have ladies in church begun to check you out?”
“How did you even know that, Bayo?” Chidi asked.
“Well, you are a handsome, spiritual, loving and humble brother. Even if you are the lady, you will fantasize how you’d make a good husband. So, are you catching a vision for any lady yet?”
“No, though I have a female friend, Treasure. Sometimes, I feel like the other single ladies are way too shallow. So, that restricts me from relating freely with them. I think I’ll ask Pastor Francis if our older women may hold a programme with them to talk sense into their head. Pastor James used their desperation against them. Treasure, on the other hand, was willing to sacrifice everything in her stance for what was right. And when I asked her why she remained in this church, she spoke like someone who knew what spiritual service is all about. She has a good understanding of the Bible, more than some of our pastors. She is gentle. And she is in the choir, so she has a nice voice,” Chidi said.
“You sound like someone falling in love,” Adebayo teased.
“No, she is just a friend,” Chidi said.
“Oh, I know. You are looking for a minister wife like Atinuke, my fiancée,”
“Yes, a minister wife but not like Atinuke. I don’t know Pastor Francis’ plans but I don’t think that he is planning towards a national or international ministry. And if that is the case and I’ll have to stay in one local church forever, I wouldn’t want my wife to be the itinerant minister.”
“Why? Jealousy or lack of trust?” Adebayo asked.
“None. It’s just that I’ve tested that life and it excites me till this day. It’s going to be like the day daddy said I could not follow you to the amusement park. I’m scared that I’d one day defy Pastor Francis’ authority and follow her for ministrations,” Chidi said laughing.
During the pastors’ Thursday meeting, Pastor Francis informed the pastors on the need for someone to take Pastor James’ place as associate pastor.
“Well, I’ll say Pastor Chidi. He’s the one with experience in international ministry and has worked with two great ministers, Pastor Justice and Pastor Roberts. Also, he saw that there was an issue with the message Pastor Victory preached and was able to stop Pastor James from sleeping with all our young girls,” Pastor Obinna said. “Pastor Chidi, I am very sorry for my unwelcoming attitude towards you.”
All the pastors concurred with Pastor Obinna.
“I seriously don’t want the position. Pastor Francis, when I came here, you made it clear to me that I am just a junior pastor and I should not look out for positions. I agreed, not because I was desperate, but because God sent me here to serve you. I would care less if I’m only asked to clean the church. I believe my position right now gives me the best opportunity to serve. Besides, among all these pastors that stood by you through thick and thin, is there no one worthy to be your vice?” Chidi countered.
“The truth is that Pastor Chidi is unqualified for the position. He is young and unmarried. Pastor Wisdom, you were always meant to be in charge. You have a heart for the people and understand the vision fully. I felt that Pastor James had better pieces of advice on how to get the money we needed for our projects and ignored many of your ideas until you stopped giving them. Yet you stood by me. You never left. You kept supporting and praying for me. So, be the associate pastor,” Pastor Francis said and everyone clapped, cheered and congratulated Pastor Wisdom.

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