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As expected, Florence did not show up for fellowship and so did so many others. The little over half of the fellowship members that attended the fellowship kept talking about Chidi. Chidi sat at the back and hoped to disappear from the judging glances of the fellowship members. But Adebayo came over and asked him to take the worship session.
“Bayo, please, you know that I cannot do that,” Chidi said.
“I am not begging you. It is an order, Chidi,” Adebayo said.
Chidi breathed deeply. He could not disobey Adebayo. Even though he was Adebayo’s classmate, Chidi saw Adebayo firstly as Pastor Justice’s son. And he had the utmost respect for anyone associated with Pastor Justice. Timidly, Chidi walked to the front and faced the fellowship members. Immediately, the members of the fellowship began to murmur against him.
“Left to me, I would not stand in front of you people. I mean, how would I when I have just smeared mud to God’s name and to this fellowship? It’s very surprising, I noticed that every single person that angrily insulted me did not call my name but God’s name. I am the one who told the lie, so why is everybody speaking against servants of God, Christians, the church and God? People whose lives have been visibly touched by what God has been doing in this fellowship are at the forefront of fighting the fellowship. And this is all because of the mistake of one person who should have been a light to this school, me.”
Chidi knelt in tears and prayed, “God, I am very sorry. I am very sorry Lord. Instead of labouring with the Grace which You have put upon my life, I dragged it to the mud. Instead of being the salt of the earth, I sowed bitterness. Instead of representing Your just Kingdom in truth, I chose to lie. You have said that everyone that names God’s name should depart from iniquity and yet, I embraced sin. Please, forgive me, Lord. I know that I am undeserving but please, do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.”
As Chidi knelt and confessed his sins to God, the Spirit of conviction came upon every member of the fellowship. It felt as if Jesus stood with Chidi as He had with the woman caught in adultery and asked each fellowship member, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” Everyone remembered the lies that they felt they got away with, cheatings in the examination hall, lusts, pilferages, gossips, quarrels and a lot of other things not becoming of anyone said to be Christ-like. They all began to cry and ask for forgiveness and grace to live right before God. It was a revival that could not be compared to any that the fellowship and the school at large had experienced till that day. Everyone opened up their heart to confess their secret sins and consecrate themselves to God.
“♪Let he who thinks he stands…♪” Chidi cried as he sang.
“♪Cast me not away…♪”
The fellowship members joined in perfect harmony. The power of God came down very mightily. Chidi led the fellowship in other forgiveness and consecration songs before Mr Oladayo came to take over from him. That evening, he did not leave as he did to eat but stayed back, still praying for forgiveness as he listened to Mr Oladayo’s teaching.
After the fellowship meeting, Mr Oladayo spoke with several of the students, giving them pieces of advice and praying for them, as was his custom. Afterwards, he met with Chidi who stood with Adebayo.
“Chidi, the worship session was very powerful. God really manifested himself. Keep it up,” Mr Oladayo complimented.
“Thank you, sir,” Chidi said.
“By the way, I noticed that so many people didn’t come to fellowship today. I met with some outside who though they are still in school, they did not attend. They said they cannot come when the leaders are hypocrites. According to them, you broke your classmates’ belonging, disposed it and lied about it. Not just that, you even volunteered to help her find it as part of your pretence. Is that true?” Mr Oladayo asked.
Chidi bowed his head in shame and answered, “It’s actually an understatement, sir.”
“Overstatement, you mean. So, what happened?” Mr Oladayo inquired.
“Understatement. They did not tell you all that happened. My classmate… she withdrew from everyone since her mother died. She recently began to open up and embrace relationships because of this fellowship and she became one of my closest friends. Now that I broke her trust, I don’t know if she’ll ever trust again,” Chidi said.
Anger flashed across Mr Oladayo’s face as he said, “I don’t think you know who you are! See how anointed you are! People are looking up to you, Chidi! How could you?! You know what, Bayo, please, get me a cane.”
Adebayo and Chidi gasped. Adebayo made to speak, trying to inform Mr Oladayo that Chidi had been punished severely for it already.
“Bayo, don’t!” Chidi interrupted him.
“What? How dare you ask him not to do what I asked? Bayo, get me the cane now!”
Mr Oladayo once again misunderstood Chidi’s actions. Adebayo got the cane and Mr Oladayo asked Chidi to lie on the desks, his back facing up. As Mr Oladayo made to flog Chidi, Adebayo begged on Chidi’s behalf. He wondered why Chidi would agree to get punished.
“Do not withhold correction from a child, for if you beat him with a rod, he will not die,” Mr Oladayo said.
Adebayo replied, “This correction might kill Chidi. Other Fridays, Chidi always felt faint after ministering. But today, he has neither eaten nor had anything to drink. And he has been flogged for this three times already, all through the time he has been fasting.”
Mr Oladayo changed his mind but quoted many scriptures to Chidi to explain how bad what Chidi had done was.
“You have a great destiny and you cannot allow little foxes that spoil the vines to destroy it,” Mr Oladayo said and Chidi nodded.
At home, Chidi’s eye was red and he lost appetite for food or water. He would not speak so it was Adebayo that did all the talking. Adebayo talked about how the presence of God came down in fellowship more than they had ever experienced and how Chidi had been disgraced in front of the entire school.
“I’m scared for Chidi. He has not eaten anything,” Adebayo said.
“Chidi, please oh, it is not in my house that you’ll decide to starve yourself oh,” Pastor Justice said.
Chidi did not have the will-power to eat anything. He just looked down.
“Has Florence forgiven you?” Pastor Justice asked.
Chidi shook his head without looking up.
“Okay, Monday is another day. Remember, she has to forgive you. But today, you have to eat your food. If you don’t eat, I’ll just have to feed you,” Pastor Justice said and stood up from his seat to sit close to Chidi.
Pastor Justice held Chidi’s hands affectionately. He had wanted to rub Chidi’s back but knew that his back hurt and didn’t want to inflict more pain. He spoke kind words to Chidi as he would pet a child. Chidi forced himself to finish his food.
“Good boy. You know your daddy loves you right. When you eat your food, you’ll grow big and handsome and you’ll have many friends,” Pastor Justice said in a very funny way that made Chidi smile momentarily.
“Why did you stop? Don’t you know how fine you look when you smile? Please, smile again for daddy,” Pastor Justice said and Chidi forced a smile.
“Chidi, sweetheart, meet me at my study, okay?” Pastor Justice said.
Chidi nodded. He went to Pastor Justice’s study after the evening devotion.
“It will be easier if God takes our will from us the moment we give our lives to Christ. That way, we will be sure that we will never sin against God,” Chidi said.
“That is what happened actually. When you surrendered your life to Christ, you also surrendered your will. Professing Jesus as your Lord means that you’re accepting His authority over your life and He has the final say. Paul understood this and like many other disciples referred to himself as the bondservant of God. And in a letter to servants, he said obey your masters in everything. Also, he said woe unto me if I do not preach the gospel. “So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, we are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty,” Jesus said,” Pastor Justice explained.
“Then, why do we still sin?” Chidi asked.
“Well, for one, because you don’t know that you have the power over sin. God has said that you will not be tempted beyond what you can bear but He will show you a way of escape. No wonder the scripture says, you are inexcusable. The bible says that you are dead to sin and that is why you cannot continue to sin for grace to abound. Chidi, there are times that I’ve asked you to do things that you felt was beyond your ability, right? But you did them anyway. Why?”
Chidi did not answer but the answer was obvious. He had the utmost respect for Pastor Justice.
“And what is the difference between obeying me and the Lord Jesus? Why are you finding it difficult to obey? I understand, it is not that easy to do the right thing when you can’t see the person supervising you. And that is why God sends mentors and fathers to help train you as you grow in him. Nonetheless, you have to learn to look up to Jesus. Decide to obey him completely, no matter what. He is the ultimate judge and He is your master. We are fellow servants doing what our Master bids us. He has said not to lie, Chidi. You don’t have a choice than to obey. And besides, the bible says in Luke 12:47, “And that servant, which knew his lord's will and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes,” I am sure that right now, you have a very good understanding of that scripture,” Pastor Justice said. “I love you. And I pray to God for you to have a better understanding so that you will open your heart to God to receive the grace that he has given to you to live a godly life.”
On Monday, after assembly time, Adebayo met Florence to plead on Chidi’s behalf.
“Bayo, I respect you and I won’t want to insult you. So, please, leave me alone,” Florence said.
“Florence, deciding to forgive someone is not all for the benefit of the person that hurt you. Forgiveness is actually a favour to yourself first. Just think about it, please,” Adebayo said.
Florence walked away without speaking and sat on her chair awaiting the day’s lessons. During break time, Chidi went to apologize to her again. This time, she lost her cool and began to shout and rain insults on Chidi.
“I’ve told you to leave me alone! It’s my fault that I ever trusted you, knowing fully well that you Christians are all the same, every one of you. Liars! Pretenders! You always hurt people and find a way to cover it up with your lies!” Chidi heard her say amidst the insults.
“Who are you talking about? Who are you referring to?” Chidi asked.
“Excuse Me?” Florence asked.
“You are making unnecessary generalizations. I know I’m a new student here but I can count up to three good Christians in our class who has never ever lied to you. But I understand why my lie would hurt you so much. So please, who is that person in your life that like me, is a Christian that you trusted so much, yet still hurt you and covered it up with lies?” Chidi asked.
“My father,” said Florence.
“Please, sit down. I’m very sorry for lying to you. Please, tell me everything,” Chidi pleaded.
“Ever since my mum died, my father has been sleeping with me. And every time I resisted, he beat me so much that left scars on my body. He says that I look exactly like my mother and he misses her but cannot think of cheating on her with another woman. He feels that sleeping with her only child is a way to show his undying love,” Florence said, tears running down her eyes.
“Did you tell anyone about it?” Chidi asked.
“Of course. I told our neighbour, the first time it happened. I even undressed to show her the scars on my body. And she reported me to my father. My father is one of the top leaders in our church. He is seen as perfect, an example even of sexual purity since our neighbours and his co-workers at his office can bear him witness of his fidelity. He knows the scriptures cover to cover too. So, who will believe a teenager, where the very word ‘teenager’ is associated with vices? A teenager traumatized by her mother’s death, who will believe her over an apparent saint?
“He told her that I was lying and that he had caught me kissing a boy in school. No one will think of investigating that. All they need to know is that people engage in sexual activities in our school. He told her that he was so angry that he beat me so much when we returned home and did not realise that he had hurt me so much. He begged for my forgiveness in front of our neighbour and lamented that he wished his wife was around, that my mum would be better able to handle me. Our neighbour understood and explained to my father that it was my season as a teenager with so many hormones running in my body and that he should be gentle with me and love me through the phase I’m in. Then, she spent a lot of time advising me about the dangers of premature sex. When she was going, she told my father not to be angry and not to punish me for the heinous lie that I had told against him. She said that she was ready to act as a mother to me any time I needed one. Of course, when she left, my father dragged me to my room, taped my mouth and beat me mercilessly. He threatened me of so many things he would do to me if I ever thought of speaking about it to anyone again. And on top of that, with all the pain I felt, he still laid his filthy hands on me. And I have never told anyone since then,” Florence said as she made futile attempt to hide the hurt and irritation on her face.
“Lord, please, give Florence peace. Also, let me feel what she has been feeling so that I’ll understand her better,” Chidi prayed in his heart.
Immediately, Florence’s face brightened with hope and peace while Chidi began to feel the emotional hurt that she had been suffering.
“Why did you not tell your close friends in school or our teachers? You are smart. You should know that speaking to people in his circle would not help matters. You needed to speak to those who know you for you and who could easily believe you,” Chidi asked.
“I was very scared, Chidi. How do you tell people that the very person who is to protect you from hurt is the one hurting you the most?” Florence asked.
“And so, you withdrew from everyone. What everyone saw as you not getting over your mum’s death was, in reality, a cry for help. And every time you felt so hurt, you would look at your mum’s sculpture. But Florence, she is dead!” Chidi said.
“Why are you talking about my mum like that?” asked Florence.
“I have to tell you the truth. All these times, I felt bad. Why did I break the sculpture? Couldn’t I have been more careful? But in reality, God wants to heal you and so he had to take the competition out of the way. And I blew it when I lied to you. Then, we would have had this discussion last week. You turned the sculpture into an idol and a graven image, one with eyes that cannot see, with ears that cannot hear and with a mouth that cannot speak. Has going to her every day stopped you from being hurt?” Chidi said.
“What about God? Will he make my father to stop hurting me? Will he even choose me over someone that has served him for years?” Florence asked.
“God is a just Judge. He is no respecter of persons, Florence. And yes, he will stop your father from hurting you. He says in His word, ‘cast all your cares upon him for he cares for you’ and elsewhere, ‘Come unto me all you that are weary and are heavy laden and I will give you rest’. When you surrender to Jesus, your body becomes the temple of the Holy Spirit and whoever defiles you, God will destroy. The mark of God will be upon you saying ‘Touch not my anointed.’ So, are you ready to surrender to Jesus?” Chidi asked.
“Welcome to the family of God, Florence,” Chidi said loudly after leading her to Christ.
The class began to shout in excitement as in the case of Kenneth. Everyone was happy because they knew Florence would become her lively self again.
Quietly, Chidi said to Florence amidst the uproar, “You are now a new creature in Christ. Your father does not know that, of course, but the greatest mistake that he’ll ever make is to think of laying his hands on you again. Please, can you give me your home address and phone number?”
“Are you going to visit me?” Florence asked.
“I don’t know if I’ll visit, but I’ll call you when I get home, okay? And also, since I spoilt something you treasure so much, let me replace it with something I treasure so much,” Chidi said and handed his sound recorder to her. “Please, keep it close to you always.”
Chidi told Adebayo all that Florence said. Florence spoke with everyone joyfully as she did before her mother died but Chidi was withdrawn with so much pain. He still felt Florence’s hurt and would only speak with Adebayo.
“I’m not feeling so well,” Chidi said to Adebayo after recounting the story to him.
For the classes that followed after the break time, Florence was very active in class. She asked and answered questions which surprised her teachers. Some teachers asked about the sudden change and the class informed them that Florence had finally forgiven Chidi and Chidi had led her to Christ. They were all surprised but very happy. During economics class, the teacher asked Chidi an easy question. Chidi stood up and gave her a blank look. He could not hear her clearly and could not think straight. He was still in pains.
“During break time, Chidi told me that he was not feeling fine,” Adebayo said to the teacher.
“That can be expected after last week’s punishment. Chidi, you weren’t punished out of hatred but because no one wants you to do things that aren’t okay. Please, sit down,” the teacher said.
By the time Chidi felt what Florence felt when he lied to her, it was as if he could not breathe due to the heartbreak. The little ray of hope Florence had was shattered. Chidi felt that, at that point, thinking of suicide was not possible as the pain alone was enough to kill. He discovered that all the punishments meted out on him could not be compared, in any way, with the grief that Florence had felt.
“I can’t take it anymore, Lord. Please, take away the pain. I can’t endure what Florence went through,” Chidi prayed desperately.
Immediately, he felt refreshed as if a burden was lifted from his heart.
“Thank you for keeping Florence. Some people that went through what she experienced committed suicide. Some died of health complications. But you kept her alive to know You. And I know that You will intervene in her affairs,” Chidi prayed.

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