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In a little over one week, the song was produced and was used to advertise intensively and extensively the crusade. Chidi was also able to convince all the ministers that Pastor Francis asked, to minister at the crusade. Pastor Roberts’ programme which was two weeks before the crusade was the last programme that Chidi went for before the crusade. So, he had two weeks after his return to Nigeria to help in the preparations. Almost everything was in place: the stadium had been paid for, the sound and light equipment were in good conditions, banners advertised the programme at every turn in the entire state and all the workers had been briefed about their duties for the crusade. There were still outstanding bills: the welfare of the ministers, chairs for hire and transportation of equipment from the church to the stadium. In an emergency meeting with pastors and committee members for planning the crusade, Pastor Francis asked Chidi if he could get the guest ministers to make more financial commitment than they had done.
“Every time I’m invited for a programme, all expenses are covered by the host: transport, accommodation and feeding and I still expect to be given remuneration after the ministration. Same with all the ones that I helped in organising. Pastor Roberts has agreed to handle all transportation expenses of his and those coming with him. He also sent some money to help plan the programme. Please, understand that he doesn’t have direct access to the ministry funds and most of it has been budgeted for from the beginning of the year, with the rest kept in case there is need for special projects like building of hospitals, schools, boreholes etc. in foreign mission fields. Other ministers have also contributed in their various capacities. I, for one, will not want to bug them more to make additional contributions, if not for anything, for the sake of honour. We should be handing our glass of cold water to our prophets that are coming to bless our land, not expecting them to give us the water,” Chidi explained.
“So, what do we do? Do we take a loan?” Pastor Obinna asked.
As the pastors and leaders were arguing and trying to find a solution, Chidi kept quiet and then heard a still small voice.
“Chidi, give everything you have. The souls to be won in the crusade are very important to me.”
Chidi had gotten some money, apart from his salary, as the remuneration he was given for ministering at the different programmes. He had already given a lot to the crusade and still planned to give more from his money. But God’s instruction was to give everything. He hoped that he won’t have to starve again. He brought out his phone and checked his account balance.
“I’ll put in ₦674,000. I’m sure it will go a long way,” Chidi said.
“Yes but we still need more than two times what you have just given. How do you have so much money anyway?” Pastor Francis asked.
“It’s from the money I got from the ministrations that I did,” Chidi replied.
Following Chidi’s example, the committee members and pastors and then the church members made more sacrifices and contributions than they had made and the church soon got all the money it needed for the crusade. Many came back with testimonies of financial favour and goodwill. Chidi wished he had that kind of testimony. He began to fast for the crusade, not because he wanted to but because he didn’t have what to eat.
On Friday, three days to the programme, Chidi had had enough of the hunger. He went with the workers to the stadium and worked very hard to get it ready for the crusade. Then, he had a long meeting with the pastors and committee members to tie all loose knots. After the meeting, Chidi felt as if the building was spinning. He managed to get to his office and placed his head on his table.
“I’m your servant Lord. No matter how hard it gets, I’ll still serve you” Chidi prayed.
“If I can sleep a little before I’m called out for another assignment, I’ll be a little strengthened,” he thought.
He was about to sleep when someone knocked at his door. He decided to explain to the person that he really needed rest.
“Come in,” he said.
“I cooked food and I decided to bring some here especially since I know that you have been working so much. So, here it is. I hope you accept it,” Treasure said.
Chidi collected the flask from her and checked the food. It was rice and stew with salad. She also bought bottled water and Coca-Cola for him. At that moment, Chidi loved Treasure even more. He felt that there was no one as good and unique as she in the entire world. He could not make meaning out of his feelings for her since God was yet to tell him if she was his wife.
“Thank you a lot,” Chidi said. “God, thank You for food.”
Treasure sat down in Chidi’s office, chatted with him and watched as he ate.
“During the last village outreach, the youths met some children who love our harvest song. They always sang it with their melodious voices. The youths thus planned to harvest these young talents from the villages and make them shine, pending approval from the church after the crusade,” she said. “How is the preparations towards the crusade going?”
“I’m just thankful that it will soon come to pass; no more stress but a harvest of testimonies,” Chidi said. “You know, it looks weird that I’m the only one eating and you are not.”
“You do know that I ate before coming to church, right?” Treasure asked.
“Just a spoon, please,” Chidi pleaded.
Treasure agreed and Chidi took a spoon of food and fed her. As he did that, Iheanyi and two females entered his office and saw him feeding Treasure.
“What is going on Pastor? Is anything going on between you and Treasure?” Iheanyi asked.
“No, we are just friends,” Chidi said.
Treasure thought, “Why am I hurt by his response? Am I having feelings for my pastor? But I don’t care for any relationship now and he hasn’t said or done anything to indicate that he is in love with me. I’ll seek spiritual counsel from Mrs Francis.”
Anyway, the two other ladies would not accept Chidi’s explanation and kept complaining. This was because they recognised the flask as Treasure’s and they, as well as other young ladies, had one time or the other offered Chidi food. They also offered to clean his apartment and wash his clothes and dishes. Chidi always refused. He, also, never collected anything from any of the youths for personal use, including money.
“Why are you making a fuss about this? I’m really tired and needed to eat. Treasure came as God-sent. She is very spiritually sensitive. That said, I can’t meet with the youths now. I need to rest. And you know, for me to say that, I mean it. If I faint during the meeting, the youths might say that I’m slain in the Spirit or I’m not so spiritual anymore. Please, Iheanyi, coordinate them.”
Everybody left Chidi’s office and he put his head down and slept.
The next day, Pastor Francis called Pastor Justice to brief him about the preparations for the crusade. Their discussions geared towards Chidi’s contributions towards the success of the crusade.
“I’ll say, as far as this ministry is concerned, Chidi is like the best thing that happened to us. His ability to make people follow him is mind-blowing. I seriously thank God for him. But, father, I feel like, I don’t know, my relationship with him is very official. I can’t even remember speaking to him about anything apart from ministry,” Pastor Francis said.
“Chidi lives in your compound. Has he ever entered your house?” Pastor Justice asked.
“That is what I’m saying, no. We receive visitors lots of times but not him.”
“You know, I know Chidi well and I know you. Sometimes, you could get so focused on the work at hand that you lose focus of other things, like how your fellow workers in the vineyard are faring. And Chidi usually acts distant, especially when you are someone he respects so much. In reality, he is just a boy and needs the father’s love. So, it’s in your hand to draw him close, yourself. If he feels that love, it’s going to be much easier for him to undertake impossible tasks and still confound you with amazing results. Start by inviting him to dinner at your house.”
Chidi was surprised that he was invited to Pastor Francis’ house for dinner. He thanked God for providing food for him the previous day and also that day. During the dinner, all of Pastor Francis’ four children wanted to sit by Chidi, as their favourite ‘uncle’ in the children’s church. Chidi carried the youngest on his lap and had the two younger children sit by him and told the eldest that she should be able to make sacrifices, like not getting to sit close to him.
“Uncle Chidi, when I was younger, my classmates used to laugh at me that I am a pastor’s son. They called me all kinds of names. When we began to go for the Saturday evangelism, I told them all about our adventures and everyone was interested. Since they saw me in the harvest music video, they say now that I am lucky to be a pastor’s son,” the second born said.
“Uncle Chidi, I don’t think it's fair that the youths follow us for our weekly evangelism but we don’t follow them for their monthly village outreaches,” said the eldest.
“Well, there is something called maturity. You need to wait for your time. But I won’t be the bad uncle. If your parents allow you, then you can go,” Chidi replied.
She looked at her father who shook his head in disapproval.
“I was thinking of a sort of summer camp for our children in church and any other child that wants to join as God gives the finances, though the children will pay a token as registration fees. It’s going to be fun and transforming,” Mrs Francis said.
Everyone spoke about the plans of the summer camp. Chidi also talked about life in Pastor Justice’s house and his discipline. He spoke about Florence too.
“Florence is now married. She ministered in the relationship segment of the Youth Conference that I preached in. This year, the youths of Life Renewing Word asked their facilitators for the special sessions to speak more about our life testimonies. I spoke on ‘the life of a young minister’ while Florence spoke on ‘love versus lust’. She told the story of her father who lusted after her, thinking it was love, of me who loved her and endured punishments to prove I was sorry, her aunt’s family who cared for her and her husband who deals with the side effects of her trauma but still loves her. She said, ‘love is not a feeling but the desire to seek another’s good.’”
“So, apart from pastoring in this church, do you have any plans?” Pastor Francis asked.
“Um, I’m just waiting for this crusade to be over. As the first son, I’ll love to help my parents with their start-up. It’s not going to change my commitment with the church in any way, I promise. Promise is studying business in school. When he is done, he will continue with the family business. In the meantime, I have to help out as I can. And since their new house is quite close to the church, I’ll move in with them. And maybe soon, I’ll get married. Pastor Francis, I just wish God will give me a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. I feel like I’ve fallen in love with Treasure.”
“Wow, Treasure said something of that sort but she was not sure of your stance as regards the relationship. And you keep saying she is just a friend,” Mrs Francis concurred.
The crusade was more than a success. More people than was expected showed up. Thousands of people gave their lives to Christ. A lot more had manifold change of stories. Amazing testimonies stemmed out of the crusade. The organisers did not experience many glitches. And the church got so many offerings which were immediately put into the ministry for all the plans of the church to bring in more people to the family of God. Chidi seized the opportunity to introduce Treasure to Pastor Princewill Roberts, Pastor Justice’s family, his parents, siblings, and all other pastors and special guests. He was now convinced that Treasure was the one for him.
On the last day of the crusade, Chidi planned a surprise with Iheanyi and Mrs Prince. He instructed the technical members to delay pack up of the instruments after service. He asked the choir to lead a hot praise session to thank God for the success of the crusade. That evening, all the members of Kingdom Sons Ministry danced as they never danced before. Treasure led the praise session. Chidi watched as her body swayed rhythmically under the slightly dim spotlight at the crusade’s stage and smiled. After an hour of praise, Chidi signalled Iheanyi to project ‘the surprise’ on all the televisions and screens. Treasure, still enrapt by the praise, danced so beautifully till she noticed no one sang or danced anymore. She heard her name being whispered by different people and looked up to see a glamorously designed graphic projected unto the screens which asked “Treasure, will you marry me?”
Mrs Prince had done a very nice job in the design. Confused, Treasure looked at Iheanyi, who had projected the message but he did not seem the architect of it. Still dismayed, she turned around to see that Chidi had crept up on her, knelt with one knee and held out a ring to her. Treasure was dumbfounded.
“Please, give your answer oh, so I’ll know if I can shoot my shot,” a female chorister said.
Treasure smiled and held out her hand. Chidi carefully slipped the ring unto her finger and stood and gave her a warm hug. The place was instantly filled with an uproar which developed into another round of praise. All the church members congratulated her as they danced more energetically. Treasure was about to be given out in marriage to someone given out to God.


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