Chapter 3

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   start playing the music now :)
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   "Rock...paper...shoot!" Melody yelled and then hit Tommy's hands which were in a scissors position.

   "Damn it!" He said, laughing.

   "Alight. We're here!" Angel said, stepping out.

  Everyone started to pile in and got their tickets. Once they paid, they all went to get skates. Melody paid for everyone's skates. Rachel got hers on first and Angel got hers on next. The two linked hands and they skated on the wooden floor. Melody got hers on next and went up to her person working the DJ booth. She showed him a Spotify playlist.

   He smiled and started playing the music.

   Tommy grabbed her hand and began skating with her, Mark skating next to Rachel, going backwards. Melody was laughing and she spun around. Tommy was stumbling and Melody quickly steadied him, "You suck, Tommy!"

   "No I don't! I'm a God at this!"

   "Sure..." Melody sped up, and stopped at the curve of the circle, "Beat that then, Blondie!"

   "I will!" Tommy began speeding up, he spun in a circle 2 times before stopping right next to her.

   "I guess I stand corrected, then." Melody said, then started going again.

   The purple-haired girl skated up to the tallest boy there. She grabbed his hands and started spinning in a circle with him, both of their arms outstretched. Melody was laughing, and screaming the songs. Ranboo was laughing too, him wearing his mask and glasses made it hard to see, other than his chest pumping up and down due to his breathing.

   Mark spun her around, and her hair hit her own face. Mark sent a thumbs up to behind Melody, who then screeched as her feet go lifted off of the ground. Two arms were over her torso and a loud laugh was emitted from behind her.

   "Tommy! What the hell?!" Melody asked, screaming.

   "I'm having fun! What's it look like?!"

   "Damn you!" Melody said after she got put down.

   Tommy started skating away from her, to where she began chasing after him. Tommy was yelling for help as Melody cought up with him. He turned around right as she was gonna put her arms around his neck.

   Melody's front was facing his as she crammed into him, the two then falling. Her arms were around his neck and her left knee was in between his legs. Melody imedietly got off of him, laughing off her blush. He was doing the same.

   Tommy propped himself on his elbows and looked over at the girl who was starting to stand up, gaining her once lost balance. She looked around and saw the two girls dancing and Mark who was talking to a girl that had just walked in.

   Melody liked how they were the only ones there, since it was a rainy day, not many people wanted to go. Melody outstretched her hand to pull Tommy up. Tommy rolled his eyes and took it. As soon as he stood up Melody took off, spinning in circles.

   Her hair was flying beside her and it looked as though she was the only one there. Tommy's eyes followed her as her smile lit up the whole room. Her feet were raising off the ground just a little bit. Her curves were outlined from the multiple lights that were shining on her. Melody exited the circle and went over to the food bar.

   Tommy exited after her and helped her carry the hotdogs and waters. Everyone went over to them and sat down in a big booth. Everyone started putting stuff of their hot dogs and Melody got up to get crisps. Melody came back with 10 small bags. She also had a bowl in her hand. She emptied the crisps in their and everyone began eating.

   Rachel's head was on Angels shoulder, mumbling something that Melody couldn't understand. Mark was on his phone, scrolling on Instagram while Tommy was telling him something. Melody was tapping her fingers on the table.

    "We should go to the beach," Tommy said, shrugging his shoulders.

   "We didn't bring bathing suits," Angel said, smiling.


   "All in favor?" Melody asked, raising her hand.

   Everyone raised their hand, even Angel once she saw everyone else was. Rachel took all of the shoes back and muttered a quick thank you to the girl behind the counter.

   Angel had already pulled the car up,  the rain stopping. Rachel got in the passengers seat and everyone else crammed in the back. On the drive to the beach it was quiet. Melody's head was leaning on Tommy's shoulder and her eyes were watching the trees as they flew by the window.

   Once they got there everyone piked out of the car and took off their shoes. Their feet hit the rocks and Tommy went straight for the water. He exclaimed about it being warm, but the look in his face said otherwise. Melody went over to help him out, to that he pulled her in. She yelled profanities, her white shirt now see through.

   Melody was wearing a longer, sports bra so it wasnt that bad. Melody drath stared the blond boy to which he stayed swimming away from her. Melody began swimming after him and soon everyone was in the water.

   Rachel was splashing Angel, who was trying to get her back. Ranboo was trying to stop Melody from killing Tommy. 

   Rachel was the first to get out, she put her red hair into a low ponytail and rung out her shirt. Next was Angel, who wiped the access makeup off of under her eyes. Then Ranboo got out, shaking his now soaked hair. Melody and Tommy got out at the same time. Melody's hair was sticking to her neck and face, her shorts now a dark blue. Tommy's hair was in his eyes, to which he took his fingers and put it back. Angel sighed as she got in her car, knowing her seats were gonna be soaked.

   Angel began to drive back, dropping Tommy off. Tommy gave Melody a quick hug and sent a thank you to Angel. Melody said bye, then went back onto her phone. She downloaded Twitter again and scrolled through her feed. She smile seeing that hate on her was small and her supporters were doing their thing.

   Supporting her.

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It helps out a lot!

I work over an hour on each chapter and I would like to make my time worth while!

My story wasn't made for me, it was made for others!

I do enjoy making them but I also like seeing the positive feed back, and the constructive criticism!

Thank you!

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