Chapter 5

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    "Melody!" Tommy yelled at the girl who was sitting on the swing.

   "What, gremlin?" Melody asked, covering her chest with her arms.

   "Do you need someone to push you?" He asked in a baby voice.

   "No! I am 17 not 5!"

   "You look like it!" Tommy exclaimed before running away from the girl who had now just jumped off of the seat and began sprinting at him.

   "Take it back, blond bitch!" She yelled.

   "Never, baby face!"

   Melody jumped and tackled the boy, causing him to fall into his back. Melody gave a sly smirk and grabbed rocks from under her. She put rocks in his hair as he squirmed trying to get away from her. Tommy finally grabbed her wrists, which was trying to force rocks in his mouth.

   "Eat it, dumbass!" Melody yelled.

   "No! What the hell?! Wilbur! Don't just stand there, get this lunatic off of me!"

   "Sorry Tommy but, she seems very... determined."

   "Don't look at me! She'll take me down easily."

   Melody turned around to look at the slightly taller boy, with brunette hair, "I would never hurt you-" before she could finish the weight under her was now over her.

   Rocks were getting in her purple hair now, and we're falling on her face. Melody was kicking every where, but was making sure she didn't kick straight up. The two were fighting on the rocks and Melody could feel them going up her shirt.

   Melody pushed him off of her and stood up, running up the contraction, making sure to grab Tubbo's hand. Wilbur blocked Tommy so he couldn't see where the two were going. Melody's hand fell down to Tubbo's as they ran, causing the boy to blush.

   Melody let go, not noticing they were holding hands, and sat under a slide. Tubbo set up the camera to face the two, "Right now, were in the middle of a war. Tommy doesn't know where we are. How you feelin' Tubbs?" Melody asked.

   "Fine. That was exilerating!"

   Melody laugh silently as she grabbed the camera and peeked around the corner. She gave Tubbo the camera and covered her mouth for special affect. She saw his tuff of blond hair peek at where they were hiding and she felt two arms around hers.

   "Ugh! Tommy! Put me down!" Melody screeched.

   "Okay!" Tommy dropped her, causing her to let out a sound of annoyence when she hit the rocks.

   "I should've been more specific. Where's Will?"

   "Right here!" He yelled from above them. He was recording them from the top of the monkey bars.

   "Damn Will!" Melody said, laughing, "Help me up!"

   Wilbur held his hand out, to which Melody grasped. He pulled her up and she noticed Tubbo climbing up from behind Will, "Sorry, Tommy! There's seems to be no room!"

   " my own video too," Tommy sighed, and went over to the swings, acting sad.

   Melody sighed in annoyence and hopped down. She logged over to Tommy and sat next to him. He looked at her and she could've sworn she saw a twinkle in his eye. Melody began swinging, deja Vu going back to her. Soon they were both as high as they could go. Melody took out her phone and began playing, 'Jump In the Cadilac.'

   "Fuck off!" Tommy exclaimed, looking at the girl.

   "Awe! You like it!" She teased, turning her volume louder.

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