raine whispers hcs pt3.

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note ; hi everyone !! as i mentioned in the previous chapter, this story is ranked #7 in "Raine." To celebrate, here is part 3 to Raine Whispers hcs ! <3

- Raine gives some of the best hugs you will ever receive in your entire life. Although they are awkward at first, once you get past that, they are literally so warm and comforting.

- Raine is that family member with the most random home remedies that actually work wonders.

- Raine doesn't have an exact skincare routine, they just use one or two products on their face and call it a day. They're just really lucky that they're one of those people who just naturally have really good skin.

-  Absaloutely loves gardening! They have tons of gardening tools and loves growing things, mainly flowers and vegetables.

- They have a ton of mugs with quotes on them.

- Raine would be such a good parent! They would constantly look after you, make sure all your needs are met and more, get you your favorite snacks, and always support you, not to even mention they'd love you more than anything.

- Bonus: If Raine had a kid, besides speech and texting, sticky notes would be their main form of communication with them. Every morning, their kid knows first thing to go to the kitchen table and read whatever note is left there. Raine will typically write down around what time they think they'll be home, what's for supper, and anything else their kid would need to know for the day such as any chores they would need them to do. Random notes would also be left around the house like, "Don't touch this," "Don't forget to eat your almonds," etc.

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