Chapter Two

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                        "Cute couple."

       The sun rose to the dawn of a new day, as light broke past the horizon a loud electronic "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" Echoed out throughout the room of our pale colored protagonist, or well, mainhand protagonist. He sighed as he slowly sat up with still droopy eyes. He pressed down on the top button of his alarm clock and sighed. 6 AM. Same time he woke up every day, so he could take a shower, get dressed, etc. Etc. He brushed off his clothes that he had fallen asleep in as he muttered "so… today's the day…" He did a few morning stretches before he sighed and exited his room.
      He glanced around the living room which was already trashed with beer bottles and food trash. The TV was letting out a fluorescent hum as static consumed the screen "god damn it Esau… these TVs don't even HAVE antennae how the fuck did you manage this?" He pinched the bridge of his nose in confusion and annoyance before raising his hands up "You know what, I'm done asking questions." He looked over to the couch and low and behold his brother was passed out on it with his fists wrapped in bandages. He was guessing he somehow found an underground brawl area in this peaceful place and went to town then got food. That was probably the most responsible thing Esau's done.

       After Jacob's morning routine, it was about seven, thirty minutes before they had to get to class. Jacob had spent a good bit searching through their boxes and got him and Esau's school bags. While Jacob had a regular old backpack Esau settled on a duffel bag for his back to school purchase. After a moment Jacob walked up to the couch and threw the duffle bag on top of Esau abruptly waking him up "Rise and shine sleeping moody, we got class in thirty minutes. Clean yourself off and get ready. It's our first day so I'm sure they'll go easy on us."
          Esau groaned as he slowly sat up rubbing his ruffled tan hair "ugh… how long was I out…? What? School already? Fuck…" He yawned loudly before he slowly got up and wiped off all the crumbs and such from his shirt and pants. He rubbed his arms before he grabbed his duffel bag off the floor because he had knocked it off himself. He rubbed his eyes as he looked over to his brother with bitter detestment. He sighed as he walked around the couch and beside his brother before he slung the strap of his bag over his shoulder "so, what's our first class?" Jacob looked over his shoulder before he pulled a folded piece of paper out his pocket "first class? Human interaction training, aka HIT. Weird name but it shouldn't be too bad. After that I've scheduled our classes for today and the rest of the week. Pretty simple." Esau grunted a bit "Why do you get to manage MY schedule?" Jacob began to walk out and was halfway out the door before he responded "Because knowing you, you'd schedule all your classes to be on one day so you'd have the rest of the week off then inevitably fail because you'd be exhausted by your third class." 

     Jacob walked out as Esau stood there in silence "... fair enough." He grumbled before he walked out and began walking down the hall, seeing other students emerge from their dorms. Some were girls, others were guys, others… he wasn't too sure. The two brothers walked side by side in sync out of the dormitory. Jacob folded up their schedules paper before he shoved it in his right pocket and pulled out another folded paper out his left, which opened up to a map. Jacob began to walk off as Esau asked "... how the fuck do you have everything we need just on demand?" Jacob shrugged before he said "Plot conveni- I mean, ahem, I just keep everything on hand because I like to keep track of everything." Esau let out a small "heh" before saying "Nerd." Jacob rolled his eyes before he said "Wow I've never been called that one before, what next? Geek? Four eyes? Soon enough you'll be calling me a smartass oh no! What will I do?! That's right shut the fuck up and be quiet." With that Esau promptly followed suit and stayed quiet. 

          With fifteen minutes to spare the terrible pair reached their classroom and walked in, it seemed they were not the only ones there already. There was a kid with short brown hair and a light blue light sleeved shirt with dark blue sleeves on it. They seemed to be wearing black pants and they also had dark brown eyes. He didn't seem intent on interacting with anyone seeing he had his face plastered to his drawing notebook. To the middle right of the seating there was a more casual looking kid leaning back in his chair. He had a buzz cut and an eyepatch along with a black shirt with a skull and crossbones on it. He also wore skinny Jeans in contrast to Esau's more baggy blue pants. Sitting next to the kid was a demonic figure with long black hair, two horns with one of them broken, black wings, and pitch black skin. They wore a gray sweater and joggers as well with bright red gleaming eyes. 
      Esau stared at the eyepatch wearing kid in which they stared back because they had seen who had come in. The eyepatch wearing person stood up from their desk and ran over to Esau which Esau ran to them as well. They both had a smile that could Rival wallace and gromit on their faces as they ran up to each other and high fives, low fived, spun around and slapped hands while spinning before they grabbed their hands and fucking banged their head together before recoiling. Esau laughed as did the eyepatch kid as they rubbed their heads ''Haha so it really is you Cain!" The eyepatch kid nodded before he put his hands on his hips "In the flesh!" Esau brought Cain into a hug before they returned the favor by hugging back. Jacob just stared in confusion as he shrugged and watched the demonic figure approach him. While Esau and the so-called Cain conversed the demon shoved his hands in his pockets before saying "Sup?" 

      Jacob didn't respond for a few moments before saying "Nothing much, I'm just confused is all. That's my brother right there." He gestured over to Esau. The demon nodded before saying "Yeah, he's talking with my boyfriend. Must be old friends or somethin'.  The name's Azazel. Nice to meet you." Jacob nodded before he said "Jacob, the pleasure is mine my friend." Azazel chuckled a little before saying "hey you're thinkin' I'm your friend already? Eh I don't see why not. Your bro is friends with Cain so I guess we have a mutual friendship in order." Jacob nodded before saying "So it would seem, my brother's name is Esau by the way." Azazel softly nodded before he said "Huh, weird name. Let me guess, adopted?" Jacob stayed silent for a moment before nodding "We're not related by blood, nor by right… anymore." Azazel nodded before saying "My condolences, but I bet it was a long while ago. You guys must hate each other." Jacob nodded while shrugging "Well… it sure feels like it. Well anyways I better be getting to my seat, you should get your boyfriend to sit down as well, class starts in… like… one min-"

      Before he finished his sentence the door was bashed down "alright alright everybody sit the fuck down! Class is in session!" Jacob and azazel looked over at the person who bashed down the door before looking at each other and nodding. They walked over and grabbed their respective partners and dragged them to their seats. Jacob forced Esau to sit down before he sat down himself. Esau was muttering and sputtering in annoyance while Jacob just stared forward. The man who bashed down the door was dressed in black pants, black combat boots, a black bulletproof vest, and a black short sleeved shirt. They had black fingerless gloves on and a bloody orange tiger mask "Alright! Is everyone here? Good! Because I don't like waiting!"

      They went and stood in front of their desk "My name is Tony Wickersham! But you all will know me as Tony! I'm a previous drill sergeant and mass murderer who's been reformed! I used to be a gym teacher here but I was demoted because I was too aggressive! Now I will teach every one of you little shits to talk to each other. Now you're going to get along, and you are going to like it! Now today will only be for introductions! And each and every single fucking one of you will talk and introduce yourself at a spritely pace or else I'll shove my fist, so far up your assholes, I'll RIP out your bladder and your larynx all in one swift motion so you will not have time to react! Do you understand?! Now that is all for my introduction! I will observe you, I will monitor you, and I will TRAIN you! Now get to work! One wrong motion and I'll shred your face under my boot! Now get out of my sights and talk! I don't want to hear a moment of silence!" They then sat at their desk before opening their computer, and after a minute the minecraft soundtrack began playing.

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