Chapter Five

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                         "Two roads 
                       Both together"

   Jacob hummed as he dug around in hai backpack before pulling out a chewy bar. He Unwrapped his granola treat and began gnawing on it. The teacher didn't seem to mind as he was busy making a cup of coffee… even though they WERE a cup of coffee. Of course Jacob didn't seem bothered by it given the shit he's seen and the world he's living in. The teacher had a coffee maker on his desk and it seemed to be constantly making coffee because eteh teacher chugged it down faster than it could make it. Jacob leaned on his elbow as he tapped his chin with his hand. He then looked over to azazel who was staring down at his phone. He decided to talk with him while he waited for the teacher "hey Azazel, I didn't know you were in this class too." He was lying through his teeth but Azazel didn't mind he was sure, plus he was a pretty good liar. Azazel looked over to Jacob with a blank look before they put on a soft smile "oh heya Jacob. Mind if I just call you jake? Cool. Sorry about what happened back there, heh, I just can't believe he would have done that" the demon shoved his hands in his pockets while looking down. Jacob shrugged, he decided not to fight back on the nickname thing. "Well I'll admit I've done some pretty dumb things while drunk before. I once somehow got a lead pipe and bashed my way through a random russain mafia that was in town. I woke up passed out on my couch covered in blood with my head in my bros lap. That was a whole ordeal hehe, luckily the authorities never found out." Azazel looked up with a smile on his face "hey you're one tough guy, I'll give you that much."
          Jacob just softly chuckled as he leaned back in seat "ah don't mention it. I'd prefer not to get myself in trouble. Plus I gotta find a new job, I used to work dual jobs back in my old home with my bro. It was sustainable and we definitely had money to spare. I won't lie, I did some… stuff to get into this school. Don't tell anyone I told you that." Azazel smiled before doing a zipping motion over his mouth "don't worry, lips are sealed. Let me guess, drugs?" Jacob nodded before saying "basically everything. Drugs, robbery, everything. Anytime I did get caught I always had the finesse and money to bribe off the cops." Azazel shrugged before saying "makes sense. I mean it's gotta be good money." Jacob was about to respond but he was interrupted by a female voice from behind him. His face straightened as his eyelids drooped in annoyance. He was starting to sense a fucking pattern.
  The girl's voice was generally high pitched yet sort of bossy "hey! What are you two talking about?" Jacob looked over his shoulder to see it was the blonde girl with the bow "none of your goddamn business." Jacob simply responded to the girl which she responded back with a grasp "well I think it IS my business because I overheard you talking and you were talking about illegal stuff! I could get you expelled!" Jacob just gave a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his kose. He really didn't want to argue with someone. He looked over his shoulder to azazel which they responded with a shrug. Jacob turned back to the girl and sighed again through his nose. This was going to be a long one.
        Esau sighed, if he was being honest he didn't want to be in football. Maybe he could get a different class? Then he got a stupid, and yet brilliant idea. He walked around for a bit before he came across a golden door with a golden plaque above it reading "...janitor" he frowned as he walked past it. Wrong room. He then came across a regular wooden brown door and above it was an oak wood plaque reading "principal" on it. He walked forward and knocked on the door before hearing a friendly voice from within "come in! It's unlocked!" Esau shrugged as he let himself in, closing the door behind him. He took a good whiff of the air, it smelled like cologne mixed with cinnamon and oranges. It was a strange smell but a welcome one to be sure. He looked forward, seeing a man sitting at the desk in the center of the room. They were relatively normal, brown hair, a large bushy brown beard and mustache, and a black two piece suit on. They smiled widely and gestured for Esau to take a seat which he did. The man put his hands together before saying "hello! I am principal Anders. It is a pleasure to meet you. Now who may you be and why are you here?" Esau greeted him back with the same kindness "heya! My name is Esau and it's nice to meet you too! I was just wondering, can I swap out a class? I was going to be in football but could I be in a  more uh… combat based class?" Anders nodded before saying "that could be arranged. Esau was it? Well you shall be in Mr. Arro's fighting class from now on! I'll inform Mr. Heisenberg about your unfortunate departure from the football team." Esau smiled, he didn't expect it to be that simple. He stood up and said "Thank you sir!" Anders nodded before saying "oh don't bother walking! I'm sure you don't remember the directions, plus you're already running quite late. Here, let me help you." In a snap of the man's fingers, Esau was gone in a poof of glowy blue dots.

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