Chapter Three

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            "This bitch lonely! YEET!"

    Jacob and Esau looked at eachother, Jacob's face was filled with apathy and general just not caring while Esau seemed more hesitant. More reluctant. He usually isn't talkative with strangers but he had no choice here. Several of the students had already stood up and began talking with each other, Azazel talked with Cain, a few other kids were there, and that short brown haired kid was still just sitting in the corner drawing. They seemed on the verge of tears even though no one was talking to him. Esau stared at the kid and stood up before saying "hey I found a partner, you don't go banging anyone without me okay?" Jacob let out a short laugh "Heh, grow up." 
               Esau stood up and walked off to the kid. Jacob's attention was quickly grabbed by a voice that sounded behind him, it was female "Hey, mind if you be my partner?" He turned around to find a brown haired girl with long pigtails speaking to him. They wore a grey skirt, white pants, and a bright white long sleeved shirt. Jacob looked down at his own attire, a plain red short sleeved shirt and the same pants he wore yesterday. He looked up at her before he shrugged and said "eh why not, I need to get to know the people here better. Take a seat." The girl nodded before taking a seat, she had the same apathetic eyes he did, except she did wear a large smile, which Jacob lacked. The girl was the first to speak "I am the maiden Bethany, people call me The Wisp Master or The Wisperer. A fair maiden who had never done anything wrong in the eyes of the lord."

     Jacob let out a silent sigh through his nose, this girl was full of herself. Ah well he could work with this "Fair maiden eh? Never heard of you. I'm going to hell definitely, I've done some fucked up shit. Heh  hell, whenever I was younger I forced my own brother to give his birth rights to me. Well technically he isn't my brother but we were at one point. What I'm saying is, I'm not a saint. Which is why I don't give a cat's asshole about religion. This world may have demons, living statues, and magic, but honestly I never understood religion. So don't try and force me into it like every other person has tried alright?" Bethany gave a nod of understanding before saying "well while I usually wouldn't speak with scum like you, I do appreciate your honesty. That's the first step to redemption in my eyes. Maybe not the lords though. I'd watch your tongue, because I can burn you to cinders in an instant." Jacob let out a small laugh before saying "You're bold, I like that. I think we'll get along just fine. I'll have to smooth out our differences and then we'll be friends. So, could you give me a slim down of all the interesting peeps in school?" Bethany hesitated for a moment before agreeing "I don't see why not."

 Esau tugged at his black short sleeved shirt before putting his hands into his pockets. He approached the distressed boy who seemed to be completely enthralled by his drawing "Hey little man, you doing alright?" The boy nearly jumped out of his chair by the sudden intrusion of his thoughts, he wiped his eyes that had grown watery before saying "oh uh, yeah yeah I'm good hehe. Just got… uh… just zoned out for a minute hehe…" Esau took a seat before scooting his chair closer to his "Ya sure? You seemed really sad. Almost like you were gonna cry. Well that's none of my business, anyways my name's Esau. What's yours kid?" The boy set down his pencil before he rubbed his arm. "i-im not a kid… well a-anyways my name is I-Isaac… stupid name I know hehe…" Esau smiled as he wrapped an arm around Isaac's shoulders "ah hehe don't be so hard on yourself buddy! I actually really like that name! It suits you." Isaac smiled softly before he said "a-ah hehe could you… not touch me please? S-sorry if that sounds rude I just can sometimes get a little… a little… sorry sorry I was getting too personal. Well anyways uh thanks heh. I like your name too, it's unique!" Esau retracted his arm and said "hey to each their own, if you don't wanna be touched I'll respect that. Also stop apologizing so much! It makes you look pathetic." Isaac looked down before saying "oh, uh sorry… I mean uh sorry wait fuck I mean…" they fumbled and grumbled around trying to avoid apologizing, which brought great cheer to Esau as he playfully punched isaac "haha I'm just messing with ya knucklehead!"

     Jacob nodded as he propped his elbows on his desk and leaned forward while putting his hands together "Okay so, correct me if I'm incorrect, you have a demon that pukes blood on a regular basis, azazel, a guy with an eyepatch who is so good at stealing shit that nobody would even notice, Cain, a fat girl with super regeneration abilities, Magdalene aka maggie, a stone cold robotic creature who likes bugs, has horns, and sunken eyes with grey skin, Appolyon, a jock who gets stronger the more you hit him, Samoson, a school asshole, judas, a horny demon girl, lilith, and a salt statue girl who pegs people called Edith?" Bethany nodded before she said "Judas is also a satanist" Jacob shrugged before saying "go figure." Bethany then spoke again "You also forgot Eden, he goes into his room and comes out completely different, different personality, hairstyle, different skin color, different skills, basically the only way you'd be able to tell it's him is by his bright white hair and shiny yellow eyes." Jacob nodded again before saying "alright, alright you don't have to explain it to me again. Well anyways thanks, now I know what to expect. By the way, with Edith, who exactly DOES she peg? Or did in the past?" Bethany shrugged before saying "some heathen named Jao. He was a creature made of rocks, I'm told." Jacob chuckled before he said "a salt statue pegging a rock creature, now that, I would fucking pay to see." Bethany smirked before she said "How much?" Jacob smiled before he said "like 250 maximum. I'm not made of coins!" Bethany giggled before she said "well you'll have to coin that phrase then." Jacob shot a finger gun at her "you, I like you."

     Esau looked down at Isaac's drawing "by the way, what are you drawing? You seemed to have a vivid artstyle." Isaac rubbed the back of his head before saying "well uh, just stuff for a D&D campaign I'm in with a few other people in t-the school. I usually host sessions in the library. The librarian is very nice!" Esau nodded before saying "huh, I've always wanted to play DND but I never got around to doing it." Isaac smiled before saying "y-you could join us! We're always looking for new players! Plus we'll be starting a new campaign soon anyways so I bet you could come in and watch and join in once it ends! It would give you time to make a character and I could even help you if you like." The short man's voice was clouded with excitement and happiness now. Esau smiled before he said "sounds like a plan to me dawg. I think I can come up with something, when do you guys usually do these things?" Isaac thought for a moment trying to remember "oh! On the weekends, from noon until four, or five depending on when people have the time!" Esau nodded as he said "wella alrighty then, my brothers sorted out my schedule so I'm sure I'll have the weekends off, tell you what, you get one of those fancy sheets and you can come sit with me on lunch break. Deal?" Isaac nodded happily "y-yes of course!" Esau thought for a moment before saying "hey do you have a marker? Permanent marker?" Isaac nodded as he reached into his orange tattered school bag, he handed Esau a black sharpie. Esau closed Isaac's book and looked at teh cover, it was light blue with Isaac's name on the little white space. Esau wrote down his signature on the wide open space to the right "there ya go. Hey if you ever need a good meal or a drink, go to Mama gurdy's dine and bar. Ask for Printer, she'll set you up with a good meal. Maybe even a good time eh?" Isaac laughed nervously before he said "ah w-well that last one is a nice offer but it probably won't go that far hehe… but I appreciate it for sure! I always need a good meal… hey if you ever want a discount, go to the seven eleven on Richard St. It's the one by Tesco." Esau snapped a finger gun at Isaac "gotcha. Thanks buddy"

       Bethany and Jacob were exchanging laughs "ah that's fucking hilarious! So you're telling me, this guy named crispy walked into the church one day and ACTUALLY burst into flames? I thought that was just about the song haha!" Bethany was also laughing relatively hard "ah it was a sight to behold! And the best part was that it wasn't even the cause of the lord! He had just eaten some really spicy food! I didn't even know that could cause that at the time!" Jacob slowly calmed down laughing before saying "ah hehe, well what did I say? I smoothed out our differences really quick!" Bethany nodded before saying "so it would seem." 

And then, the bell rang.

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