Chapter Four

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               "You're a fucker jacob"
       "And you're a watermelon bitch"

     The music coming from Tony's computer stopped  as he stood up "Alright! All of you, out! To your next classes! If you stay any longer than you're supposed to I won't hesitate to FORCIBLY remove you! Do you all understand? Good! Now let me resume my very important work!"  Tony then sat down again and the music continued.

Jacob shrugged as he stood up and said "that's my cue to leave. It's been nice talking to you." Bethany smiled as she looked up at him and grabbed her bag along with his as she handed it to him "agreed, let's talk again sometimes. You have very intriguing stories, definitely not any I could live out. But staying true to the lord has its costs. Now I need to get to attending my next class, I'll see you later." She then walked off as Jacob put his bag around his shoulders and gave her a two finger salute. Jacob started on as he chuckled "heh, that's some gal. Stupid religious mumbo jumbo, she should learn to live a little." That was coming from him, the workaholic who doesn't give a shitabout anyone or anything. So he had no right to talk. But he's going to talk anyways because as long as he was still breathing, he still wouldn't give a flying fuck. 
      Jacob looked on at the teacher before saying "hey we'll continue this talk at lunch okay pal?" Isaac nodded nervously as he said "s-sure uh that can work! I usually sit in the back b-but I can try and join you!" Esau ruffled Isaac's hair before saying "yeah buddy, try your best too! Now you better be off as well!" Iaaac nodded as he packed up his notebook and materials while Esau was already walking away with his duffel bag slung over his shoulder. Isaac quickly followed behind them as most of the students were funneling out of the class, Isaac managed to squeeze and sneak past a gee of the student leaving given his tiny stature. On the other hand Esau was waiting in line, coincidentally right next to his brother. Jacob turned to Esau as he stared back "so, who'd you talk to?" The red skinned brother asked "A girl named Bethany, she's pretty cool." Esau nudged Jacob's arm with his elbow while swinging "what did I say about banging others without me?" Jacob sighed before he said "get your mind out of the gutter, it wasn't like that. She gave the slim down of all the unique people here in the school. At least the students and ones she knew. A few of them I recognize as names of our old classmates. Some of them sound powerful though. We should try and keep a low profile drama and fight wise. Are you even listening?" Esau had already walked into the hallway while leaving Jacob behind. 
          Jacob sighed as he followed Esau out. Most of the kids had begun to walk off, there was about a ten to fifteen intermission between classes so they had the time to hang around and talk for a bit. Jacob decided to observe his surroundings, to his right he saw Azazel looking down at Cain with a smirk before he raised up their chin and gave them a small kiss on the lips. Which made Jacob sigh softly, he's had a relationship once before but it was doomed from the start. So it warmed his heart to see relationships that were actually working out. While Esau walked off Jacob was approached by a man about as tall as him with glasses, long black hair, a shirt with some obscure metal band logo on it, and baggy Jeans on similar to Esau. They were also pretty tall. The man greeted him with a simple "Heya man." Jacob shrugged before he said "Hello" the man nodded before saying "I outta introduce myself, my name is Alli. Or Alliraffa, but most just call me Alli. I'm a metal head, and I want to make you an offer." 

     Jacob raised an eyebrow as he crossed his arms ''sure I don't see why not, but explain it first." Alli shrugged before he said "you it's pretty simple, I've made it my goal to be the boy casanova in this school. Since lilith has taken that role from me in the school in the female spot. I've made it my Destiny to get every person in this school at least once. You know what a casanova is, right?" Jacob did a quick nod before he said "so, who have you gotten so far? Out of the unique people that is." Alli shrugged before saying "I mean the last one I banged was the eyepatch guy. Cain." Suddenly a loud roar emerged from behind them "WHAT?" Jacob swung around to see Azazel staring over at them. Before looking at Cain, "you have some explaining to do." Cain looked up at Azazel timidly as he put his hands together while sweating. He looked to the side before saying "w-well look, I was really drunk a-and we were at a bar-'' he quickly was interrupted by Azazel covering his mouth "not another word. My dorm. My room. 4:30, don't you dare be late or it's your head on a stick. Got it?" Cain gulped down as he nodded and Azazel went back to his casual smile. He kissed Cain's forehead before saying "well I'm off to science class. Love you." Azazel pulled his hand away before he walked up and Cain let out a sigh of relief before muttering "I am soooooooo fucked…" Jacob kind of wondered what Azazel was planning, but that's none of his business. 
   He looked back over to Alli before saying "well anyways, what was the offer? I mean I could probably guess." Alli smirked before he said "you're very casual, I like that. My offer was for you to be my next one!" Jacob stared at him for a moment with his ever longing stare before walking past him "Thanks, but no thanks." As Jacob walked off Alli just sort of stared at him with a look of shock. No one had ever declined him before. He bared his teeth together and glared at Jacob's back "I'll get you, one way or another…" 

     Jacob sighed before he smiled. What a first day. He and his brother only had two more classes for that day. Esau had ELA and football practice (because in game he seems to always run face first into shit anyways) while Jacob had art class and science. With Azazel. Which he was heading to right now. Oh boy, he wondered what Azazel would act like. More importantly he wanted to meet more of his old classmates. It had been forever since he's had proper friends, but that's more or less his own fault because he rarely went out except to get groceries and pick up esau whenever he was passed out at a random bar or was K.O.ed in a fight. He was always there cleaning up Esau's mess. Like he was a broken watermelon that infinitely spawned in just to exude. He damn sure looked like the insides of a watermelon. He snickered to himself a bit before sighing. He had never minded picking up the pieces, not like he had much else to do other than work his dual jobs. No friends, no family, no worries to speak of other than his brother.
         Jacob pulled out his phone conveniently out of his pocket and pulled up his Twitter. He decided to search up Azazel and low and behold there was the demon himself. He tapped on his profile and scrolled through his posts a bit, after following him of course. It was mostly cute pictures of him and Cain at places, sometimes kissing, sometimes fully making out, or just holding hands. He went way back to June and both of them had rainbow face paint on for pride month. He liked the tweet and decided to scroll back up. He reloaded the page and it seems Azazel had made a post just a few moments 
"Cain is going to fucking die. <3 wish him luck." 
 Jacob stares at the post for a second. He shrugged and liked the post while deciding to leave a comment "He's about to be super dead. Show some mercy." He pressed send to his comment and about a minute later he got a response "NO MERCY" Hacob chuckled for a moment before he turned off his phone and shoved it in his pocket. He then looked up, and he was standing in the doorway of his next class. He walked forward and before he could do anything he was stopped by a man in a white undershirt and a tan sweater vest with coffee stains on it. Jacob looked up and saw the man had no neck (literally his head was floating) and his head was a coffee mug with some dripping out of it. In fact the man seemed to be separated at all his joint points so his body parts were just floating together "you must be jacob! Jacob, now go down the Dow and find the seat with your name on it! And don't move around you much because everything's nice and even! Okay now shoo!" Jacob was forcibly pushed off by the man and walked down to his specified location. Sure enough he found a plastic chair with his name painted on it in big white letters. I mean Jacob was a common name so it had to be reusable but it still seemed impractical. He turned to his left, and a chubby girl with blonde hair and a pink bow sat there, and to his right, was none other than Azazel.

    This was going to be fun.

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