Chapter Seven

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                      "Pain & Grief"

         Jacob hummed as he played his game, it was pretty late into the afternoon and Esau was nowhere to be seen. He didn't mind though, more silence for him so he could listen to his podcasts. He enjoyed playing games while doing stuff like that. Though his earphones did tend to beep a bit sometimes out of nowhere but that was normal for the model. All of the sudden he got a call, he shrugged as he took out his headphones and answered the call. He stood up and paused his game while listening to the caller introduce themselves "hello is this Jacob?" Jacob nodded "yes this is Jacob speaking. Who is this?" Jacob walked out the room and sat on the couch. He was dressed in some lazy clothes, some basketball shorts, a tee-shirt of his favorite video game (dead cells), and underwear. That was about it. The caller then said "this is the local police department and we regret to inform you that your brother, Esau, has sadly passed away. Out in Sacrage Forest. I'm sorr-'' Jacob hung up the phone. He looked down as he processed that and got up. He quickly threw on a brown coat and some shoes ''no no no no please be a prank call PLEASE" He ran out the door and shoved students aside that were returning to their dorms as he kept running.
           He ran and ran, into the forest and he ran some more. He followed the sounds of sirens, their cries drew him near as his eyes welled up with tears. This couldnt be happening, this shouldn't be happening, this can't be happening! He eventually came across a crime scene as he panted heavily and shoved past the police officers and tore through the police tape. He stopped as he found his brother's charred and burnt corpse in an unburied grave. He knew it was his brother, it had the same body shape and everything. The bandages on his hands still hinge on, whispering in the wind as they were torched to near ash. 
          Jacob felt something pulling him back from both sides as he turned to see two police officers were attempting to retrain him "sir back away from the scene!" One of the officers yelled but Jacob didn't care, he couldn't care. His tears began to become too heavy for his eyes to contain and tears streamed down his face while he reached out "you son of a bitch I'll kill you! I'll gucking kill you! You promised me, god damn it! You can't just go off like this!" Jacob struggled and reached but the police officers were inevitably too strong for him to fight against "I'll kill you!... I'll… kill… you…" jacob looked down as he closed his eyes and began to sob as he closed his eyes tighter. The he let  out one more heart wrenching yell "ESAAAUU!" Jacob's body went limp as for the first time in a long time, he started crying audibly.
          His brother, his only brother. His one connection in life, the one person he could always turn to for support. For comfort. For help. Was gone. As he shrieked and yelled the police officers dragged him off and slumped against a tree. After a solid two or three minutes just wailing and crying, only silence filled the void in Jacob. He stared down at the leafu floor of the forest and wiped his nose with his coat sleeve. He wiped his tears away and sighed as he balled up. He rose his knees to his chest while crossing his arms on them. He stared down as this all processed in his mind. Esau was dead. Dead for good. There was no doubt about it, burnt to cinders, to a crisp, to ashes. He stared down as the grip on himself tightened. He would never be able to walk to class with his brother again, never go on long car rides, never argue over whether or not Silksong should be delayed more or not, or even just share a dinner with him… The more he thought about it the more it just hurt him. 
     Jacob slowly stood up and he took a few deep breaths and wiped away his tears and the sbot from his runny nose. He walked over to one of the police officers who was staring at him. He slowly took another breath saying "could… Could you drive me back to the college nearby?" The officer hesitated for a second before nodding "Of course." The officer gestured for Jacob to get in the car which Jacob followed suit as the officer got in the front seat, and drove Jacob back to school.

    It had been two days since Esau's death, and Jacob was still getting used to life without him. His principal let him take the two days off he needed to collect his thoughts before he was ready to get back to work.

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