Chapter 9: The Plan

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I woke up the next morning, and I felt sick. I didn't know what was going on. I felt pain in my heart the moment I woke up. Something about what Maverick and I did last night made me upset. You know I'm in love with him, reader. But something about him made me feel as if he has feelings for me. I could feel the pain in my heart the more I thought about him. What was I going to do with him?

I sat up and put my hand against my heart. I was telling myself to calm down. But my heart was beating so fast—I didn't think I could calm down or stop thinking about Maverick.

I dreaded getting out of bed. I went to bed before all of the men left the party, and I had to sleep with an entire pack of animals downstairs. I swore I heard beer smashing and I heard the music gradually become louder and louder the more the party went on. Maverick told me he was going to clean up after the party was over, but I never heard anyone quiet down before I fell asleep. I had a feeling that when I go downstairs, I was going to see an aftermath of a hurricane all over the kitchen and the living room.

It took me a half hour to finally get the energy and courage to go downstairs. I looked on the bright side, and figured it wouldn't be that bad of a wreck downstairs.

I was wrong.

When I went downstairs, I saw an even worse wreck all over the house. In fact, nobody has even left the party. All of the men were all passed out—rather on the couch or on the floor—and some of them were even drooling. Some of them still had their can of beer in their hand. The only person that I realized wasn't here was Charlotte. Lucky for her, she was able to turn off the music and she cleaned up some of the mess. But there were still some beer cans laying on the floor. I realized I had to wake everyone up and clean up the entire mess.

"Jesus, this is gonna be one heck of a clean up..." I mumbled to myself.

Suddenly, I heard the toilet flush in the bathroom right next to me. Somebody's still in there? Yep. Once the toilet flushed, the person opened the door and walked out, without even washing his hands. And you'd probably guess who that man was.

"Man! I can't believe I feel asleep in the bathroom!" Slider exclaimed.

I scoffed. "Slider!" I screamed, "seriously?!"

Slider pretended that I didn't care about his bathroom incident. "Wait, why is everyone sleeping? I thought they all left!" He said.

"Charlie was the only one that left."

Speaking of the devil, the moment I finished my sentence, there was a knock at my door. I ran over to it and opened it, and there was the beautiful figure of Charlotte. This time, she looked a little washed-up. Her hair was all over the place and she looked like she only slept for an hour last night. She didn't look happy one bit.

"I knew none of them left last night!" She scowled. "Explain why all of the cars are still here. I was the only one who left, for Pete's sake!"
(Pete..... hahA)

"Hey, Charlie, I didn't know if any of them left," I said calmly. "Here, did you come to help clean up the mess for me?"

"Yes, I did," she replied. "And I'll help you and Slider (Slider blushed and waved at Charlotte from behind me) clean up."

"Thanks, Charlie!" I said.

So Charlotte (who was still upset over nobody leaving) walked in my house and helped fix the house. Charlotte woke up all of the men, Slider cleaned up every spilled drink on the floor, and I picked up every beer can that was in sight. As Charlotte woke up more people, more people began to help us clean up. There were so many people helping out that we were done with cleaning before everyone was even awake. The last person we had to wake up was Maverick Mitchell.

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