1:Back to the Hell Hole

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y/n's POV:
Before grabbing all my bags and heading inside the house, I saw a pager from one of my best friends, Kate Schmidt. I love her so much shes always stuck by my side even after what happened to me. I've been feeling really bad lately since i've been keeping a huge secret from her about me moving back into town. I decided to actually go inside and call Kate, I knew she was going to be mad at me, I mean who wouldn't i've been ignoring her for days.

I picked the phone up off the desk and dialed Kate, she answered quickly.
"y/n? Jesus christ took you long enough to get back to me, where have you been?!" she said frantically she must have been pretty worried

"Oh sorry i- i've just been a little busy"

"Yea? let me guess its that stupid little secret you're keeping from me huh?"
I just chuckled and didn't say anything. We talked for a bit longer before I decided to hang up and unpack my stuff. I never really wanted to come back to this shitty town but I was kinda forced to. At least I get to be with Kate again and hopefully I can meet some new people.

For the past 3-4 years I have been stuck in some stupid "Bootcamp for girls" that my parents sent me away to, since I was not a "good kid" I guess, maybe they just didn't want to deal with me anymore. I still haven't heard from them since and here I am living with my 70 year old grandparents that are extremely strict.
——————-time skip—————
I finally finished unpacking all my stuff, now I just have to organize it.. not something I want to do. I flopped back on my bed and groaned to myself, I checked my watch to see it was 10:30 pm, damn I really lost track of time. I rolled over and grabbed a pillow and past out pretty fast.
————Morning time!————
I jolted awake to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. I smacked the snooze button and rolled over, thats until I felt the blanket rip off of me. I looked over and saw my grandma trying to drag me out of bed.

"Come on y/n you have school in 20 minutes!" she said with anger in her voice. My grandma scares the shit out of me so I immediately got out of bed and head towards the bathroom. After getting dressed I put some makeup on, grabbed my bag and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I saw my grandpa sitting in a chair reading the newspaper.
"Good morning Grandpa, is it alright if I borrow the car to go to school?" I asked kind of hesitantly. He nodded his head, I grabbed the keys and ran out the door.
After pulling up to the school and parking in the back corner of the lot I took a deep breath and looked around at my surroundings before getting out. Finally I grew the balls to walk up to the entrance, there I saw some kids riding skateboards and cheerleaders snickering over boys. I just scuffed at them and put my hood up, I wasn't ready to run into Kate yet or anyone else for a matter of fact, even though I have no clue where anything is. As I was looking down at my feet I was roughly bumped into by a guy with dirt blonde hair and kinda tall.
"Oh i'm so sorry" I brushed past, I felt a hand on my shoulder as I walked away. I turned around startled to meet face to face with the same boy.

"Are you new here?" he asked with a confused look on his face

"Uh yea kind of"

"Oh yea I knew i didn't recognize you, I'm Simon Kalivoda" The boy stuck his hand out for a hand shake
"I'm y/n l/n, nice to meet you" you responded while shaking his hand. He was..cute, and his smile was very contagious.
"Oh uhm do you know where the office is?" I asked. he pointed me in the direction of my destination and we split ways. I was still so nervous about meeting back up with Kate, for all I know she could be following me around and planning some sneak attack.

I turned into the office and looked over at the lazy looking receptionist filing her nails.
"uhm excuse me? my names y/n l/n, I uhm-" I was cut off by her smacking a paper down on the desk in front of her. I looked over and grabbed the paper, it was just my schedule so I thanked the lady headed towards the bathroom. I heard a door slam open before walking in and someone scream. I didn't really question since this whole school is weird. I walked in and met eyes with no one other than Kate herself. She screamed and ran over to me knocking me on the ground, at this point I was already in tears, just to hug her again felt so amazing.

"So this was your fucking secret you've been keeping from me?!" she asked as we both stood up
"Kate omg I am so sorry but I needed this to stay a surprise but theres no way you can be mad at me anymore right?" I asked, she reassured me that she wasn't mad. I walked over to Deena to also hug her, even though she looked kind of pissed. Deena and I were friends way back but never stayed close after I moved away. I stood next to Kate kind of awkwardly, but was distracted by how Simon was also here too. In the girls bathroom?
"Why are you even in here it's the GIRLS bathroom" Deena said like she just read my mind. Simon makes a break for the vent above the toilet to grab out a white box with a red ribbon tied around it. I watched him and Kate open it.

"Candy store!"

"What?! you guys are dealing again, I though you stopped after this dingus' brother OD'd?" Deena said shocked

"Timothy? no he didn't actually OD he was brought back to life" Kate said as Simon made a hand gesture "Ja-jing"
I chuckled a bit at the idea
"see? y/n doesn't have a problem with it, do you?"

"No not at all but if you guys need any help i'm always here" I responded, even though I probably shouldn't have said it.

Hey guys uhm this isn't usual thing to do
i'm more of reader than a writer but this is all based off of a dream I had, hopefully you guys can enjoy as much as I can. This may be a pretty long story but i'm not too sure yet. If there are any flaws in my writing please let me know so I can fix it:)) thank youu<3

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