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I walked behind Deena as we entered the bus, she was wearing her band uniform so it was kind of hard to see past her.
"Didn't you quit?" I heard someone say to Deena. I heard her scuff and kept walking, I saw Simon with a witch costume and green face paint on, he patted the seat next to him signing for me to sit down, I looked around for Kate but couldn't see anything so I just sat with Simon.

"so what are you, like out school mascot?" I asked
"meh you could call it that I guess" He laughed
We both locked eyes and kind of..smiled at each other, well goddamn he was cute.

Kate sat behind me and I could feel my hair being untucked from the seat.
"Don't worry it's just me, I'm braiding your hair deal with it" Kate informed me
—————-Time skip———————
As we stood in the field listening to the speech from the mayor, I looked around a bit more to see rarely any Sunnyvaler's and some people crying. I zoned out pretty hard that I didn't notice that a fight broke out between the two schools. I watched as Simon hit a very tall guy with his broom stick and run away. I decided to get involved and help Simon out, I stood in front of the very large man, pushing him back, i managed to get him on the ground by kicking him in the balls and getting on top of his chest beating the shit out of him ((can you tell im pissed of rn lmaoo)).

I felt someone pull me off and start dragging me away. I looked up to see Simon smirking at me while shaking his head.
"Damn what the hell were you thinking" He said worried
I laughed it off and stood next to Kate as she got elbowed in the nose. I went to chase whoever did it but Simon had a pretty good grip on my waist.

"THEY THINK WE ARE JUST SOME REJECT PILE" Kate yelled holding ice to her face
"NO" the crowd yelled

A chant started out but I was more focused on how much my face hurt, I didn't even notice I got hit but it feels like a black eye. Simon sat next to me and examined the damage to me.
"Holy shit your face is bleeding" Simon said as he went to the front of the bus to grab something and come back. He slowly started to put a bandage on my wound.

He put his hand up to my cheek, "try not to get into anymore fights" We both laughed but it feels like we both stared at each other for a good amount of time before he started coming closer to my face..for a kiss, without hesitation I kissed him back but we were soon interrupted by Deena. yelling for us to come over.

We quickly ran over to the back of the bus to find a car filled with sunnyvalers riding behind us while throwing bottles at the windows.

"isn't that..-" Kate was cut off

"Sam" Deena said with an angered tone
Simon pulled down his pants and mooned the pricks in the car.

"SUNNYVALE SUCKS" He yelled while pulling his pants up

"open the door!" Deena yelled
We all looked at her with concern
"OPEN THE DOOR NOW!" I opened the emergency exit to her command and stepped back next to Simon. Deena and Kate opened and cooler of water and place it in front of the door.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"It's fine. Just on the count of three help me with this" Deena reassured

"1..2..3- go-"

She reached for the blood dripping down her face and lost grip of the cooler, I tried reaching for it but it was too late the cooler was out of the bus, it crashed into the windshield of the car sending it off the road and into the woods,

a/n: This chapter was very rushed as you can tell so im sorry about that I just want to get as many parts out as fast as I can.

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