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Sara's pov:
It's been one week later sense my parents knows that avas pregnant. And it's time for our first ultrasound appointment. Me and Ava were excited to see the baby in her stomach.

I was so excited I'm going to have a child I never planned that before and me and Ava ain't even engaged yet witch I would love to do this year if I get the chance. Me and Ava were at the hospital and we were waiting in a room she was nervous "what's wrong?" I asked her

"What if there something wrong with the baby? Or something bad happens during my pregnancy?" "Babe there's nothing to worry about everything is going to be fine" "Sara you don't know that"

"You just gonna be hopeful" I say as I walk up to her and take her hands. She look me in the eyes "everything is going to be fine okay?" I say as I cup her cheeks. She nods

The nurse came in the room "alright let's get this started" she said with a smile. Ava lifted her shirt and the nurse put jelly on her stomach.

We both look at the tv and see the baby. Me and Ava smile "Aww there's your baby...well actually" she moves the thing around "there two" "what?" I say "so your saying that I have twins in my stomach?!?"

"Yes ma'am there are there heads" "aw" Ava Saids as she squeeze my hand. I look at her "we're having twins!" "Yes we are" we kissed and looked back at the tv

One hour later

Avas pov:
After the appointment me and sara went to the Waverider. To tell the legends that we are pregnant BUT first I need my doughnuts. "Wait babe before we tell them we have to go to the kitchen"

"Why?" "I need doughnuts" "okay?" She saids confused "what? I have cravings you know" I say as I take her to the kitchen.

" Gideon can you please fabricate some doughnuts" Sara saids "right away captain" I get all happy about my doughnuts. I put them on a plate and we go to the bridge.

"Gideon can you tell the others to meet me on the bridge" Sara saids as I sit down and take a bite out of my doughnut. "Mmmm" I say. The other walk in.

"Is it me or am I see Ava eating a doughnut?" Zari saids "nope we all see it" mick saids zari walks towards me "can I have one?" She saids with a pout Sara chuckles  "nu" "whyyy?" "Because there mine" I say with a smile as I take another bite of the doughnut. "Mmm now that is a good ass doughnut" I say

"I called you guys here because we have something to tell you" Sara saids "you are Ava are engaged?!?" Nate saids "no me and Ava are pregnant and when I mean that I mean avas pregnant with twins" "WHAT?" Nate saids "aw congrats girl" zari 2.0 saids "that's why she eating a doughnut and didn't invite me" zari 1.0 saids

I chuckled "yeah" "OMG you guys are going to have a time baby" behrad saids "omg bro I was thinking the same thing" Nate saids "Ava I will take care of the baby when you or Sara need to sleep omg ima be the godmother" Gary saids   "Gary the godmother is for a girl" I say

"I won't tell anyone if you won't" he saids "what?" I say confused "I already know ima be a the coolest uncle ever" Nate saids I she looks up with his hands on his hips. "It looks like your imagining to be a superhero" Sara saids

"What no im just looking at how ima be the favorite then all of y'all" Nate saids "well are you the godmother?" Gary saids looking at Nate but Nate didn't reply "yeah that's what I thought" he saids sassy.

I'm just here sitting and eat my donuts while me and everyone else watch what's going on. Even Sara's enjoying it.

"Yeah? Well uh you have to be a girl to be the godmother so HA" Nate saids "excuse me that does not matter it's 2021 I can be anyone" Gary saids "he got a point Nate" Sara saids "so I am the godmother?" "No" I say with a smile

"What!? Why not" Gary saids "Amaya is"Sara saids "WHAT But but she's not here" Gary saids "ooo sorry bro but she is the best" Nate saids

"Does anyone want doughnuts?" I say as zari quickly gets the last one on my plate "mmm that's the stuff" she saids as she takes a bite "oh I know right it's really good but I'm either full or going to throw up" I say as I get up and run to the bathroom.

"And she throwing up IM ON MY WAY BABE" Sara saids as she comes to me running. I can feel her behind me putting her hand behind my back and holding my hair out of my face.

"Babe" I say "yeah?" "Thoses doughnuts were good can we have them for dinner?" I say as I throw up "no they made you sick" I stopped throwing up "no they didn't just one pleaseee"  "maybe but are you okay? You need anything?" "Water please" "ZARI" she saids as she runs.

Sara's POV
"YEAH?" "ARE YOU IN THE KITCHEN" "OF COURSE" "CAN YOU GIVE ME SOME WATER ITS FOR AVA" "OKAY"  she comes running to me but still doesn't spill the water "here you go" "thanks" I say as I go back to Ava "hopefully this helps" I say as I gave her the water "thank you my love" I smile

Sorry I am not updating but ima working on a one story at a time yes I am going to update on high school avalance and more! Thank you for reading and if you have any ideas you can tell me in the comments or text me on Instagram at princesss.westallen okie love y'all byeeee <333

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