Wedding day short

237 11 4

Ava POV:
I was stressed out trying to write my vowels like how the fuck did Sara get hers done already. Sara I can't wait to- ew what the fuck. Why can't I just think of something already.

Gray comes in. "What are you doing?" "Trying to write my vowels but I suck at it and since I was planning my wedding I didn't have anytime for it which it really fucking annoying"

"Ava clam down you don't you just improv?" "What if i say the wrong thing?" "You would get to caught up in the moment to mess up"

"Sure.." "ava look at me I may not be your favorite person but I know that this means everything to you so trust me in this"

I looked at him and gave him a smile "thank you Gary" he nodded and was about to head out "Gary wait" "yeah?" "Can you walk me down the aisle please?" "Really?!?" "Yes!" "I would love to!"

He hugged me in excitement "Gary what did we talk about personal space?!" "Sorry I got to excited" "eh I will let it slide I'm excited to!!" Me and Gary jump up and down.

"Where's your dress?" "Uhm idk" "I will go get it stay put!" "Okay okay"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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