Chapter 15

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I didn't get any sleep last night, i was thinking about what Techno said...

'He's gonna come for you'


Why? Why did this has to happen? What am i going to do? Are the boys going to be okay?

I felt tears forming in my eyes, but i shook them of, and zipped my backpack up. I finally packed my things.. I took a deep breath and looked outside the window. It was snowing. Really hard....

My chest felt heavy, i couldn't control my breaths, my breathing quickening by every second. I felt like i was going to fall apart by any moment, like my knees were about to give up...

Until i heard the door open. My breathing stopped, i turned slowly around to be met with confused Tommy who was looking at me and then at the backpack in my hands. His eyes snapped towards me and he raised his eyebrow. ,, What's happening?" He asked confused and slightly irritated. I gulped and looked away, i can't do this....

,, I'm sorry Tommy... But i have to leave... " I sighed and glanced at him sadly. His eyes immediately widened and he blocked my door so i couldn't leave my room. ,, WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?! YOU- YOU CAN'T LEAVE- I... " He started yelling, i could see the tears in his eyes that were threathning to fall out. I petted his head and smiled sadly. ,, Sorry kiddo... But there's no other way... " I said quietly, which made Tommy stare at me in disbelieve. ,, No- no- no- no- NO- NO- NO!" He screamed, he started crying, which was breaking my heart.

I walked up to him and hugged him, he immediately hugged back and squeezed me tightly. He sobbed for a few minutes but still didn't let go of me. ,, Tommy... I have to go now... " I said and looked at him. ,, No you can't leave! There has to be some other way! " He said loudly and sobbed even harder. That sight was breaking me.... I gently pushed him off of me And looked him in his eyes. ,, Tommy, it's gonna be fine, i'm gonna come back okay? Techno will protect you and Tubbo until i'll find a place where we will be safe. " I said gently and smiled at him softly. He looked at me for a few second before he sighed. ,, Fine, but promise me you're gonna be carefull..." He said quietly and tighned his grip on my arms which he was holding for support. I nodded and quickly hugged him again.

Then i went over to living room where i saw Tubbo standing near the window looking out. When He noticed me his face brightened up before he noticed the backpack. After i explained to him he protested a bit but then gave in and hugged me too. I waved at them and left the house. I took my hood on and started walking towards our farm where i was supposed to meet Techno. I walked slowly, not even realizing it took me 10 minutes to just get there. I saw Techno standing there looking into the moon. His red eyes were glowing in the dark, it was kinda atrractive not gonna lie. When he heard my footsteps approach he turned his head towards me. I expected his face to look emotionless like always, but now it wasn't. It was full of saddnes. His eyes met mine, we stared at eachother for a while until he cleared his throat and glanced away from me. I sighed and shook my head. ,, I'm sorry Techno for the trouble... " I said quietly which made Techno turn his attention back towards me. ,, It's not your fault... Don't be sorry... Just... Remember to come back when i give you the signal.." He said and looked at me, then turned his attention towards the bag on the floor. He picked it up and  gave it to me. ,, Some things for you... So you won't die.. " He mumbled, and turned away from me. ,, Thank you..." I said and smiled at him. He glanced at me and smiled back. I started walking away but stopped, turned around and ran up to him to hug him. He immediately hugged me back and squeezed me tightly. I felt tears falling off my cheeks. I pulled back and smiled at him for the last time before running away.

I had no idea where i was going, but all i can do is hope.

Protect Tommy | Dream SMP x Reader |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant