The explanation....BACK THE FUCK OFF...

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Akaashi:What's going on please tell me ko

Kenma: yea please kuroo

Kageyama:yes please my little tangerine

Hinata:( :l)

Bokuto:Ok soooo i will explain my part Emo and sho will explain there part!

Bokuto:ok so before anything -shows ears tail wings and horns-i am a demon alpha

Kuroo:i am a omega-shows ears and tail-

Shoyo: bata

Kawa:a fox spirit


Kenma: ( ●/////●)

Akaashi: @-@

Bokuto: ok so bokuto not my birth name norman is

Kuroo:Same ray is my birth name

Shoyo: o-ok same...emma is my birth name




Enno:No need to feel different i am trans to soo it's ok...

Tanaka:-has arms around enno-

Shoyo:so me and bokuto want to give a girl named connie her hunjy she left behind after getting "adopted" and we found her dead with a flower in her chest...

Bokuto:and demons were going to est her...

Bokuto:thats when we found out it's a farm..

Kuroo:-sighs-i knew since I was born it was a farm..i have memorys that go back to in my mom's tummy..

Bokuto:- explains what happened to self and getting shipped off-

Akaashi:-in tears-

Bokuto:that's why i get clingy to akaashi i separation anxiety...cuz if what happened...

Akaashi:my baby i wish you told me you had anxiety..

Bokuto:-ears go down-sorry Keiji..

Akaashi:not your fault i should have fingered it out..

Bokuto:i hid it to God from you-laughs a little-

Shoyo:i still have something...-shiws the note bokuto gave self before he was shipped-

Shoyo:-reads it gets to part were it says ray wants to die-

Kuroo: ..

Kuroo,shoyo:- explain it-

Kageyama,kenma:-hugs them-

Shoyo:that why i am so excited for stuff i want to live life..

Kageyama:i get it nkw boke..

Kuroo:that's why i want to be close to kenma same as Bokuto i lose a separate anxiety....

Kenma:-hugs him more-

Kuroo:- explains about ears and everything-

Noya:we won't let then take you guys



Nat:Awww cute

Tpn:NAT @-@


-a gas starts to fill the place and everyone starts to panic-

Bokuto: THIS IS THE GAS THEY USED ON ME TO PUT ME TO SLEEP AND EXPERIMENT ON ME..-cunders noses with shirt makes everyone to same but haikyuu starts to passes out so does tpn-

Bokuto:SHIT-passes out-


-hours later-

Everyone:-wakes up to growling-


To be continued...

After the flower (tpn x haikyuu)Where stories live. Discover now