Flashback/New names

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When this there 6 so 5 years before anime starts

Ray was reading under the tree during play time. He was trying to get some peace and quiet but he knows it won't last with the two close friends he has. Ray will either lose all peace or be left alone ray knew the latter would probably most likely happen.

Ray tryed to ignore the kids but that proved to be a difficult task much to his disliking. "Why do you guys got to be so loud.?" Ray mumbled still wanting to be left alone to read. Ray hates that he loves being close to his friends. Ray heared the noise of running and as he looked up Norman and Emma were running over.

"Hay Ray!" Emma yelled as she ran over and sat with the slightly older boy. "Hi ray" Norman said as he speed walked over with Emma and sat with the emo.

"What you guys do now?" Ray all but looked up at norman and emma who looked at him with a look of dislike. "What you mean by that!!" Both almost yelled at ray who was watching them.

"I just mean what you guys up to." Ray deadpanned hard. The other two looked at each other then looked at ray with a look of "oh-" both said.

"Ya 'oh'" ray said with a look of being done with the two. Ray went back to his book like that conversation didn't just happen. Norman who huffs moves closer to ray and leans into his shoulder. "You can't just act like we didn't have a conversation emo" norman said with a flat look.

"What have I said about calling me emo!" Ray huffed in annoyed way. Ray all but liked being called emo yet the others still have no problem calling him emo. Ray who now has a looking of annoyance huffed and turned back to his book.

Norman laughs at ray who annoyed that somone called him emo. "You don't gotta br so annoyed that I called you emo" Ray huffs at norman not wanting to look at him. Norman only laughs at ray.

"You 2 are a cute couple you know" Emma said trying to lighten the mood. Ray yelled "WHAT THE HELL EMMA!" Norman stayed quiet blushing hard. "Emma I hate you sometimes" Ray said in a sharp way. Emma was trying to not giggle at the 2. Norman was watching the 2 with a smile.

Norman was happy that he could be with his friends and annoy the heck out of one of them

Emma was thinking along the same lines happy to have her family and would want to protect then under any cost

Ray was also thinking along the same lines but he also knows the truth and knows he and his family only met for food and to die when there 12...
He not gonna give them that...
He's gonna take that away from them...
He gonna kill himself before they even get a chance to...



Norman Ray and Emma are staying with Don and nat for the first few weeks of being in the human world. Ray talking to hid friends and brings up something that been on thier minds.

"I think we should change our names" Ray looks up at Emma and norman. Norman and Emma look at Ray and both nod "That would be a good idea leave all this behind" Norman said with a nod as hid wings flick.

Emma stays slinet and that gets the twos attention and both look at "her". "Emma? You ok?" Both ask with a question look. And Emma looks up nervous. "I-I think so.." Norman and Ray are nowhere near convince.

"You don't gotta tell us but we want to make sure your ok" Norman said with his voice gentle and soothing. Emma nods and takes a deep breathe "...I don't want to be a girl..." Emma looks down nervous for there reaction.

The both boys look at Em- no him with a look of confusion then smile. "We support you in that e- uh" both try to talk "Shoyo..Shoyo hinata" Shoyo looks at the 2 with just happiness. "We support you Shoyo"

"So norman what you think gonna be your new name" Shoyo asks with curiosity "well I was thinking Kōtarō Bokuto" Nor- Kōtarō answers.

Ray who wasn't expecting that name blushs hard at his bf new name "pretty.." Ray mumbles "pff- aww thanks!". Ray blushing and hides his face.

Kōtarō looks at Ray "you got one??" Kō looked at him waiting. "...." Ray shakes his head "I- wasn't able to think of one" Ray looks around for a second but then back at kō and Sho. "Ohh that fine just tell us once your able to!" Both said with a smile.

Kō uses his wings to pull the older closer and snuggles and smiles. "I bet it will be good!" Ray gives a smile at that.


"I got my new name!" Ray looks at the two with a smile.

Kōtrō and shoyo perk up at that and look at ray. "Well let's hear it!" Shoyo happily says with exstemnt. "Tetsurō kuroo".

Kōtrō looks at his bf happy "I really like it!" "Same!" Both said it at the same time and look at each other and laugh hard.

Tetsurō looks at his friends and boyfriend just happy to have them here...it took so long but they made it so they have each other protecting and having each other is the best can do from there situation.

Kōtrō was happy to have his friends and boyfriend in one peace together and happy and being there for each other no matter what happened..

Shoyo...Shoyo was so fucking happy to have his frie- Family be ok and to just be there with them and to have his friends just together is just the best he could ask for..

And tooru/Phil let's just say is the most happy everyone together again...he missed his family the last few years..

Everyone is happy and ok...

I hope you guys liked this chapter and I hope this I a good way to come back! Have a good night or day whenever your reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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