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Bokuto:Everything ok love

Kuroo:-hugs ken-

Shoto:- scarms bloody murder-STOP

Oikawa:-runs to a undressed Shoto his binder off-

Experimenters:Emma stop being so airheaded

Shoto:- looks so scared-

-everone but oikawa bokuto kuroo does not know hinata was trans-

Shoto:Shoto not emma

-shoto gets riped away from everyone and draged to another room-

Kuroo:-trys to goes after him but can't and stumes foot-

Bokuto:K-kuroo we are no help to Sho if we are mad believe me i am as mad as you are

Oikawa:mhm-goes to kageyama-

Kageyama:My sho is trans..

Oikawa: c-can no one treat him different please..

Everyone:Hell yes he still shoto

-Sho comes falling back in a dress looking like a mom and crying-

Bokuto:Sho hang on-takes kageyama's hoodie and puts it on sho-

Kageyama:-holds shoy baby..

Shoto: i-i hate this...

Bokuto:we know emma

-everyone confessed seeing sho is still sho and they said not to treat him differently-

Bokuto:Well me oikawa Kuroo knewn him before he want trans so oikawa kuroo and me somtimes say emma he says just please not much

Kuroo:we have not called him emma in like 2 years

I have been really busy with school that why i have not posted and nkt been bable to right somthing long sooo yeah i will try to post tomorrow


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