Unfamiliar Territory

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Perspective: Nimitz carrier strike group (CSG)
Nimitz and her escort powered through a powerful storm. Flanking the massive ship were resupply ships waiting for the storm to die down to unload their cargo. The six escort ship seemed to struggle to keep pace, their bows crashing into the surf each time they peaked a wave. The crews were not worried though, their ships had face much worse then this. Suddenly a ear piercing screech was heard. And a great blue vortex opened in front of the nine ships. The screeching caused ever man and woman abroad ever ship to drop to the ground and cover their ears in pain. The ships sailed uncontrolled into the great blue vortex. Once all the ships had the Vortex closed and the screeching stopped. The crew members got up and looked around. The water was calm and land was visible. Captain of the Nimitz ordered a check in with the other vessels. "DDG-51 Arleigh Burke is okay." "CG-47 Ticonderoga is all good." "T-AO-198 Big Horn is fine" "Kidd DDG-100 is alright" "CG-60 Normandy is good" "DDG-101 Gridley is all good." "T-AOE-6 Supply is doing fine." "DDG-62 Fitzgerald is okay." Now that every ship had checked in, it was time to find out where they were. The whir of elevator motors is heard throughout the fligh and hanger decks, only to be drowned out by the whine and rhythmic burr of Turboprops. Three planes roll on to Nimitz's elevators. They rise to the flight deck and the three E-2 Hawkeyes roll of and their respective catapults. As their nose gear is locked into place, the dish above their wing begins to spin. Then the oder comes in "launch". One by one the Hawkeyes leave the deck of the ship.
Perspective: E-2 Hawkeye 'Able' pilot
"Nimitz this is Able. We have arrived at the designated mission area. Have what appeared to be some sort of naval base off to our left." The pilot says. "Able this is Nimitz, we copy. Proceed to investigate said base with caution. Advise us of any aircraft you see." Nimitz command says through the radio. "Johnny grab the binoculars. Your going to need them." The pilot say to his co-pilot. "HOLD ON BACK THERE NERDS, WE'RE BANKING TO THE LEFT!" He yells to the three men in the back, sitting at RADAR and other reconnaissance information displays. The plane slowly begins to roll to the left and begins to turn in said direction. After a minute or two, the aircarft levels out. The five men in the plane sit in silence for a few minutes. The co-pilot grabs the binoculars and begins to survey the naval base. "Interesting" he says after a moment. "What is interesting?" The pilot asks. "The fleet and the base seems to be completely comprised of older ships. I would have to say they were from the 1940s or 1950s at most." The co-pilot responds. "GUYS! I HAVE SOME SORT OF AIRCRAFT ON THE RADAR! IT'S CLIMBING TOWARDS US!" Comes a voice form the back. "Nimitz this is Able , we have some sort of aircraft climbing for us. Request permission to return to the carrier." The pilot radios. "Able this is Nimitz, permission granted. We are dispatching to F-18s to escort you back." Says Nimitz command. "HOLD ON NERDS. WE'RE BANKING HARD RIGHT!" The pilot yells to the men in the back. The plane rolls hard to the right and it quickly turns. The whine of the turboprops get louder as the pilot increases the throttle to gain some more speed.
Perspective: F-18 'Dog' pilot

The roar of afterburners is heard as the aircraft is quickly accelerated to it's take off speed by the catapult. The pilot is thrown back in to by the amount of lateral g-forces. He pulls up hard on the stick to pitch the plane upward. The flying machine leaves the deck of the ship and the nose quickly rises. The pilot flicks a switch and the landing gear retreats into the fuselage, creating a sleek aerodynamic figure. He throws another switch and the roar of the afterburner is replaced with a soft quiet hum. The pilot pulls a small lever into it's top position, causing the aircraft's flaps to retract into the wings. The pilot banks the jet hard over to the left and pulls up on the stick to turn the aircraft quickly in that direction. He levels out the plane and race towards the friendly E-2. A second jet forms up on his right wing. Both planes are going in excess of five hundred miles per hour, still subsonic but still very fast. At this speed it will take less then two minutes to reach the E-2. Once the Hawkeye is in sight they pull back on the throttle and slow down. Curiously a blue propeller driven plane and buzzing around the reconnaissance aircraft, is not firing at the plane. After the two jets get close enough the propeller plane waves off and returns in the direction of the naval base. The two F-18s form up on each wing of the E-2 and escort it back to the Nimitz.
Perspective: Nimitz CSG
The whine of Turboprops and the roar of jets fills the air around the carrier group. The Whining grows louder as a Hawkeye approaches the deck of the Nimitz. The plane slams onto the flight deck, the landing gear compressing under forces. The arresting hook catches the wire, slowly the aircraft to a halt. The landing operations continue for sometime. Afterwards a debrief is held. The crew are told they have no GPS signal, no maps of the area, they are basically sailing blind. In other words, they are in unfamiliar territory.

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