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Perspective: Z23
Girl steams ever closer to the unknown formation of ships. At this point she can start to see the top the their masts. "That's strange, should that be transforming by now? Surely they see my smoke." Z23 thinks aloud. Suddenly a colum of water rises up, about 20 yards away from the girl.
"That was a warning shot. Do not come any closer, or you will be blow out of the water." A voice yells over a megaphone. "I AM Z23! I COME IN PEACE! I ONLY WISH TO TALK." the destroyer cries out.
Perspective: Nimitz CSG
The crew on the flight deck laugh. They all say something along the lines of "Z23? Why kind of name is that?!". The Captain orders the men to throw a rope ladder over the side of the ship. "You may come aboard, Z23!" He shouts through his megaphone. A small girl who looks to be about 14 or 15 years old climbs up the ladder and onto the flight deck. "My goodness, did you swim all the from shore my dear?" The Captain asks. "No I sailed here." Z23 replies. It is only then that the Captain notices the girl's apparel. The girl seems to have a funnel as a back pack, a pair of metal shoes, and is holding a mini turret like a pistol. "Sailed here? I don't see your vessel." The Captain says. Z23 looks at the Captain confusedly. "I'm the vessel sir." She says. "So you swam here then." The Captain says. "No sir, I sailed here." The girl replies. "You know what never mind." The Captain says. "So what did you come to talk about?" he continues. "I came to tell you that that you have a group of six ships, including myself, coming talk with you. I was sent ahead to tell you not to shoot at them." The girl says. "Now if you will excuse me I must get back to my Taskforce." She say before turning away. The Captain opens his mouth to ask her something, but as he does Z23 jumps overboard and off the flight deck. The crew of the Nimitz rush over to the side, to see the small girl standing on the water's surface as if it was the floor of building. She turns and gives the crew a friendly nod, before gliding away on the water as if she was ice skating. "What in the world just happened?" The Captain asks his crew. They shrug in response. He orders all ships in the strike group to not engage any incoming ships.
Perspective: ???
"Azur lane seems to be distracted by something" says a mystery figure. "Now is the time to attack! This will be fun!" Another says. "Not yet Purifier. Not until It has finished" says the frist one. "Your no fun, Observer." Purifier says. "I agree with Observer. We must wait until It has finished." A third figure says. "What, you too Tester?! You guys are such mood killers." Purifier complains. "Patience dear Purifier. You will get your chance soon enough." Observer says.
Perspective: Azur lane Taskforce 1
Z23 steams towards her taskforce. As she reaches them blue cubes come from her and a small ship materializes infront of her. "Have they been notified Z23?" Belfast asks. "Yes, I believe they are standing down." The destroyer replies. "Right then, all ships ahead flank!" Enterprise orders. The ships start to accelerate, the waves breaking over their bows become larger. "Helena what's our ETA to their formation?" Belfast inquires. "About a half hour to 25 minutes" she responds.
Perspective: Nimitz CSG
It had been about 40 minutes since the girl had left. The Captain stands on the bridge looking off the port side of the carrier, towards the Ticoderoga, and Kidd. "Sir, smoke on the horizon, bearing red 120!" A officer calls to him. "Ready all ships weapons but do not engage!" He calls back. "Have the chiefs make some pizza. We may have some guest." He calls back.

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